Dreadlock Unicorn


Los Angeles, CA

The Idol

I really don't care what the triggered people are saying, was this series perfect? Hell no! Did I enjoy it for what it was? Fuck yeah!

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@countvertigo It's softcore porn by Sam Levison and The Weeknd. You enjoy watching softcore porn.

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Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer: 1x03 Closing the Net

Why interview the mother? Saying these people trying to track him are 'crazy, 'stalking' and 'acting like high school children' when trying to find him? Does she not comprehend that her son killed around 4 cats, a dog and a human being? Sorry, but they have every right to use any means to track this fucker down. She doesn't seem to have any remorse for what her son did. She's delusional if she doesn't think her son did it.

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She knew he was a psychopath and knew he was killing animals. The cats probably weren’t the first time. She should have been charged too with criminal neglect of some kind.

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