Damn John Smith is straight up gangsta...

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The Berlin part of this episode really left me with my mouth wide open. Really bad ass! (liked the cannister part)

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Probably the best episode yet, but still this is been a very weak season I’m so glad there’s only one episode left

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That ending, damn. I think it’s the best ending of all the episodes. John Smith is the best character by far.

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Little better than the rest of the season but nevertheless seems a little too easy for Smith now...

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Wasn't one of the conversations on the tapes from when John was in the Neutral zone (episode 1)? How in the heck did Hoover have a bug there during that conversation?! Sloppy, writers, very sloppy.

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I'm always in for a good John Smith plot twist but this felt to far-fetched for me. I really with it had blown my mind

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That Hoover bit was a real plot...twist. Beyond that, wow. While those around him were playing checkers, Smith was playing chess.

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Only one episode left?! WTF

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Shout by Darth

Nice to see the failed chicken Farmer finally get what was coming to him… but tbh he should’ve been hung in the show since the coward killed himself in jail in real life

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Wooooooh hail Smith. Brutal. I'm shocked at the end.

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