

Berlin, Germany


3 1/2 hours pure Snydergasm.

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Usually I hate paprika (the fruit), but god-damn, this was very delicious!

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She Dies Tomorrow

It's not bad, actually it's quite good and at some points I think I could even taste some horror, but overall it was too vague for me. I did not really understand what it all meant and had to read about it. And I don't like reading at all. But very nice visuals, and the dread goes through the whole movie. I would watch it again, but I think I will die tomorrow.

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Devil's Tree: Rooted Evil

Shout by NealZ

This could have been a great found footage movie, I guess. The whole thing was kinda weird from the start. I feel that they tried way too hard for this one. It was not particularly bad, and it had some cool ideas, but rather than letting us explore this, we just wait for the end to let a woman possessed by a child explain the whole thing. The End credit Scene was the final straw for this rating, so unnecessary. Sorry, but that was not my thing.

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The Marvels

So much fan service, I loved it. Not too long, funny and silly, but not too dumb, a lot of Marvels, but not too Marvel. And the best post credit scene since Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Iman Vellani is just amazing, so cool to see her on the big screen. Kamala Khan for the win! You earnt the extra point for your team!

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Hot Rod

The cringe is too strong in this one.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 8x12 The Road Ahead

Don't know how they managed to make a better ending than The Walking Dead after this shitshow of a season. I am glad it's over, but overall I had a good time with this show.

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Fangtastic and necks-level funny! #EternalLifeForms

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Fear X

I have to admit I liked it much more than anticipated. It was a very eerie and slow paced lynchian psychological thriller with a surprising story and an amazing John Turturro. This movie is more like a vibe. I can understand why some maybe are a little bit underwhelmed by it, but it's not a reason to bring a whole film company down. I really enjoyed it and I have to give it some extra credit because it's my kind of movie and I think it's slept on for people enjoying some anxious, sad and solitary strolling though our world searching for meaning, closure or absolution. It gives more than it shows, and it definitely will stay with me for a while.

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Totally Killer

I could have sworn this was a Netflix production.

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Darkness Falls

All right, all right, I admit it, it was definitely better when I first saw it, but still, I feel Darkness Falls has some really cool elements but fails at other parts. I really liked the whole lore about the tooth fairy and the town of Darkness Falls; also, the creature design of her was pretty creepy, and I remember being really horrified by that. I think it still looks pretty cool and has some unique touches. But yeah, the rest sometimes lacks connection and stumbles aimlessly to the end.

There are some movies like that where I feel underneath that mediocre execution rests something very exciting. For example Reeker (2005), Stay Alive (2006) or Cry_Wolf (2005). Those movies will still have a place in my heart because they showed me something different and brought me closer to things I enjoy.

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Slumber Party Massacre

Ok, who allowed you it to be so hilarious? And why I never stumbled across this movie before? It was truly a fun ride between an old campy slasher and a modern horror comedy with unique ideas and cool twists. Absolutely bonkers! The pillow fight scene LMAO! But for real it is kinda what you wish for but can be sometimes a bit too goofy. Nevertheless, even without seeing the original one, I arrogate that this is a very well-made remake/reboot/sequel. The music was awesome, the cast was great, and the overall tone arrived in the 21st century.

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The Devil's Doorway

I chose this because of its apparently found-footage nature, but I don't know for sure. It has the aesthetics, but it doesn't really click with me. If there is someone filming something because they heard voices or saw something, it's hard to feel with them if there are also artificial noises and music. Also, the whole premise is so hackneyed that I felt there was nothing more to explore. Surely it has a very creepy atmosphere, and the style is not that bad, but I feel it's only the idea that shines here; overall, I was kind of bored, and I've already forgotten half the movie.

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Howling Village

I was close to putting this film out, but since One Cut Of The Dead I've been forcing myself to just give every film its chance to show me what it got. But as interesting as the story about the Howling Village is, the film unfortunately isn't. Several legends have been combined into one, and this simply leads to strange and confusing moments. The whole ending is just a WTF moment, and unfortunately it didn't do as much for me as I wanted. The tropes were all over the place, and I guess this was just too much for me. I did not have a bad time, but the movie lost me a couple of moments while watching. But since I was intrigued by the legend of the village, I will have a look for other or similar media about that. So that's a plus :p

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Saw X

Gyro Gearloose is once again lecturing people, but this time we know exactly what's going on. Props to all those mofos just sawing their leg off or ripping their brains out in just a matter of seconds. I cannot even get myself to go to the dentist. Also, I feel Jigsaw Is really just lying to himself because they did their part and still died. It was kind of unfair. But holy shit, this movie was nasty af. Liked the whole setup of things and how it played out. The ending was a little bit underwhelming, but I had a good time overall and feel that for a 10th installment they did pretty well.

btw Amanda was kinda the most creepy thing in this whole movie

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That was much funnier than expected. A strange little film with a lot of dark humor, so dry that I had to think about whether I could find it funny now and then. But the longer I watched, the more absurd it became. At times, I didn't really know what was going on and was constantly distracted, but then the film managed to bring me back. I wouldn't say it's a typical body horror film, but that's the theme and yes, sometimes it's a bit disgusting. The general mood and the increasingly crazy plot make for a good time. The performances are solid, and the soundtrack is pretty cool. All in all, I had a good time and was surprised at how much fun I had at the end.

