

The Netherlands

Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story: 1x01 Episode One

What an amazing first episode. This is definitely off to a great start. Evan Peters has Jeffrey’s mannerisms, voice, eeriness and awkwardness down to a T. I watched so many documentaries on Jeffrey Dahmer that I was so excited Netflix announced this. I can’t wait to see more of what’s to come!

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Halloween Ends

Look at how they massacred my boy (and this franchise). :pensive:

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Resident Evil

How terrible can a show and script get?
This show: Yes.

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Shout by Stacy
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-03-11T06:46:11Z— updated 2022-04-29T06:01:16Z

As a big Uncharted fan, I cannot describe how horrible this movie was. Terrible script. Lots of mistakes like Sam giving Nathan the Sic Parvis Magna ring in the orphanage when Nathan finds the ring himself when he’s looking for Sir Francis Drake’s treasure— and that’s just one of the many things they messed up along with the fact Tom Holland doesn’t suit Nathan Drake’s character. It feels like watching Spiderman in some action filled scenes who is a little more witty than usual. There’s so many plot-holes. The casting isn’t very good. The writing feels lazy.

If you want the full Uncharted experience. Just please do yourself a favor and play the games and don’t waste almost 2 hours of your life watching this movie. It doesn’t do the games justice. Not even close.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x01 A Shadow of the Past

A very good start. As someone whose answer is always “the entire LOTR trilogy” when I’m asked “what’s your favorite movie?” I have to say I went in with low expectations knowing TV show adaptions of something that already exists doesn’t work the majority of the time, I can say the pilot knocked me away. Sure, it’s a slow start but a start nonetheless and you have to keep in mind pilots are usually used to introduce the audience to everything especially considering Middle-Earth is so huge, someone who has never watched LOTR would appreciate it all the more. Those that already have the knowledge of Tolkien’s world, of course it felt a little slow-paced. But the costumes, the scenery, the music, the dialogue, the names and familiar names, the different folk, the languages and the creatures all scream Lord of the Rings and I am, for one, proud of what they have accomplished so far what we’ve seen. I cannot wait to see more. Solid pilot and episode to kick season 1 off.

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As per usual, people on the internet hyped this movie up for no reason. Exaggerating how creepy this movie was and how good the jumpscares were.

It is such a bad fucking movie. The jumpscares are cheap, the plot is terrible cause it just kept dragging on and on and it felt like we were literally getting nowhere, all the characters were also so unlikable which made it even harder to keep my attention. Literally the only moment that had me like “ew” was when that ‘Smile’ monster tore its flesh off its face and opened its mouth to reveal even more mouths. I cannot even categorize this movie as a horror nor a thriller. It was too bad to be neither. Definitely felt like a waste of time watching this one. Wouldn’t recommend.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

I need a few days to emotionally recover from this one.

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I Spit on Your Grave

The first half of the movie is really hard to watch when it comes to the very graphic rape scene — a nightmare of every woman. But the second half of the movie was very satisfying to watch. The men all got what they deserved and the punishments were all well thought of for every individual based on what they said or did. Great watch!

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

This was both the best and worst episode. Best because it kept you on the edge of your seat the entire time while awaiting the terror that was about to be unfolded. Worst cause I got to see one of my favs, aka Glenn, brutally murdered which caused me to pause the episode, take a 15 minute breather and come back for the waterworks to continue. Absolutely phenomenal episode.

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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

What a fucking insult to the games this movie was. I cannot explain it better than that.

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The Walking Dead: 11x24 Rest in Peace

Halfway through the episode I still said “doooooon’t care, where’s Rick” and near the end when I already gave up hope he appeared. I swear, I punched the arm rest of my couch multiple times out of pure joy. It made up for the lazy storytelling the last episode and the script hopelessly trying to tie loose ends together (which didn’t work out too well) and so for a series finale, it was VERY anticlimactic. Watching the entirety of Commonwealth go up in flames was satisfying though and seeing Alexandria again, yes. But definitely not really what I was expecting. Still an enjoyable episode though. I also have to thank the few seconds of screen time Rick and Michonne got at the end for that, I guess. (‘:

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x08 Alloyed

That was probably the most underwhelming season finale I have ever seen. Had such high expectations especially after seeing Sauron in full armor and the Balrog at the end of the previous episode and we got neither. The only things we got was Galadriel exposing Helbrand as Sauron, Celebrimbor forging the three rings, the man who fell from the stars turning out to be of the Istari and Nori leaving her family behind. All through the entire 70 minutes of watchtime I was hoping for some action only to be hit with disappointment and a few loose ends being tied. As always, the vistas, the music, the dialogue and everything else felt very Lord of the Rings but the pacing lacked again which made it quite a prosy episode. I really hope we get to see some more action in season 2 cause I do not want to give up on this show. :(

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Bodies Bodies Bodies

Had high hopes due to the synopsis of the movie sounding interesting but it turned out to be a boring movie. I really wanted to like it. Some teenagers are cooped up in a mansion, too much alcohol and drugs come into play along with some dumb humor (that I personally didn’t find funny at all) and overdramatisation the entirety of the movie while a ‘game’ of ‘Bodies Bodies Bodies’ turns real. Felt like a waste of 90 minutes. Also the sheer stupidity of these deaths had me shake my head.

