Nelly Jica



In the Heights

I absolutely loved it! I have been a fan of the musical since it came out on stage and this movie did it justice. I can see many people not “getting” it or having trouble finding the appeal and thats fine. This movie may not be for everyone. It has very particular and defined themes that not everyone will be able to comprehend. You have to live that life in neighborhoods like shown in the movie to really appreciate the subtle homages of the cultures they portray here. As a nuyorican, this movie made me proud.

That being said, was the movie structurally perfect? No. There were some janky transitions here and there and some lines didn’t need to be added. But on the flip side, some scenes were portrayed masterfully and more beautiful than my mind could’ve imagined listening to the soundtrack. A must watch.

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One Piece: Season 21

What is there to say about this show? It’s been around for over twenty straight years and still iconic and amazing. If you like pirates, adventure, comedy, heartfelt storytelling, great characters and so on, just watch it. Just do it.

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My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising

Just watched it! So freaken good! The fight scenes were bomb and everyone got a chance to shine.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

I. clap am clap so clap EXCITED clap clap for this SHOW throws confetti while spinning

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Locke & Key: Season 2

My obsession is very real XD

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Jurassic World: Chaos Theory: Season 1

I think this was really good. Can’t wait for season 2.

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The Sea Beast

One of the best visual pirate stories I’ve seen! Amazing visuals, great storytelling and pacing. Diverse cast and many themes explored. I lived it.

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Centaurworld: Season 2

I need this show on dvd. That was really good man.

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Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Season 4

That was really good! I actually liked it a lot for a fourth season. Can’t wait for season 5.

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Locke & Key: Season 3

I would be more into it if the characters were directed to act like the characters they represent. Why was there such weird sexual chemistry between the two older siblings? Why does the mom have such a teenager in a school rom com vibe? Why are do the bad guys feel like they belong in a different show? Its just really bad dialogue writing and directing. I know its not all the actors faults because I’ve seen some of these actors in other roles and they are good.

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The Lost World

For when it was made and the resources they had, this movie was not bad at all. Cool to see the origins of this genre of movie. That being said, some scenes would have more impact if they changed the music to adapt to the scenes instead of having the same spongebob-sounding happy music throughout. But other than that, it was alright.

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One Piece: Special 13 Adventure of Nebulandia

This movie is so underrated. I really like it. Its funny and the bad guy is not terrible.

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Fire Force

I droped it half way through. Im going to find a summary on youtube because i like the plot and stuff but god....its such a Chore to watch.

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Bride & Prejudice

I think this movie is great. The soundtrack is great too.

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