Gabriel Justus

7 Followers5 Following

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina

Anatomy of a Fall

Its not like the movie is actually bad, it is good at what it is trying to do, the acting is great and dialogues are well written, its just absolutely not for me, me and my wife were almost asleep after just 40 minutes of this, its so slow and has this aura of "self importance" and superiority, like, the movie never made me care about anything, i dont care if she did it or not cause i know nothing about her, her relationship or who this family is until much further into the movie, the movie wants me to be asking myself in what i believe and what is true and isnt... But i just dont care and couldnt be bothered, the only thing in my mind is "holy hell, they sure talk a lot", it almost feels like being asked to be witness in court, its tiring and wasting my time

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The concept is not bad, but everything else is

Shitty directing, shitty acting, shitty casting, shitty photography... Only thing that was done well in the movie is the makeup and props, everything else is bottom of the barrel quality.

A wasted opportunity in my opnion, at the FINAL SCENE the movie was so lazy that a shot was left in the movie where the camera shakes so much i got a bit nauseous, the shot was clearly meant to be a perfectly still one with no camera movement

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