


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Haunting of Hill House
The Good Place
The Magicians
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Infinity Train
Ex Machina

This move sure was... fine.

A tense drama about being trapped in an isolated space: Been done plenty. A movie about the complex questions regarding ethics and AI: Been done to death. A movie about robots and sexuality: Been done plenty. A movie that tries to make you question the motivations of the characters: Been done plenty. A movie about a feminine character using sexuality to manipulate an unknowing male character (and by extension, the audience): Been done plenty.

Does mixing these elements make anything new, unpredictable, or particularly interesting? No, apparently not, but it sure does seem to trick people into thinking it does.

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Mad Men
Creeped Out

As of the end of season 2, I hope more of this series comes out. Somewhere between Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of the Dark? and Black Mirror, this show is solidly creative. Not necessarily 'creepy', but a lot of episodes have an interested premise executed in a fairly clever way. More than that, the acting is fairly solid, especially in comparison to the often stilted, awkward acting in Goosebumps for instance.

A few episodes, like Shed No Fear and Cat Food had characters I liked enough that I wished I could follow them longer than a 20 minute episode. And some, like Tilly Bone had premises that I could see making for a reasonably good movie.

Overall, this series was very surprisingly good, and I look forward to seeing more of it.

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Eighth Grade

Thanks, I hate it.

It was a good movie, if you're okay with the fact that you will want to tear your skin off the entire time you watch it.

Also, if your middle school life resembled this movie (and I say this as someone who was not one of the cool kids), I feel so very sorry for you, because even an hour and a half of that made me die a little inside.

And yet, I recommend the movie! There are some nice messages in there, and it's makes for a good example of so many things you should never do.

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The build up of the movie is a bit of a mess, and a little cringey, relying a little too much on jump scares. However, there's definitely some strong material underneath here, with some good disturbing imagery and a well put together climax. In fact, the climax is what saves this movie, since the rest drags on a bit, and tries a little too hard to build a twist. In the end, it feels like this movie had too much time to fill, and enough interesting material to fill an episode of some horror anthology series, but not enough for a movie. In a more condensed form, the story would have been a bit cliche, but still thoroughly interesting, especially with the great use of effects in the climax (which were mostly minimal, but combined with Stephanie's great performance, really pulled things together).

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It's a fairly mediocre movie, but it gets a +1 from me for killing TJ Miller, which kinda makes up for me having to listen to TJ Miller's voice the whole time.

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I Am Not Okay with This

Carrie is one of my least favourite movies because everything you need to know about it, can be summed by what pretty much everyone knows about it. Puberty metaphor, period blood, girl gets super powers, abusive mother, fake prom date, pig blood, massacre. That sentence and all the well known scenes attached to it could be cut together as a 10 minute YouTube video and tell as compelling a story as the whole movie.

This show isn't anything amazing so far, but it is essentially a retelling of Carrie done much better. Subtler metaphors (not a lot subtler, but subtler still), better build up, more interesting characters, and a little added LGBT representation (particularly the 'L' kind, which is definitely underrepresented) takes a lot of the beats from Carrie and turns it from a 1/10 movie, to a 6-7/10. Nothing too impressive, but still quite a lot better and with the potential for a Season 2 to expand upon those story beats in a more compelling way.

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Lady Bird

Why are people so obsessed with 'relatable'? Being relatable doesn't suddenly make manifest a good story or character. The movie is ultimately just a series of things that happened to a girl with a somewhat pretentious personality, wrapped in an ending that seems to say: 'Don't forget to love your mom, even if she's abusively critical, because she's trying...'

Dear movies and everyone, stop justifying the shitty behaviour in the name of family. Stop telling kids that loving their family is important when so many families are terrible...

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Game of Thrones: Season 8

I truly believed that the internet was just being the internet when it said how terrible this season was. I thought it was just anger at the fact that the writers couldn't manage to write something remotely on par with what GRRM created for them to adapt.

But no, this season was actually complete and utter trash. So much so, that I won't even bother going through and discussing why like I might with another show. Weiss and Benioff literally just threw the entire show into the trash so they could move on with their careers. I hope their careers go in the trash in turn.

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The Lobster
10 Cloverfield Lane

Unlike the first Cloverfield movie which I only give a 7 on a lark for killing off T.J. Miller, this movie leaned just shy of earning an 8, for what was actually a pretty cool ending moment. Ultimately, it was a decent movie, but not one I'd likely find myself watching again. For someone more into tense thrillers, I imagine this would be a solid 8 or 9 movie, but I mostly came to this movie for Mary Elizabeth Winstead and John Goodman, both of whom gave solid performances, and the former of which really makes this movie.

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Goon: Last of the Enforcers
Marvel's The Punisher

Shout by Finn

(Honestly, I only spoiler tagged this out of courtesy, it's so transparent it's laughable.)

Sees Billy Russo for the first time: Oh, that guy is the bad guy, right?

A few episodes in: That guy is so obviously the bad guy, he can't be the bad guy.

End of Episode 6: ~Sigh~

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