
Reply by Alex

Yes yes, it's Interstellar but from Netflix...
But honestly I kinda liked it? A retro-futuristic Czech spaceflight with Adam Sandler delivering a decent acting job that got me more intersted in the book it's based on - which apparently has a very different ending too? That might be worth a shot!
Hanuš is wonderful tho!

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@hirkiti I'll just copy and past from the Wiki article on the book and spoiler warning for anyone wanting to read the book or even watch the movie haha.

Jakub passes his time with Hanuš while getting reports back from the spy he hired to follow Lenka. When he finally reaches Chopra, the dust particles tear open his ship and he decides to spend his last moments with a dying Hanuš, whom he has grown very close to. At the last moment, Jakub is rescued by a Russian shuttle, where he meets three other cosmonauts. They explain that they are from a secret Russian program and that once they land he will be imprisoned. As they are landing, Jakub escapes with the help of one of the cosmonauts who claims to have met Hanuš as well. The escape attempt causes the ship to crash, with Jakub as the only survivor. He learns he was pronounced dead to the world and decides this is better for both him and Lenka, who he believes is happier without him. He travels back to his childhood home, where he decides to live the rest of his life.

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