Casey’s wife is something else. A faithful man, would do anything for his family. She told him to leave and then in no time under another man. Trust is a bitch.

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A coroner would have concluded that the cause of death wouldn’t be drowing right? Normally you have water in the lungs (probably after a long time underwater too) but strangling should give bruising after a while

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Jamie WTH?? Seriously did not expect that. It was a little jarring to witness this snap in Jamie and I don't know if it worked as well as they hoped it would but I can definitely understand why it happened. He is starting to show just how damaged and mentally unstable he is from a lifetime of being manipulated by his family and never being allowed to do anything for himself, then being gaslit by Beth and his family whenever he tries to do something that isn't in direct service of his father. This episode overall drew out the most emotion from me out of any episode in this series so far. Jamie's plot line was shocking and Jimmy's was genuinely heartwarming. I'm glad that Walker got out alive. More Tate this episode was a welcome addition and so was less Beth. Great dialogue this episode and I love the parallels of the end scene with Tate killing his first buck and Jamie's situation. Maybe the most engaging episode of the series so far.

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Shout by Ro

Wes Bentley is the worst casting in this series.

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