

Toronto, Canada


Having not seen the original, I just watched the director's cut. I expected to snooze through it, but I was pleasantly surprised and overly confused at how much flak this gets. This film was quite decent and certainly no worse than many other comic book adaptations.

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Fight Club

I was told not to talk about it...

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Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel

I really liked this movie.

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The NBC show 'Community' spoiled the entire story in a sentence:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2yYp2I1q9s (spoilers, obviously)

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Spider-Man 3

This movie sucks.

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Uh, oh wait, I had something good for this... damn it.

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Dick Tracy

Al Pacino was Oscar-nominated for Best Supporting Actor in this movie... Crazy

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Battle Royale

I only rate things when I've truly truly loved a movie. I watched this movie, for the first time, a month ago and didn't rate. I enjoyed it, but didn't rate it. Well, for the past month it's all I've been able to think about! Today, I've decided to"heart" it; It's only a matter of time until I watch it again.

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Him & Her

I find some episodes a bit of a slow-burn, but the payoff is always worth it. Great show!

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Project X

Even as far as raunchy misogynistic teen party comedies go, this was 90 minutes of unbelievable ridiculousness. I hated every character.

This did NOT need to be a found footage film.

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Aziz Ansari: Dangerously Delicious

50 Cent!

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Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park definitely stands up to the test of time. Most of Speilberg's movies do.

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The Aristocrats

"Members who loved The Aristocrats also loved... Finding Nemo?"

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Very dark humour. Predictable plot line.

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The Hangover Part III

They forgot the hangover part ...

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Sound City

Mandatory viewing for any rock music fan! Just perfect!

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Marvel/DC/Comic Adaptations


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Marvel/DC/Comic Adaptations

Also Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise... and Surrogates

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Marvel/DC/Comic Adaptations

What about Stallone's Judge Dredd? Or the 80's/90's Batman movies? Dick Tracey?

Dick Tracey is arguably the closest a film has come to putting a comic book on the big screen. It truly felt like you were watching the pages of the book. Plus, Pacino was nominated for an Oscar!

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This is based on a novella by Neil Gaiman, not Stephen King.

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The Walking Dead

If anyone is struggling through either of the earlier seasons: catch up! This third season is crushing it!

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Spoilers, mate!

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Man, I love this movie so much. I wish the sequels lived up to the same standards.

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The River

Looks like it's not getting a second season... :(

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The Lost Room

In July 2010, the series' creators announced a sequel in comic book form, expected in late summer or early autumn 2011 but it has yet to be released.

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The Lost Room

What ever happened to the comic book continuation?

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"worth watching...sorta"
I agree with this statement.

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The Loop

I loved the first season.
Did the second season compare?

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