Andrew Bloom



Amphibia: 1x24 Hop-Popular
Amphibia: 1x23 Civil Wart
Harley Quinn: 1x08 L.O.D.R.S.V.P
Amphibia: 1x22 Hop Pop and Lock
Amphibia: 1x21 Grubhog Day
Harley Quinn: 1x07 The Line
Die Hard
The Simpsons: 35x10 Do the Wrong Thing
Bob's Burgers: 14x10 The Nightmare 2 Days Before Christmas
Amphibia: 1x20 Prison Break
Amphibia: 1x19 Toad Tax
White Christmas
Amphibia: 1x18 Plantar’s Last Stand
Amphibia: 1x17 Lily Pad Thai
Harley Quinn: 1x06 You're a Damn Good Cop, Jim Gordon
A Christmas Carol
Harley Quinn: 1x05 Being Harley Quinn
Amphibia: 1x16 Family Shrub
Amphibia: 1x15 Contagi-Anne
Amphibia: 1x14 Anne Vs. Wild
Amphibia: 1x13 Dating Season
Harley Quinn: 1x04 Finding Mr. Right
Frasier: 3x09 Frasier Grinch
The Simpsons: 35x09 Murder, She Boat
Amphibia: 1x12 Girl Time
Amphibia: 1x11 Sprig Vs. Hop Pop
Amphibia: 1x10 Breakout Star
Amphibia: 1x09 Anne Theft Auto

Shout by Andrew Bloom

[7.0/10] Solid episode. There’s some laughs to be had here. I particularly enjoyed the gags built around Hop Pop’s elaborate manual for Bessie, with the florid language describing every event in her life, and Anne eventually becoming entranced by it. (Hop Pop saying “Impressive! Kinda scary. But impressive” got a laugh out of me.)

The story itself is no great shakes though. I can appreciate the show doing a spin on “kids take parents’ car for a spin”-type stories. But the lesson about needing a combination of both education and experience, is a bit rote even for a kids show, and the bit with Sprig taunting and then being pranked by the old lady, Sadie Croaker and her slow carriage, fell flat to me.

There’s some nice enough sequences once Anne reads the manual and tries to get Bessie going again, as danger strikes. But overall this one is simple and pleasant enough to watch, but not one of the show’s finest hours.

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