Reiko LJ


Midlands, UK

The Twilight Zone: 2x02 Downtime

Interesting one here! Reminded me of Black Mirror in some ways. Baccarin was a strong lead and you're definitely left thinking about things at the end. Solid ep

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The Terminator

One of my favourite childhood/teen years films and it still holds up. I probably know it word for word at this point. Today I had the pleasure of introducing it to my partner who has somehow lived 29 years on this earth with this film unseen and unspoiled. I can't wait to show her T2!

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The Twilight Zone: 2x01 Meet in the Middle

Shout by Reiko LJ

I called the twist about the time he was beating tf out the husband. Not before that point though so pretty good going. I definitely had a bad vibe about Phil when Annie first stopped talking to him though. He definitely had 'incel' vibes. Good episode overall though. Drew me in and kept me there unlike most of season 1.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x10 Blurryman

Shout by Reiko LJ

Zazie was great but this episode was a hell of a swing. Also the CGI version of Sterling. Ehhhhhh.
The meta of JP's comments at the start gives one hope that the next season might improve? Probably not though. But wanky.

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Futurama: Special 1 Bender's Big Score

Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParent2024-03-15T19:32:59Z— updated 2024-03-23T12:19:43Z

After the not-so subtle jokes at the start of this. I checked the air dates and saw the years in between them. Yikes. I can see why it was cancelled though. Surprised it came back at all.
The digs at the fox execs were a bit cheap tbh. Why do it at all? It screams of when people get in new relationships and make flaunting social media posts to make a point. Not classy and a bit telling. Even if Fox is well known for cancelling shows in their prime.... Futurama was not that.

Update - Finally finished the whole thing and it was just messy tbh.

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Futurama: 6x01 Rebirth

If you're looking for Bender's big score it's in the Specials

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Futurama: 5x16 The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings

The quality of the show has gone down every season. Even this episode was a recycled theme of Fry getting temporarily good at something to try and woo Leela.
I guess like the Simpsons there is no hope of character progression or anything past the usual cheap jokes. I kept getting told Futurama was something more special.

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Extraordinary: 2x08 Well, Goodbye Forever

Was it just my own dead-dad issues talking or did Jen's goodbye to her father make anyone else cry? It was beautifully done.
Nice growth for Carrie and for Kash... That ending though? Bit of a shitty cliffhanger tbh!

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Extraordinary: 2x07 Be the Daddy You Want to See in the World

So glad Kash and Carrie realised it was the friendship they missed. I definitely vibe with that still being best friends with my ex-fiancé of 8 years! Apart for almost 2.5 years now, still talk every day and hangout at least once a week.
Also just realised their names are Cash & Carry :joy: wonder how intentional that was. How has a joke not been made about it yet in show!

Jen's reaction to JL's indiscretion was perfect. Being called a slut is always better in an Irish accent

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Extraordinary: 2x05 Meet the Parent

That future flash of Kash's was brill. Can't fight the future bro!

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His Dark Materials: 3x05 No Way Out

Shout by Reiko LJ

Okay the seed pods are in I'll calm down. I appreciated the time with Mary in the Mulefa's world but I guess it wasn't as clear as in the book just how much time she spends there living with them and learning their language. It felt very expedited here. Trying to make all the story threads marry up I suppose.
Not long till the end and super curious how true to form it will be!

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The Twilight Zone: 1x09 The Blue Scorpion

Shout by Reiko LJ

So this one is a commentary on gun control in America for sure but it did a better job at pulling me in and keeping my attention. I've only ever seen the lead in comedy roles before and was pleasantly surprised at how good he was in this!
Also I don't get American divorces. Unless she's given up significant career advancements for the marriage (by raising kids etc) I don't see why she should be entitled to half his stuff even from his own father's estate? Crazy.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x08 Point of Origin

Shout by Reiko LJ

Another heavy handed commentary this time on illegal aliens. Only they made them from another parallel dimension to drive home the 'they're just like us' message. It's an interesting premise and Ginnifer Goodwin played it well. It's just too clunky an allegory to be effective.

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Extraordinary: 2x03 The Exorcism of Carrie Jackson

Fun episode and loved to see Jen showing her love for Carrie when it really mattered.
Also the mum's 'my work here is done' 'but you didn't do anything' is very Tuxedo Mask meme. :joy:

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Clunky at times but overall an enjoyable new Sci fi universe to sink your teeth into. The complainers always seem to use the same 'jokes' which tells you everything you need to know about them.
Give it a watch and see what you think.
Enjoyed the action, music and world building. Made me think of 40k amongst other things. Pretty cool stuff!

