


The Amazing Spider-Man

Better Spiderman than the last time...better girl. Awsome effects, and a better story. All in all a great comic book adaption :D

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The Last Stand

Have you ever had those "I just want some mindless fun" moments? Yes?!? Then this movie is what you need. Pure medicine for those booring evenings home alone without your significant other.

Don't expect much storywise though...but this movie has tons of explosions, driving, and gunfights to way up for most of that. What did you expect?? Arnold is in this one yah know ;)

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Monsters University

Pixar didn't hit all that well with this one. A bit unfunny, and the story are not really worthy a Disney/Pixar production. The quality of the animation are excelent as usuall though, and the bright colours are bound to make this your kids favorite for a while.

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The Toxic Avenger

A masterpiece it's not, but what makes this one special is the sheer stupidity, the comedy, the over-acting, and the gore. All-in-all the most politically incorrect piece of film ever made. Great fun for any cult classic lovers out there...

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Ok...this was...bad. Bad acting, stupid story, awful ending. Good effects, but anyone can do effects these days...just throw some money at it.

Spare yourself the agony of this one...

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Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader

Just enough goofyness and tits & ass to make it an enjoyable 83mins...hehe

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DOA: Dead or Alive

Tits and ass in a funny martial arts setting...what can go wrong.

I don't know if all of this was actually meant to be this funny, but it is. Most entertaining if you have just hit puberty I think...nothing much for anyone else.

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Total Recall

Who cares if this isn't an exact remake of the Arnie one...hell...this one can stand on it's own. Hotter girls, and amazing special effects...what more do you want.

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Hey Uwe...I want my freakin' 83 minutes back. If there ever was a time to break out the 0...this was it. Can't say I expected much but this was...extremely bad.

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Star Trek Into Darkness

To be honest, I feel a little bit cheated in some ways, but I'm still going away from it satisfied. Sky high expectations might have something to do with it...

All in all...not a classic, but still highly enjoyable.

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Chernobyl Diaries

One and a half hour of...nothing. Idiotic script with bad acting, but I suspect the actors didn't have all that much to work with in the first place.

The only redeeming factor this piece of crap has is Pripyat. Very nicely done when scouting for locations.

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Beautiful animation. (As always from Pixar) Check!!
Great voices and music. Check!!!
Great fun. Well, I suppose. Check!
Great story. Not so much...

I don't know what to say. On one side it's technically brilliant...on the other...rather lacking in the story compartment. Kids will love it of course, but more for the colors and the sound mix than the story...

I hope they will do better next time. But by all means...Brave is watchable if you just want to entertain the spawn.

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Battle of the Damned

Utter crap...the old guy can't even run anymore, much less pull of a quasi zombie flick.

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We're the Millers

This was, hands down, THE best comedy in quite a while. 'nuff said.

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Man of Steel

Dark, brooding and somewhat difficult to get into, but when you do...

Awsome special effects aside, the movie rocked on so many levels. This had what I needed to fall in love with the Superman universe all over again. A few things could have been better...amongst them the casting of Lois Lane, but other than that the movie has what it takes to relaunch Superman for a new, more demanding, public. I hope some more movies show up in the same 'reality' as this one soon.

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White House Down

It's not often there are two so similar movies with this kind of production value. Olympus down was worth a watch, and so is this one. They have a similar theme, but, in a way, very different execution.

If I'd have to choose I'd actually choose this one. It has a bit more to the story, and are not so darn patriotic as Olympus Down.

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Why is everyone talking about this being a cheap ripoff of MiB?!? For crying out loud...that was aliens guys...ALIENS. These guys are chasing dead people...and are dead themselfs. :)

Anyway...the movie is ok. Lot's of good special effects, and some very funny moments courtesy of Jeff Bridges. The story isn't half bad either :) Take it for what it is...a decent evenings entertainment.

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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Well...this was a disapointment. Booring and mushy. Had high hopes that Zwart could make a mediocre book a somewhat watchable movie, but I guess not. And who decided on that god awful soundtrack?!?

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Top of the Lake

This one started out quite good...looking forward to the rest. Try it if you have the chance :)

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Hit & Run

Ok enough entertainment...but due to bad casting and a rather weak script, the only thing that really makes this watchable is the 'somtimes good' driving scenes. Choose something else if you can...

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Snow White and the Huntsman

Very, very good looking movie. The visuals simply stunning. The story though...

It is what it is...a spin on a tale done a thousand times before...even an italian XXX version if I remember correctly. It can't really be all that much more than a fairytale, but this attempt was rather bad.

I also question some of the casting. Using Stewart after those horrendus showings in those Twilight disasters...that take guts. Theron does a fair enough Evil Queen though.

If you are desperate for a fairytale/fantasy flick...sure...try it, but don't say I didn't warn you.

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Daniel Craig does a bang up job as usual...

Great movie, and a great couple of hours of entertainment.

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The Dark Knight Rises

Very well done...

Bale has certainly made Batman his own. I sure wish there would be more of these, but all good things have to end I suppose...

Great ending to the trilogy, and a great wrap-up.

...and then there were Anne Hathaways ass on that 'bat' bike. Worth a whole point all on its own. ;)

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