Although l probably wouldn't go with that particular mechanic in the 2nd case myself on account of how painful it was getting their point across, I will say he got lucky not having to provide any refund at all. Yeah, their initial diagnosis didn't work out, and while it certainly isn't impossible that the new alternator they dropped into that lady's car might have a fault of its own, it'd be pretty improbable. Perhaps they would have come to the same conclusion of a bad drive belt that the dealership did eventually, but you'd think that they should be looking at other electrical system components first rather than relying on a tester that apparently pointed a finger back at an alternator they just replaced. Or at least give the thing a proper road test, you know? At most there'd be reason to refund some of the labor, but her story was such a load of bollocks that I agree with Judge Milian awarding her a big fat 0.

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