Jeremy Styron


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fear the Walking Dead: 6x12 In Dreams

Points for the creative attempt, but this has to be one of the worst episodes of the show. At least 75 percent of the episode seemed to serve no purpose, although the swerve at the end was surprising - I guess? - and disturbing, but it really just confirmed what we already knew. Dod anyone really believe that Grace was talking to the literal future embodiment of her unborn daughter? Add to that, Grace is probably not going to survive anyway because of the radiation poisoning, so what was the point of this episode? What was the point of killing off the baby? Is Grace going to survive a little longer, long enough to have a kid with Morgan and then die? I also expected the newborn to turn soon after Morgan pulled it out. Maybe that's just implied, and they didn't want to show it. Overall, this was a boring episode until Morgan's scuffle with the bad guys and then the last few minutes.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x05 Till Death

Mickey pile-drived a zombie. :laughing:

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x14 Mother

John Glover pretty much outshines every other actor in this show. Another case of just-so-happening-to-running-into-people-from-the-past, but a good episode nonetheless that included a big reveal.

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The Walking Dead: 10x21 Diverged

What the hell is up with this episode? A day in the life of Daryl and Carol going (even more) crazy over an elusive rat and trying to make inedible soup isn't really the kind of thing I would expect to see in the next to last episode of a lengthy season of this show, in which the main villain(s) are already dead. I kept waiting for something - anything - significant to happen in the last 10 minutes of this episode, but nope. These last several episodes have felt pointless. The season should have ended with the death of Beta. The finale better be one goddamn humdinger to make up for these multiple lackluster episode. Negan is in it, so before even watching a minute of it, it's already better than whatever episode 21 was.

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