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Why R U?: Season 1

1x12 Episode 12


Shout by Bogex

Aaand here goes Thailand adding to the rape culture again... What:clap:Fighter:clap:does:clap:isn't:clap:romantic:clap:it's:clap:rape:clap:! Even if we know Tutor's real feelings, he said no several times and tried to push Fighter away. No is no.
Zee's crying scene was really good tho. Those were real tears and sobs.

THAT PICTURE FALLING DOWN WAS GOLDEN, OMG! :joy: It seemed like an accident, but both guys were so unfazed, damn...

Nice, invading another person's privacy now, good job, Fighter! :clap: I swear, these Thai BL characters have some really disgusting mindsets... Someone else's phone isn't your property, even if you're dating them (which currently Fighter doesn't even do with Tutor). You have no right to snoop around someone else's messages.

Ehh, we really have only one episode left, and that's all they give of the Zon&Saifah couple? Honestly? I'm so tired of watching Fighter and Tutor either being lovey-dovey or crying for like 4 episodes straight...

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