This is the episode which has the famous "Picard facepalm meme".
At 39:38, you can see the Picard's famous "WTF is this S**t" meme.
End of part 1 of Wano Arc.
I like the episode progression, but overall the cheesy dialogues of the series overall really start to get to my nerves.
I haven't slept very much but I'm doing the breast I can
I actually like the comedy sections in the episode. wingardium leviosa made me gig
This episode is where I give up on this series. I am almost sure I won't miss it. I've watched just for the sake of James Spader the last 15ish episodes, but this cringey composition overall is too much for me.
The plague, which found in ancient paintings' hidden maps, which were painted when America was not even officially discovered, was found in America. Awesome plot. Also, the plague kills in 9 hours, but they found a cure and people getting vaccinated. Also, bravo Liz, jump in there you smart girl..
I'm watching this whole season (along with earlier ones) just for the sake of old ones. However, I wanted to post this comment because It was sort of fun to watch Teller to be horrible at magic.
The goofy minions were more interesting than the plot. Meh.
I binge watched the whole season with 2x speed, and still it felt slow.
I don't know who evaluates the scriptwriters, but they definitely need to be evaluated. What a horrible ending and bad writing! So many unanswered questions, with cheap-ass plot. Shame I wasted hours on this season!
I find the mothers' home's interior design quite similar to the one in Married With Children. I'm almost positive it's intentional.
Good Archer was garbage already, Evil archer is even worse.
Could they not just use machines to operate?
But nah, "let's put most trivial 2 people of the crew to operate on a virus which is contagious and has no cure yet".
I've watched this with 2x speed, and it still felt slow.
Do I see Torri Higginson (Dr. Elizabeth from Stargate Atlantis) at 08:30 ?
So much for not interfering with other cultures' lifestyles.
The season starts at s2e91 on a popular specific release/episode list.
This is also counted as s2e91 on a popular specific release/episode list.
Fairy Tail s02 starts with this season. According to a one popular sub group (you know the name), S1 is 001-175.
This is episode 658 if you're watching it all like a one big season.
This is episode 651, if you're watching whole series like a one big season.
This is episode 643, if you're watching all episodes like a one big season.
This is episode 638, if you're watching all episodes just like a one big season.
Quite meh, almost everything is easily predictable. Wish I'd done something else while watching.