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Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix

Adi Shankar knocking it out of the park as per usual. Actually using the Ubisoft properties in interesting and unique ways, including implicitly calling out ubi's abandonment of rayman.
It's incredible how he managed to turn properties from some of the blandest AAA garbage in gaming into such a unique experience.

Also to anyone making the Edgerunners comparison, did we watch the same show, cuz this is nothing like edgerunners outside of both being cyberpunk and "revolutiony".

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The Guardians of Justice

Underrated gem of a show that is far smarter and more creative than most give it credit for, probably in part cause they dared have homophobia be a theme which is why half the negative reviews call it woke. Looking forward to Shankar's next projects and hopefully one day he gets to make something this wild again.

Oh and yeah, a lot of the scenes in the first half look straight out of a superhero porn movie parody.

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