Falls dangerously close to being brilliant. A very interesting look at origin stories tying them not only into trauma, but laying the groundwork for weakness and exploitation.

However, again there are edits in this episode that bothered me. This time around, they seem more intellectually insidious than the awkwardly edited fight scene in episode one. Here, the use of flashback cuts holds the hand of the audience when it is not at all necessary for this show to do so. Audiences are smart, but the editing of Little Fear of Lightning didn't let us figure things out. A shame.

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I had to ask for a Looking Glass centered episode, didn't I? :( (((It's like the Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World but without the sexboat and Frasier)))

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Now THIS is the content I've been waiting for. Things are finally picking up. I've found this show hard to get through up until this episode, but now I'm invested. Great episode.

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This is the first good episode.

The backstory of Looking Glass was excellent & this Looking Glass story is the best this show has to offer so far.
Had to wade through 4 episodes of meh to get here but hopefully the rest will be on par with this.

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Answers and explanations are slowly emerging, finally, but I couldn't care less at this point. I'm just moseying along through each episode now. It amazes me how people can write paragraphs upon paragraphs on so little.

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I thought I like him but now I hope the racists kill him. Weak willed, traitorous piece of crap.

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Shout by Deleted

Why would Looking Glass go in without backup having arrived, 1 on at least seven by his count, gun or no gun. (Nor did he know whether they had guns.) Why the fuck would Ozymandias tell Redford his god damn plan. The entire thing hinges on keeping it as much a secret as possible; he’s not a god damn Republic Supervillain… And this is supposed to be recorded in 1985 so there’s no notion of change or old age or whatever. And lol at Jeremy Irons playing 1985 Ozy…

Some interesting enough ideas thwarted by poor execution. Officially making both the senator and chief of police KKK/7th cavalry is certainly very telling of how interested the show is in subtility or nuance which isn’t very much at all.

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Lots of good story development, loved the opening scene, and enjoy Wade.

A pet peeve though in spoon feeding us - The flashback to the tin foil hat, the tight shot of Angela/Wade/Cactus. I really hate it when the director thinks we're stupid and decide to hit us over the head with revelations. The viewers who need that help quit watching this complicated, involved story long ago. Leave that nonsense for network TV.

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Liked song at 54 min.

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Now we're back on track...
— with only 4 episodes left.

But maybe that isn't so measly an amount as I was thinking last week. Yet then again, on the probably more likely path, this season was intentionally nerfed, for the benefit of HBO and/or HBO Max's future, and at the end this will feel like it did a disservice to the IP by being a less as wonderful season than it could have been. We'll see; but the recent trajectory has been a joy. Very good episode.

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