

United Kingdom

Crazy Rich Asians


It is like my wildest dreams of a movie all into one, there is romance, comedy, a make-over, fabulous clothes, fabulous houses, a fabulous cast, handsome gorgeous half-naked man, women that are bitches but also very fabulous and glamorous. Have i mentioned how fabulous everything is??

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The Happytime Murders

This movie is terrible which is a shame, the concept it's actually pretty great and i really fell in love with the character of Phil, a former detective turned PI after a bad accident, I would actually like to see a movie about him with Bubbles as his silly secretary solving a mystery while working on his own personal issues, but the whole movie is just filled with idiotic characters and childish humour that just kinda makes you feel bad for even watching it, the movie is dirty just for the shock value, and the sex scene is... gross. Melisa McCarty is not terrible but not good either, Joel McHale is extremely annoying (as usual, not a fan) and Elizabeth Banks adds another terrible performance to the list of bad movies she has been in lately (Banks hasn't been in a good movie since Walk of Shame in 2014, and even that is a stretch). So this is a usual occurrence in Hollywood where the pitch of the movie is great but then the execution is just terrible.

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The Greatest Showman

This movie is terrible, not only ignored the real history of P. T. Barnum, the music is nauseating, it tries to be a feel good movie with a message but just ends up being a cheap musical production, with no art or story in it.

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Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again

WOW this movie is crazy banana pants, and... I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! It is just a feel god movie and with ABBA iconic songs it can do no wrong,
Lily James is exceptionally good, as is Amanda Seyfried which surprised me with realy good vocals specially in "One of Us", then there is the fabulous Cher.... IT IS CHER!!!!

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Peter Rabbit

This movie is very cheesy and it uses so many cliches but at the same time it is just so charming!

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Pitch Perfect 3

This movie is so stupid and bonkers.... I LOVE IT. It's so bad that is good, just pour yourself a glass of wine and get drunk while you watch it.

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