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Extraordinary: 2x02 Hello Stranger

That telepathic speech was top tier. So refreshing to be back in UK TV with no holds barred

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The Twilight Zone: 1x07 Not All Men

So much salt in these comments ignoring cold hard facts. This one was pretty close to the truth. Just look at any time societal rules are slightly shaken (riots and natural disasters). People become monsters pretty fast.

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Extraordinary: 1x08 Surprise!

Shout by Reiko LJ

A cute show so far with a charming cast. I'm glad Jen and Carrie were back on track from last episode and we could focus on getting rid of Kash! I clocked pretty early on that he was time skipping coz it's exactly what a guy like him would do when faced with the reality that he's a shit bf.
Don't know what to make of the Jen x Jizzlord yet (why tf haven't they renamed him). He's super cute but it always feels ick to me when one person is essentially childlike in knowledge. That twist though!

Also when the situationship dude couldn't fly I wondered for a moment if Jen's power was a dampening type deal? But it's more likely he was just thrown coz she's never been rejected before.

P.S. great music choices at the party. 100% my type of playlist

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

The script and the actors are terrible. I really was excited about this show. What a damn shame. Time to rewatch ATLA and TLOK I guess! Gotta cleanse my palate.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x08 Legends

Shout by Reiko LJ

It's all just very hollow in the shadow of the original. Because of storyline mashing and rush job, nothing has time to build gravitas or meaning of it's own. It's almost banking on you having seen the original to fill in the blanks which is very lazy and results in a lacklustre show.
High for this episode is hearing more of François Chau's unmistakable voice. Mr Dharma initiative himself is always welcome on my screen.
The rest of them can do one.
Even rampaging Azula isn't enough to bring me back for season 2 coz her casting like most of them is a disappointment.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x07 The North

Shout by Reiko LJ

Rush rush rush! Shitty water bending fight. Smashing in exposition and progression. What do I expect at this point though. Also Azula's fire should be blue as standard. Why was that never shown here? Just straight to lightning.

Poor actresses playing Yue though. I've watched her be a full badass and take on a Predator and now they stick her in that cheap ass wig and give her that dialogue :type_3:

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x06 Masks

Shout by Reiko LJ

Mentor vanishing in the spirit world doesn't make much sense but how much of this does really? Clunky, heavy handed writing all over. Seeing this through to the end for completion but it's a rushed mess of a show

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His Dark Materials: 3x04 Lyra and Her Death

Shout by Reiko LJ

That's....not how the Mulefa should be. Wtf? I've been looking forward to seeing these unique creatures on screen and they've just done away with the seed pods entirely? It's such an important part of Mary's plot though!

ETA - I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ruth Wilson as Mrs Coulter is one the all time best casting decisions ever made.

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Rick and Morty: 7x07 Wet Kuat Amortican Summer

Shout by Reiko LJ

Ridiculous and incredible. Loved the not so subtle squid game burn at the end too

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x05 Spirited Away

Shout by Reiko LJ

More storyline merging and butchering. Honestly a joke at this point how souless this all feels. It's just a series of references strung together. Also talk about convenient having his old master in the spirit world. Jfc

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Extraordinary: 1x05 The Jen Show

They might have gone too far giving some more depth to Jen here. Those were some proper arsehole moments from her :grimacing: poor Carrie

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x04 Into the Dark

Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-03-03T22:23:00Z— updated 2024-03-06T12:05:58Z

Doesn't count as causing an emotional response if you trick the viewer by playing leaves from the vine. That hasn't been earned by this show and what you feel is caused by your knowledge of the original. Not this. Very cheap.

Don't like the Bumi stuff at all. Acting is all still shit. Iroh isn't Irohing enough for me.

Had to do a double take when I realised they'd made Oma and Shu two queer women. Appreciate the subtlety of it and lack of fanfare. That's how it's done.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Shout by Reiko LJ

Didn't know what to expect from this film and was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was! It would have been easy to take this IP and churn out a generic action film with easy laughs. Instead we got solid funny moments, fantastic action, a chilling villain and some ridiculously smart scene designs. The portal wand especially!
The cast and writing were great and it had good heart. There were DnD references overt and subtle. Perfect for fans old and new. This is definitely one for the collection.

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Extraordinary: 1x01 Have Nots

Shout by Reiko LJ

Great humour and the gang and somehow relatable even in a superpowered world. The dad reveal was a well executed gut punch. very well done. Here for the ride

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x03 Omashu

One of the worst things I've watched. I don't know if it's the acting, writing or the combination of both but fuck me this show is bad.
Cramming all these plots together is weak and the dialogue is painful.
Don't even get me started on Azula and her crew. Jesus.
Ofc people are excited coz they said the cabbage line. Damn. Talk about easily pleased.

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