Luigi Ravaglia


Bologna, Italy

Legion: 2x11 Chapter 19

They've been hinting at it all season, but making David literally the villain, with heavy themes like sexual abuse involved is a tough and ridiculously bold move, and I'm not sure whether audiences will go with it. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with it in the next season.

Season 2 hasn't for me been on the same level as the spectacular S1, but Legion is still one of the most inventive, interesting and engaging shows currently on TV.

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@rosetheflower As I see it, he clearly did "drug" her when she was knocked out and David also said so, saying she forgot that he loved him and he forced her to remember, or something in that realm. It's obviously a weird situation - but what isn't in this show - but for me once mind control enters the picture that's as non-consensual as it gets.

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The Expanse: 3x10 Dandelion Sky

I always strongly disliked the Anna character in the books, and now with Elizabeth Mitchell's portrayal (along with her usual scenery chewing performance antics - I swear, future online dictionaries will have one of the scenes in tonight's episode as the video description when you search for define:"chewing the scenery"), I am being taken to a whole new level of hatred.

Genius casting? Possibly. (if the authors dislike the Anna character as much as I do)
Annoying the crap out of me personally...Definitely!!
Other than the Anna scenes, this was a great episode and would have got a 10 from me

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@kanootcha Yeah, I felt that her performance - and voice, especially - in the funeral scene left a lot to be desired. Way overdone.

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Archer: 9x05 Strange Doings in the Taboo Groves

Yaaaaawn. On one hand, I'm surprised we're already in the second half of the season because nearly nothing of actual interest or impact has happened, on the other hand, I'm grateful we're in the second half because that means Danger Island is that much closer to being over.

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@jackal_uk I'll finish the show. Season 10 is going to be the last one, and 8 20-minute episodes are such a low time commitment that even if S10 is bad as well it's bearable

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Archer: 9x04 A Warrior in Costume

The humor continues to be almost non-existent, and a pattern that I first noticed in the season premiere just gets more and more pronounced. Specifically, this is a 19-minute outing (if you don't count the credits) and it contains 16 goddammits and three Jesuses and eight shits. (It's easy to let a subtitles file do the counting for you after the fact.) So while the humor content drops, the vulgarity/profanity content goes through the roof. Yes, of course the show has always had it, but not to this degree, and not combined with such a dearth of funny stuff to go along with it. There also used to be a subtlety to some things that just isn't there anymore. In short, this continues to be a disappointing season.

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@jimgysin Whaaaaaat? Are you saying that "Shut up bird" and the meaningless coconut gag aren't the funniest things this show has ever come up with?

In all seriousness, unfortunately I agree and it's really disheartening to see the show in such a state.

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Silicon Valley: 5x08 Fifty-One Percent

"How would you like to die today motherf*cker" ... Once again, Jared YOU ARE MY MVP.

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@fartman86 I usually just chuckle during comedy shows, that line made me laugh so hard I had to rewind because I had lost track of what they were saying. Jared's one of the best characters on TV right now

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