That wasn't too bad an episode, must be trying for renewal ... or maybe I've been sniffing mist again.

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One of the better episodes. Plenty of suspense.

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Shout by plkocev

Oh look, Alex is crying again. She hasn't been crying for what now, 2-3 episodes? So finally all characters are at the same place. And let the killing begin lol. I am starting to hate Nathalie. I was sorry for her in the beginning, but now... Somehow she manages to get inside Connor's head and he is like her dog doing the dirty job for her. Kevin is probably gonna beat Adrian really bad at last (I am hoping for this little nut job to get what he deserves since episode 2 or 3). But I don't think he is going to kill him, he is too good and compassionate. His wife on the other hand could do it. It amuses me how in a situation gun vs axe, axe won, but that's just me. The mall's security guard will probably die too, he is so irritating always blaming and hitting someone. And hopefully Bryan will start remembering what the hell happened. Anyway, can't wait for the finale.

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ok heres a drinking game, everyone post a comment with at least 1 convenient thing that happenes in this episode, for each comment take a shot.

-gamer guy finds a fully functioning car right after the house blows up even though most cars shouldnt be working.

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