Whoever wrote this god awful episode needs to be fired immediately. :rofl:

Edit: having just seen this was the season finale makes this episode oh so much worse!

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I'm sorry, but what was that? Every single plotthread was ridiculous, the shootout at the diner, the doppelganger/will-they-won't-they Bradford/Chen story. If I didn't like the show anyway this wouldn't incite me to tune in next season.

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I really love the show, but this episode was weird, bad and pretty stupid :(

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Really disappointed with this episode. People are going crazy by Chenford's kiss but that was the showrunner's tactic, to show the fans something they wanted and hide the terrible writing. Look-a-likes? Really? That couldn't be more cliché. I wanted Chenford to happen naturally but they had to rush it for some reason... Also, Nolan's story was somewhat meh. So a wanted man has armed men on his side, a shootout, and everything goes right. Also let's add some characters that have appeared before to make people forget what is happening in the screen. It looked like one of those non-canonic episodes that series sometimes have. And that end? They ended it like there is no continuity? Very disappointed with the writing of this episode... If this is an indicator of what's to come of next season, I will keep my hopes low.

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Awful season finale. Everyone has it covered in the other comments. The thing I didn’t like is during the traffic stop John dresses down his partner in front of the bad guy. A good training officer would save that conversation for a more appropriate time.

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That was such a dumb episode it became funny, I hope that was the intention.

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What the heck was that ?!?!???!
this was for a cartoon show, and it makes it even worst that was suppose to be a season finale!
So childish.

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So Tamara just gets the benefit of the doubt huh? Of course she does, anyone else especially you know who would have been arrested until an investigation was done. For all we know it was her drugs. I guess now criminals know a good excuse when pulled over. “Oh officer i just bought this car from some guy on the side of the road”

Yea ok, so a fireman and some podcast people and a rookie took on how many gun runners? :joy: what a joke, stick to just cop stuff. This isn’t a John Wick film.

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gangmembers epmty clips shooting from outside then enter one by one with bare hands hmmmm . .... "dear logic go to hell" lucy and tim have a dopplegangers who are a criminal couple .. next "hmmmm"

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This was a super fun episode!! Also, sneaky way to leave us hanging.

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What why how did this happen. it started out so well.

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Sometimes this show doesn't know what it wants to be and this episode is just a fun mess.

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So, this is a comedy now?
show gets more ridiculous, thank god I have only one season left.

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Bailey beat the guy and left the gun next to him so she can go hide and beat the girl with a WET fight . Amazing BS ...

best scene was when Tim saw his double "Dim" he said cuff him instantly.

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This episode felt completely off the season and being the season finale it's even worse. Come on guys, what the hell is happening to this show?

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i can't stand Bailey she's always getting praised for things she's done obviously That's no one with a brain will believe that's 115 lbs soakings wet want me to believe she can handle the big guys and fight to people at once :rolling_eyes: just because they give her a background in military whatever? pfff first 2 seasons were very good....now it's all about checking boxes and giving us cartoon episodes smh

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At the beginning I was about, well I love how they turned around S4 after strange beginning and how they found e new way. Well. And than I went through the episode and was about wtf did just happen. And this is the final of the season? U kidding. Did they forgot to film another one? I really don’t need cliffhangers. But this ending. Just useless. and they could have had so many ideas for the kiss and pushed it this way? How non creative can u be?

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Season finale. What plot shit, Nolan's and especially Bradford and Chen's

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The Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk Firefly reunion was disappointing. When Adam Baldwin had appearances on Castle, it was so much better. Tudyk who is great in Resident Alien seems to have forgotten, he’s not playing an alien here.
Spoiler Alert: Lucy and Tim kissing as practice for undercover work is the most memorable thing about this one.

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