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The Sadness

Got pleasantly surprised by how good this was. If you like grotesque movies that have to do with a ‘zombie’ outbreak and a good plot, this movie is definitely for you.

I really loved it!

I was really sad to learn that our male lead had turned somewhere along the way to find his girl. My guess is that he got infected on the basketball court when he helped that man get beat up by those guys. Or it happened due to what the virologist said, that if you wander around with infected tissue and/or blood on you, you’ll eventually mutate into those things.

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Cinnamon the Movie

Even though it was short, it was one of the cutest movies I have ever seen!

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I Saw the Devil

One of the best Korean thrillers I have ever seen. Kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.

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What a fantastic movie with an amazing, emotional meaning behind it. Absolutely loved every second of it.

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Don't Worry Darling

Felt like a very long Black Mirror episode where you start to realize everything is but a simulation.

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Terrifier 2

Shout by Stacy

The movie was good and yes, perhaps a bit too long. A lot of it could have been cut out, yes. The story wasn’t great, yes. Also how Sienna suddenly got ‘superpowers’ because of the sword and she was supposed to be this Princess Xena like character her dad sketched up. But the overdramatization of the gorey scenes was impeccable. My favorite gorey scene was Art opening the door to the Trick or Treaters with candy he put in Allie’s mom’s head. & the music! The 80’s music, it being Halloween and the costumes and everything really got me into a certain vibe. 7.5/10

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Hell House LLC

There’s not a lot of Found Footage movies that are great like let’s say The Blair Witch Project but this one outdid itself in so many ways. Right from the get-go it sets the mood and as the story progresses, more pieces of the puzzle come together. The movie left me feeling uneasy the very moment the crew decided to spend their first night at ‘Hell House’. From that moment on weird stuff starts happening. What I really love is that there’s no jumpscares with like really loud music or sound effects, it’s the subtlety of seeing someone in the back move or someone appear which makes you feel uncomfortable and this movie does that so well. In moments when you least expect it, you will see something in the corner of your eye or just in one shot before the camera pans away. It’s so incredibly done when you pay attention to these tiny details. 8/10 from me. Definitely recommended!

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The movie had such potential to be great if it wasn’t for the bad script. There were so many inaccuracies to Marilyn’s story that irked me so much. & what was up with the million topless scenes? Not to mention the rape scenes that never happened? Ana de Armas did a great job as Marilyn though. The way she looked and how in some scenes you almost believed it was the real Marilyn. Also the way she spoke so softly like Marilyn and then there were other times where Ana’s accent came through a little which took me out immediately again. Ana’s portrayal of Marilyn was great overall but oh man, the script was disastrous. I’m giving the movie a 5 out of 10 just cause of Ana’s performance. Definitely wouldn’t recommend it though just cause of the poor storytelling and constant back and forth between scenes.

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The Black Phone

I had high hopes due to the high ratings on this movie and got fairly disappointed. It was boring beyond belief. Had to turn it off at like 70-75% of the movie cause it was just not interesting. It felt like so much was happening but also nothing at all at the same time. 3 points however to Ethan Hawke’s portrayal as the Grabber and to Madeleine for her performance as Gwen. Would not recommend.

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What. An. Amazing. Movie.

Joaquin Phoenix does Joker justice in every single way. I had such a great experience watching this movie for the first time.

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Army of Darkness

What a fun movie! Pure entertainment! The outdated special effects from the early 90’s also got some laughter out of me and of course Ash’s epic one-liners are to die for.

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Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

The first half is really slow but once you get to the other half, that’s where the fun starts. It keeps you captivated and at the edge of your seat. I do feel like some parts that were meant to be jumpscared, ended up being funny in the end. But all in all, there is just a creepy atmosphere the moment they reach the ‘coffin’ room. It left me feeling all ‘ew, take it away from me’ at multiple parts. It reminded me a lot of the Blair Witch Project throughout multiple scenes. Entertaining and creepy. Good movie to watch and put on your list when you want a horror night by yourself or with friends!

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