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Vampire Knight 2008

Yes I am a loser, no I do NOT care about how bad this is, this was my childhood. Justice for Ruka

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Saw this on Netflix while I was browsing for something vampire related as I'm currently reading a book series about vampires by Bella I figured, I was in the mood to watch them too! It's a cute anime that I'm so far enjoying. Some scenes are hilariously and so far out there, while others are pretty darn good. Give this show a chance if you enjoy the mix of anime & vampires.

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Lol your comment just made me not watch this

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Shout by Deleted

The show is interesting but I hate the way Yuki was always obsessing over Kaname & how he was so possessive of her. It really annoyed me. Manga is better but I still don't like Kaname.

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