
Shout by fredphoesh

When he eventually proposes to his girlfriend he does it by saying to her "will you marry us because Gus will always be part of the deal"... my god how backwards and revolting is that? It is that stupid teenage boy idea that your buddies are the real thing and the girls are just an add-on. yuk.

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This is a warm-hearted and reasonably fun show. In equal measure it is both childish and banal as well as funny in its silliness. There is one thing that bothers me a lot about psych. That is the relationship the main character has with his girlfriend and how that relationship is tertiary. This is a boy fraternity mentality TV show... Silly boy pranks where women are seen as a thing in their lives just like a car or some other object. You can't lie to his male body but he can easily lie to his female partner because well the relationship isn't based on integrity. When he proposes to her eventually he proposes in front of his buddy as if that is appropriate and he insists that it is appropriate... How unromantic. So I have enjoyed watching psych but could only have it in the background of me doing something else because it was quite irritating as well as entertaining and lighthearted funny. I know it was completed in 2014 but my god does it show its age already especially as I was mentioning this primitive and backwards relationship with women.

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