Bobby Revell


Pass Christian, Mississippi

American Assassin

Excruciating film. As is kept playing, I couldn’t wait for it to end. It was like waiting in a line for ten hours on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I am thankful it is over. I kept thinking about how the decision was made to make this film, and how people agreed, somehow, to actually make it happen. That disturbs me...

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From Beyond

One of the most underrated and unknown horror films ever made. With just a B-movie budget, this bizarre freak fest has some great acting from Jeffrey Combs, who played this role with an uncommon seriousness. A remake seems like a good idea with modern effects and so forth—but Comb’s performance and the weirdness of Ted Sorel (Dr. Edward Pretorious) would be impossible to top. A must see for any serious horror fan.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

A Mesmerizing masterpiece. I've seen this film and part one several times, and again just now. I don't compare this to part one, being that it's the continuation of one long movie. This film transcends the martial arts / Kung Fu genre in ways never done before and with an unforgettable uniqueness. When I think of what I consider to be Tarantino's best films/screenplays--The Kill Bill saga is in my top three. I can't write a review because too many have already been written; however, This is a must see extravaganza of violence, martial arts, incredible characters with rich development, and of course the fantastic dialogue which Tarantino seems to be unequaled in creating. Uma Thurman was a freaking beast and should've gotten an Oscar for best actress. We know that would never happen even though it would've been great if the world were a bit cooler and open minded. I love this film.

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A fantastic, bizarre, grotesque, and invigorating experience. This is possibly the weirdest, most absurd, extraordinary film I've ever seen. It's both meaningful and ridiculous, and for me was more of an experience than a story. I've read reviews that see it as pure garbage, and others say it's groundbreaking--well, it's both and that's why I loved it. Yes is has twisted biblical allegory, male egotism, narcissism, etc. layered in truck loads upon itself; however, Don't think too much and just let it devour you. It's an explosive roller coaster of psychotic breakdown, terror and FUN . . .

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Gerald's Game

An overreaching yawner. While I appreciated the lofty goal of shining a light on the strength a woman can find in herself after being abused, and moving forward afterwards—it almost feels like that idea was put in the film to make you feel guilty for not liking it. And I didn’t like it. The way her visions with her dad and husband intertwined somehow with the weird face eating freak with acromegaly disorder felt disjointed and ridiculously implausible. Just because Steven King is super famous and popular doesn’t excuse the failed sense of the supernatural. He must have been trashed when he wrote it, or perhaps something far worse.

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Sick brutal sadistic fun. I love this old school plot and when it’s done like this, I love it even more. The evil scumbags pay the price as expected but you really enjoy it because of the spectacular Matilda Lutz. She is scorching hot and easy to love playing this adrenaline pumped badass babe; she is unforgettable. I must also mention the cinematography is gorgeous and colorful. There’s nothing to analyze, so just strap yourself in and have a blast watching Matilda get all over it.

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Thor: Ragnarok

My favorite superhero movie ever. A kaleidoscopic, absurd, serious, hilarious, super killer blast of endless fun...

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You Get Me

Was almost a good film, at times. Although I consider this classic, overused plot theme to be a personal favorite if done well, this was painful to watch and I wish somebody had noticed the problems and spoken up while making this film; unfortunately, they probably weren't allowed to, or they possibly worked for the toilet cleaning crew. This movie made me realize what a spectacular, iconic masterpiece 1998's Wild Things was . . . and now, by gut-wrenching contrast, at this very moment, Wild Things seems like it could be the greatest movie ever made.

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The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Drab, lifeless, monotone characters with no personality killed it for me. Skip this boredom fest.

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The Babysitter

A blood soaked blast of raunchy goodness. I usually despise this particular sub-genre of horror film, but I dug everything about it. Samara Weaving--who just became a new personal favorite--is scorching hot, radiant, and so much freaking fun . . . I might have to watch it a few more times just to relive experiencing the first time I saw her and her electrically charged blonde hair and said, "I like her . . ."

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Favorite show of all time. The most intense, violent, fun, insane characters I’ve ever seen. While it is an action show, it delves deep in the richly developed histories of the characters and situations. It’s masterfully executed raunchy pulp that stomps your teeth down your throat. Fantastic. Nothing comes close.

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Bitter Feast

Could have been a classic. I love the plot idea and was stoked to watch, but the film fell short of glory and failed to cement itself as an all time great masterpiece of retribution and revenge. There are some great moments and memorable acting, but it's not enough to keep your eyes open during the boring parts which seem to be the glue holding the thing together. I wish this film had been great, seriously. This is the kind of shit that drives me crazy at 3 A.M. on a Wednesday . . .

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Favorite comedy show of all time

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