
Contrary to other comments, I really enjoyed this, a good solid story line without gimmickry which you so often find these days. For me, it's a definite want more.

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The Bureau of Magical Things

I have to say this series was so not me but I loved it before going to bed. Simple, nice and makes no demands - that's perfect for me before bed!

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Too much hard work for entertainment! In one line, I have never given up on a series before but this was too much for me. For me, the lack of story line was a big barrier - every episode seemed completely unconnected and I found it unwatchable. I don't about the history of 1899 but whilst I love the Nordic noir type of programme, this failed for me. I think it had the potential to be great but became much too self indulgent.

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Wolves of War

For me, this film was utter rubbish. It seemed to want to insult any historical fact or even nuance!

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The Sandman

I watched the first episode and I was seriously interested - so my type and then I am not sure what happens, gradually it goes down hill until we hit a cartoon ... utter, utter drivel in my humble opinion. Never again!

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The Promise

Maybe there's something wrong with me but I considered this film to be outstanding, informative and very touching. It certainly contextualised the history a lot for me.

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The Goes Wrong Show

All I can say it is the only programme since the Carry On films that have we collapsed on the floor in agony with laughter - it is a complete workout - I just adore it!

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I thought this was brilliant - very nordic, dark, slow paced, thoughtful, complex - and I loved the sub-titles for the Swedish dialogue. Very interesting story line which for me had a some surprises from my initial thoughts. I hope that they don't devalue this with a second season though!

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Long Way Up

To be honest, I am very interesting in South America and for me, in the UK, it's a pretty distant dream so to see a series all about South America was fantastic. I haven't watched the previous versions of this duo so I was looking at it fresh. I was bitterly disappointed by the lack of cultural content - I was expecting a series that would inform me about South America, rather it was about two rather pampered guys heroically having enough time to do this and regardless of environmental costs, having teams flown to San Jose, recharging stations appearing in the middle of nowhere without any context and for me somewhat self indulgent. For me, it could have been so much more ...

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My partner and I have found this to be hysterical! We love every minute of it - being British, some of the usages of language, perceptions of Americanisms are really funny. I just wish there were (or to my American friends ... was) much more!

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Welcome to Sweden

I think this incredibly gentle, soft series is one of the best series I have ever watched. I just wished there would have been more of it! Also, I learnt so much about Sweden too!

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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

After being completed obsessed with the original Penny Dreadful I couldn't wait for the second season but my oh my, I don't know if the budget has been slashed or they just wanted to use the name but for me, it's awful. I have done the first two episodes out of a sense of duty and I will do number 3 but unless there's a significant improvement in this, well, it's getting the cut from me.

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Simply one of the most gripping series I have seen, so original, so thoughtful - it's not everyone's cup of tea but it's mine!

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