

Thatcham, England


A group of middle class friends from diverse culture’s all with virtuous careers, that nobody will have ever seen together at a holiday resort ever, have to survive a terror attack! The men are all pathetic, blithering idiots or dirty cheats, except the security guy, and the women are all panic stricken wrecks, except Keely and the doctor. By the end I was just hoping the gunmen would kill all of them. Questions that arose from the quite terrible writing are:- Why was there only one small knife in the kitchen and why did the idiots leaving the complex run into the wasteland when there was a village right next door with children playing and all the villagers oblivious to the gunfire and Spanish swat team that were circling the island in a helicopter?

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Happy Valley: Season 3

Absolutely brilliant final season! Sarah Lancashire deserves every accolade going for her quite wonderful performance.

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Truly awful movie. Could of easily been titled “All men are terrible!”

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Bad Sisters: Season 1

Really well acted great TV show. The sisters all gel together really well and I liked every one of them! John Paul was an absolute monster and brilliantly played.

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Time: Season 2

Completely different from season 1 but equally compelling. Very well acted by 3 great actors.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Season 1

Gave up after 6 episodes, and that was 2 too many. Really slow and I particularly disliked the constant bickering between the characters. Just awful.

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Monsieur Spade: Season 1

Very slow and main language is French so subtitles all the way. We got to episode 3 and gave up!

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Vigil: Season 2

This a strange one, it’s so bad at times that is has the feel of one of those tv shows they put out at 2.30 in the afternoon on channel 5. It feels very low budget with ridiculous plot lines but by the end it’s not actually as bad as you’d thought from about episode 2. The gay love stories are both very cringy, (older, senior, angry police officer with young, pretty police officer has the feeling of grooming to me) and adds very little to the story. I scored it a 7 so if there is a season 3 I’ll probably have to watch it, procrastinating most of the way through, like I did this one!

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Shetland: Season 8

Really good, D.I. Ruthie is a great addition to the show and I’m so glad they chose a Scottish actor to take over from Perez and didn’t go down the DEI route. Having said that the BBC in season 8 would have you believe that Shetland is now a multi cultural group of islands (which it certainly isn’t) and I think in some ways that diluted the appeal of the show, which is it’s unique Scottishness. I also noticed the bad language on the islands has got a lot worse this season but overall still a very enjoyable show with great lead actors and a very gripping storyline.

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The Diplomat

I had great expectations for this show but was left disappointed. It didn’t seem to go anywhere, I didn’t like any of the characters and the over use of bad language, in my opinion, was over the top and unnecessary.

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Extraction 2

Punch, kick, stab, shoot, kill, repeat!

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The First Lady: Season 1

Really enjoyable even taking into account the ridiculous portrayal of Michelle Obama. Really poor casting of that character and I think if a bit more effort had been taken into casting the correct actress for the role it might have got a second season. Michelle Pfeiffer was brilliant as Betty Ford.

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The Bay: Season 3

Compared to the previous seasons this was distinctly average. Some strange casting, poor acting and weak writing left me feeling not optimistic for season 4.

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Silent Witness: Season 26

I usually love this show and have seen all of the previous 25 seasons and am usually disappointed when I get to the end of the season and can’t wait for the next, but season 26 left me a little disappointed. It almost felt like the writers had a list of things they needed to include for inclusion and diversity and had to shoehorn them into the 10 episodes and I think this was detrimental to the storylines. Maybe my judgment was swayed having just watched the magnificent Happy Valley which really was infinitely better than this latest season of Silent Witness. I do fear that the show could be drawing to end.

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A Spy Among Friends: Season 1

I’m afraid we stopped watching after episode 2 because we found it too slow paced and to be honest a little boring.

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The Recruit

I found it to be a bit too juvenile and over the top to the point that I couldn’t wait for it to end. Any longer than 8 episodes and I would probably have given up. I think it’s probably aimed at a younger audience.

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The Peripheral

Really disappointed with this show. If you feel it’s going nowhere after the first 3 episodes I would suggest giving up as it really doesn’t get any better!

Very clichéd, in the future most Americans are ex-military who like nothing better than killing people, or white hillbilly, drunken drug dealers but at least getting a doctors appointment is no problem, while in London no one can act, you have to be Black, Asian, Scottish or Irish and preferably gay, oh how the BBC and British media would love that! The one white English male left has to, obviously, be a psychotic lunatic as with tradition, and have a psychotic offspring. It’s all set up for season two which I suspect we will give a miss!

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If, like me, you watch this because you loved Sons Of Anarchy I think you will be very disappointed. This is a dull, depressing movie that at only 1 hour 30 minutes still feels too long. I think I would describe this as a feel bad movie!

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Me Time

I knew it would be a bit rubbish and I wasn’t wrong. No laugh at loud moments unfortunately!

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