Star Wars: Andor

In my opinion, this is the best Star Wars related thing released in a long time. It's very well done and it's got much more of a darker feel to it. It's not filled with all of these cliché chase and battle scenes that encompass most of the previous Disney releases. This actually has depth and story building mixed with great acting.

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A Discovery of Witches

I started out liking this show but the more I watched it, the more I grew tired of Matthew and Diana. They turned into one of those annoying couples you see out in public that are far too lovey dovey and full of themselves. In real life, they would have been rightfully called out by their friends. "Yo, you two need to dial it back a notch. Your love is growing tiresome."

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Raised by Wolves

I really don't understand how this show doesn't have higher ratings here. This is one of the most unique and inventive sci-fi experiences ever made. Sure it's weird and often leaving you wondering WTF is going on but those aspects are why I love it so much. If they don't renew it for season 3, I'll lose faith in humanity and faith in Sol!

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