Pretty damn great episode. This show thrives on the fact that its characters are so well-defined that it can essentially just throw them into any situation and play out their natural reactions to comedic effect. The best example is Michael himself, who's basically a 12-year-old boy: well-meaning, self-centered, and not really understanding how misaimed and inappropriate his behavior is. And yet, it all works out in the end as despite the disaster that Michael turns the gift swap into, everyone eventually relaxes and has a good time. There's way more to it than that, but the various characters reacting and responding to all the little developments as we'd expect them to is really the highlight.

At the same time, I was stuck by how good the editing is on this show. It's not the kind of thing that really stands out to me in watching television, but the show has such a distinct rhythm to it, and preserving the superb comedic timing of the show with all the cuts that the editor makes is a real virtuoso performance in the editing bay. Great stuff.

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this one physically pains me

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Ho-Ho-Ho-Pimp, damn, that line literary broke me :D

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Solid episode, Creed scenes really boost everything

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yet another episode where Michael is just awful. There’s some character stuff around the edges that elevates this episode slightly but it’s just too much awful Michael. And he gets some redemption at the end for no earned reason.

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how can dwight have so much game?
2 girls wants him...

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Love me a good Christmas episode. Angela smashing the ornaments always makes me laugh

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aww i wish to see the letter!!

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