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The Shadow of the Cat

So this is one of the oldest movies I've seen now. And it is kinda hard to rate, I guess. I am not even sure, if this is supposed to be a real horror movie, because the plot alone is so weird and funny, that I could not shake the feeling, this could have been a great satire. I mean, there are people who want to cover up a murder and their biggest concern is a cat that witnessed the whole thing. And in the end it's their downfall. And then the scenes where the cat is just watching people die and purring and meowing and playing. It's just too hilarious. I really hoped this would have been a more fun thing to watch, but the seriousness with which everyone there acts is simply too much. Maybe it's the time, the kind of movie, or I just don't get it. I will give some extra points for the cat. She was the best!

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A dark and twisted journey into the abyss. Since the film is a bit older, I obviously couldn't avoid reading something about it at some point, but nothing prepared me for what happened here. Bit by bit the air was taken away from me and the more I realized what was happening here, the more I crawled into my blanket. Until the point of no return. I was speechless, nauseated and also fascinated. The film managed to create a beautiful and at the same time disturbing atmosphere. Watching it felt like reading a book. I was focused but also mesmerized. I am always surprised how good movies can be if you just know what you are doing. This is truly a piece of art and open for an unlimited exploration into the invisible darkness of humankind.

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Just keep on going making these! Not that every segment is a banger, but the overall concept of the franchise and the directors' individual ideas alone make the film series always worth seeing.

This one was better than Viral, but I enjoyed 94 and 99 a little bit more.

My favorites were "No Wake" and "TKNOGD". I kinda wished they would have done more with "Ambrosia" and the connection to the Lake, could have been a cool frame narrative.

Thumbs up for Rory and his love for aerobic exercise. This was just hilarious!

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Helter Skelter

A roller coaster ride through the ludicrous depths of popular culture. The movie spins around the bizarre world of the music business and takes us slowly into madness to show us that fame is not always pleasant, but also pretty fucked up. I was not sure whether to laugh or cry watching Lilico. Overall, a crazy experience with an amazing score, visuals and an insanely good lead performance.

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8 Days

Not even the amazing score could save this one.

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Mmmhh, I am a little bit confused why, even the movie is called Nimona, and she obviously carries it, the story isn't about her at all. Only for some minutes we get a little insight of her past, the rest is all about a guy who doesn't learn from his own mistakes. The mixture between the middle-ages and science fiction sometimes felt a little bit too chaotic for me, but also left some room for interesting ideas. The animation was ok and some facial expressions were absolutely hilarious, but I feel that the whole thing did not do her justice.

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Ok, that was definitely a wonderfully disturbing trip. A heartbreaking story riddled with visual and emotional pain and suffering, for both, the audience and the protagonists. But somehow also safety and intimacy. I'm not sure if I can even grasp the whole thing properly. It was definitely something different that I wasn't prepared for. Like a fever dream where you can't really tell whether you're feeling something good or something bad. I have to watch it more than once to really get into it, but maybe I let some time pass first.

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Oh man, there is so much stuff going on in the background, I almost got lost it in. It's like a movie version of the German 'Wimmelbilder' from Ali Mitgutsch. Just check it out, they're hilarious! This will be so fun to watch over and over again. Also, that Avril Lavigne throwback wanted me to pause the movie and start a SingStar session. Goofier than expected, but no problem, there can never be too many quirky high school comedies. Just keep 'em coming!

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The Secret of Kells

Wow, this is a piece of art. I am not particular an animation movie watcher I guess, that doesnt mean I don't don't like them, but there is only so many stuff you can watch. But this one has taken my breath away.
I couldn't shut my eyes, this was just so mesmerizing and pretty, one of a kind. Also, the story very sweet but also very dark. There is much stuff to think about, and I for sure will rewatch this movie more than just once.

Literally me watching this movie:

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Talk to Me

Hell yeah, the hype is real! It was so fun until it became soul crushing. Great idea and realization. Felt modern and still classic. Could have been a little bit more scary for my taste. I wouldn't even have minded some more jump scares. Apart from that, I had a really good time and can't wait to see more of this universe!

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Crazy that this movie was shot just with an iPhone. Mixed with the experience of Steven Soderbergh and the strong performance of Claire Foy it gives the movie a unique flair. Kinda feels like an amateur movie, but it's not. Nevertheless, It sometimes lost during watching. Much stuff is like you would think it to be, or even a little bit too tuned up for me. I was beginning to feel a little bit crazy, too. Towards the end, it managed to up the stakes and regain my attention. So I was very intrigued, but not really satisfied.

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The Queen of Black Magic

This movie lures you in with its fun music and jokes in the beginning and when you realize something is wrong it's already too late. You are trapped. Like all the others. I never really could predict what will happen and the longer you are in there the harder it gets. So many triggers and phobias are served. The brutality is not for the tender-hearted.

The Queen does not hesitate.

Great atmosphere and pacing, the cast makes a pretty good job and the soundtrack is on point. The short runtime of this movie makes it a perfect evening watch, with many surprises. But I think it wouldn't have hurt to make it a little bit longer and not rushing the ending. In general some things could have been told a bit different I guess but overall I had a really good time. It's scary, feels fresh (even if it is a remake) and did not bore me one bit.

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The Boogeyman

I mean, I'm a sucker for wendigos, so I liked that part. And Sophie Thatcher. The rest is exactly like you would assume it would be. Seen a thousand times and kinda boring at that point. At least some jump scares were not as cheap as others, I guess.

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Black Wedding

Pretty interesting idea. I'm always intrigued by movies with less to no dialogue. This one I guess works on paper a little bit better than on screen, but I still had quite a good time. It started moderately goofy and dragged itself in the middle, but the ending was a ride and kinda saved it for me. Definitely worth a mention.

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