

Oslo, Oslo County


The meandering nature of the season up to this point just makes the current arc hit even harder. Everything feeling a bit unmoored before all this sudden tension gives a depth to Loid's reflections here that's really unexpected, but further proof of what a special show this is.

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A Sign of Affection: 1x02 To Affection

This show's tone is so weird. On the one hand you have Yuki's internal monologue and narration, which is written with this juvenile earnestness that's both painfully realistic (teens and young adults really can be that cringe) and oddly theatrical. On the other hand, outside of Yuki's head, the direction and editing of the actual drama is elliptical and naturalistic, to the degree that it can almost feel cryptic. It's a harsh, discombobulating contrast, and I think I'm falling down on the side of digging it. But yeah, super weird.

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Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm Not the Demon Lord: 1x12 The Hidden Boss Battles the Demon Lord

As has been the case for the entire season, the deadpan humour of the protagonist saves what's otherwise a painfully generic series. The latter quality is definitely part and parcel of the concept, and the comedy elements are very much designed to contrast with the blandness. That deliberate construction isn't clever or deep enough to carry an entire season, though, which becomes painfully clear here at the end, when the comedy for the most part takes the backseat to the grand finale of the anemic adventure and tying up what passes for character arcs. The few comedic interludes recall the strength of the season up to this point, but that only makes the finale feel like more of a missed opportunity.

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