

Omicron Persei 8

Ginny & Georgia: Season 2

Not as good as the first season. Still very enjoyable, very watchable. Tension is high and it shows (in a good way). Marcus’s personality is rewritten to be likeable, which is cool. I loved seeing Ginny’s relationship with Zion and her other friends (like Abby and Bracia) more fully explored. Georgia, however, loses about 75% of her likeability this season, and often has the maturity level of a child. And then there’s the fact that Georgia does something so PAINFULLY uncharacteristically stupid (her whole thing is that she protects her children, then she murders a man on a whim despite it clearly being an action that would put her family in danger) just for the sake of a cliffhanger. I wish there was more that pushed Georgia into making such a dumb decision, but like… damn the drama in the last three episodes tho!! The finale had me tearing up bc Paul defended Georgia.

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The Help

DAMN. I cried SO much!! I love this sappy shit. The whole “you’re smart… you’re important” bit actually ruined me every time. Incredible. What a funny and heartwarming and beautiful story. And well told too, there’s some great writing and some even better acting in this movie. Bravo.

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Had some really fun moments. Jenna Ortega absolutely KILLS as Wednesday, and her performance + dialogue is easily the best part of the show. However, the premise, while fun on outset, feels formulaic and overplayed. Almost no side character is compelling in any way, and the setting lacks the magic that it so desperately believes it contains. While the vibes are delicious, so many moments are laughably bad. Wednesday had a lot of potential that I think was slaughtered. In any case, a lot of people will enjoy this show for the silly-goofy energy of it all. Perhaps I would have liked it more closer to Halloween season

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Lockwood & Co.

Often cliche, but equally often fun, this show delivers a solid supernatural narrative. There were times I found the characters lacking, and the dialogue quite bad, every time something was lacking it was balanced later when the writers delivered a particularly good line, or some new tidbit of worldbuilding helped keep the show creative and engaging. This is a show that a lot of younger audiences with less exposure to the genre will really love. Sometimes I think the show isn’t cliche, but rather intentionally overt, not because the writers are weak, but because they’re too direct for my taste.

Also BIG extra points for a distinct lack of romance.

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Ride the Cyclone

Sometimes too weird for my taste. I’m a big fan of Jane Doe’s character, but I really didn’t ask to see the sci-fi edition of Cats. There’s a lot happening here. A great cult musical. A ton of fun all around, and definitely plenty to unpack, but it just wasn’t as funny as it probably should’ve been.

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The Menu

Some great tension, some great jokes, an interesting concept. The satire really shined. Ending felt off to me, not because it was bad, just because the Chef was so easy for the main character to manipulate— the power dynamics didn’t really make much sense. If the pov character just gets let go at the end it doesn’t feel satisfying because they didn’t really have to do anything to earn their safety (other than eat a cheeseburger lmao).

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Stranger Things: Season 4

Holy hell this was good. Such amazing shots, blocking, dialogue, fun characters, epic themes, goo performances, excellent usage of tropes, etc.

I LIVE for this shit.

But also? I wish the Russia/Joyce/Hopper storyline didn’t exist. It didn’t really add anything to the story thematically, internally, or externally. Just felt out of place.

The primary storyline though?? INCREDIBLE. I love love love Vecna. Fantastic.

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Really surprisingly good. Quippy dialogue, fun high school tropes. Not sure the emotional climax made sense, but still I was somehow invested. I might be getting tired of the “big speech in front of the whole school” trope.

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Slasher: Season 4

While startlingly more gruesome than its predecessors, and much better at character development, a lack of theme, meaning, and realism bogs down an otherwise incredibly unputdownable story. Every character (except O’Keefe) is either an asshole or becomes an asshole for the sake of the plot. The adopted daughter was absolutely terrifying, though completely out of nowhere. Interesting stuff overall.

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Single All the Way

DAMN I got invested in these characters. I love the vibes, the Christmas spirit, how absolutely funny and quirky every character is, and I really liked both of the leading men. I don’t watch very many gay romcoms, and this one landed just right. It made me laugh. It made me cry. It made me feel all the feelings. Plus that love interest is HOT. Like HOT. Plus he has a dog and I love that he wrote a book about his dog. Just… such a fun and adorable movie. I’ll watch it again I’m sure next Christmas season.

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Love, Victor: Season 3

Overall better than season 2. Not my favorite show in the universe, but, the dialogue is a huge step up from last season. Again, the drama wasn’t as good, but overall I loved all the bits of backstory we got for each character, and the storytelling felt way better. Still not super good, nowhere remotely near the level of the first season, but still overall something I could enjoy… some of the time. Overall, I’d say this season is not super memorable. It was fine. 4 stars.

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Love, Victor: Season 2

Bruh. HUGE step down quality wise. In the first season, the characters make the drama happen, and the drama serves the storytelling, the character arcs, and the themes. In the second season, the drama happens for the sake of drama, and just to the characters rather than FOR them. Thus, a lot of things feel unearned, the plot feels wandering, and a lot of it overall just sort of eh. The dialogue alone is just not funny. I did like the storyline with the mom, however. That storyline was SO GOOD. Everything else kinda ate it.

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Love, Victor: 1x10 Spring Fling

The 1st season of this show might just be my favorite tv season of all time. It’s funny, charming, still hits you emotionally at all the right moments, has incredible queer rep, has great themes, and endlessly endearing characters. The humor and the heart of this show really gets me every time. Seriously amazing. The character development is just so solid all around, and the show never resorts to doing anything overly dramatic to get there. Incredible, honestly. The writing isn’t necessarily super smart, but it knows exactly what it needs to do and accomplishes it with ease.

I don’t like all the cheating, but as far as stories with cheating go, I’m pretty sure it’s handled better here than in most other cases.

WE. LOVE. POSITIVE. REPRESENTATION. This might be one of the only mainstream teen shows I know that actually addresses concepts like internalized homophobia and intersectionality. Big love to this show and its writers. BIG love.

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