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North Hollywood, California

Cosmic Sin

Reply by GJK65


Review by Paladin5150
BlockedParent2021-03-01T18:54:15Z— updated 2022-04-10T01:15:36Z

@derrgoo - True Dat!

Look, when I see Frank Grillo, I'm in. I know, maybe not for an inspiring master class in thespian excellence, but, at least a for couple (or few) Jason Statham(ish) bare knuckle beatdowns betwixt mitt fulls of Orville Redenbacher (EXTRA Butter).

But this cobbled together mish mash of Sci-Fi memes, tropes, cliché's, and corny, phoned in dialog , as well as c-list versions of FX swiped from Battlestar Gallactica, Stargate SG1, Galaxy Quest, World War Z, along with Ed Wood Jr level direction, costuming, and editing, is one you probably want to miss, unless squeezing into a gimp suit and being flagellated by Kathy Bates has some weird appeal to you. (no disrespect intended toward Kathy Bates)

Perhaps if Monsieur Willis would pull his cranium out of his lower ejection orifice long enough to breathe some fresh air, clear his head, and decide if he REALLY has any desire to hone his craft or just continue to phone it in and live off of "Die Hard" residuals, he would get the opportunity to prove us wrong and seek redemption from his azzhat ways.

But bloody hell, when you can even screw up a Saban Films gig, it may be time for a long cruise with boat drinks and your favorite babe, cuz you don't have too much further DOWN the celebrity ladder to go before it's buck-wheats.

C.J. Perry on the other hand, can handle any firearms in my collection whenever she wants. (inside hot girl with 50cal joke)

Update: Now that we know that Mr. Willis as been suffering from aphasia, brought on by an undiagnosed (mini?) stroke, I am willing to retract a cinema sin or two for his listless performance, but not for the overall awfulness of the movie in general.

Get Better Bruce, and enjoy your retirement.

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@paladin5150 So .. You liked it.

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