Reiko LJ


Midlands, UK

Hacks: 3x09 Bulletproof

Holy shit. I underestimated Ava as well there. Absolute power move and will really turn their dynamic on its head.
Props to Jimmy for walking away from that meeting.

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Fallout: 1x02 The Target

Finch and Bear adventures :hearts: Michael Emerson is stellar as ever. Can't wait to see where it all leads.
Also still don't care about Brotherhood wannabe guy.

Goggins' Ghoul just seems like a poor man's western Deadpool atm so no wonder people are all over him. Hoping for a bit more depth there.

All in on Lucy's journey. Wanna see her slowly become a surface badass. Why tf couldn't she get a weapon from Ma though!

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Hacks: 3x01 Just for Laughs

I didn't realise how much I missed these two until they were on my screen again. What a dynamic. Looking forward to seeing them claw that relationship together once again.
Absolute top tier song choice rolling into the credits as well.

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Fallout: 1x08 The Beginning

Someone made a comment that Moldaver kept her friend alive :joy: that shit was queer coded af.
Totally unexpected. Much like the rest of this episode! My theory about 31 was close!
What a triumph of an adaptation! Fantastic work all around. I'm not even mad about yet another 'bury your gays' coz no one gets a happy ending in the wasteland.
Does make me wonder about the chick from Vault 4 from Shady Sands though. Her long black locks very similar to Lucy and her mum...

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Extraordinary: 2x08 Well, Goodbye Forever

Was it just my own dead-dad issues talking or did Jen's goodbye to her father make anyone else cry? It was beautifully done.
Nice growth for Carrie and for Kash... That ending though? Bit of a shitty cliffhanger tbh!

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Extraordinary: 2x03 The Exorcism of Carrie Jackson

Fun episode and loved to see Jen showing her love for Carrie when it really mattered.
Also the mum's 'my work here is done' 'but you didn't do anything' is very Tuxedo Mask meme. :joy:

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x03 Omashu

One of the worst things I've watched. I don't know if it's the acting, writing or the combination of both but fuck me this show is bad.
Cramming all these plots together is weak and the dialogue is painful.
Don't even get me started on Azula and her crew. Jesus.
Ofc people are excited coz they said the cabbage line. Damn. Talk about easily pleased.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x02 Warriors

Slightly better and the Kyoshi island people were fantastic. Aang is still overacting though and Katara is like a piece of wood most of the time. They both need to meet somewhere in the middle.
It doesn’t seem to know how cartoony it wants to be and those moments just aren’t landing in live action. Most of that is centred around Aang. Like his laughing in the final scene with them all. Not natural looking at all.

The actor playing Zuko is the most natural of the lot right now

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Futurama: 6x01 Rebirth

If you're looking for Bender's big score it's in the Specials

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Extraordinary: 2x07 Be the Daddy You Want to See in the World

So glad Kash and Carrie realised it was the friendship they missed. I definitely vibe with that still being best friends with my ex-fiancé of 8 years! Apart for almost 2.5 years now, still talk every day and hangout at least once a week.
Also just realised their names are Cash & Carry :joy: wonder how intentional that was. How has a joke not been made about it yet in show!

Jen's reaction to JL's indiscretion was perfect. Being called a slut is always better in an Irish accent

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Abbott Elementary: 3x03 Gregory's Garden Goofballs

Nice to see someone calling out the usage of the word 'female' like that. It's becoming an epidemic

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Hacks: 3x07 The Deborah Vance Christmas Spectacular

Jimmy and Kayla being surprisingly amazing??

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Hacks: 3x06 Par for the Course

Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-05-19T17:28:55Z— updated 2024-05-23T07:37:28Z

There are so many layers in this show when it comes to the dynamics of women in male dominated industries. Deborah using the classic damsel approach that works on so many for a reason but turns out being her badass self got her even further... Just not how she expected!

Any other L Word fans recognise Tony as Burr Connor? :grin:

The Christina Hendricks cameo was o.o wowzers. Gutted Ava had to correct her and didn't just take the chance :joy:

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Hacks: 3x05 One Day

The delivery of Ava saying Kristen Stewart after mentioning twilight was perfection. Not even a pause or punctuation. Just a clear thought process and I get it.
This was a great bonding episode and damn made me scared to go hiking though! My dodgy ankle could never!

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Hacks: 3x02 Better Late

Damn I was expecting a gradual return but instead we've got what looks to be another codependent mess (in a good way). Maybe the growth will be them making that something healthy along the way!

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Fallout: 1x06 The Trap

A nice story building episode with some great reveals at the end. I had a theory about Vault 31 being some kind of control vault for 33 and 32 given that they've supplied their Overseerers and refurbed the trashed vault pretty fast. This episode kinds confirmed that when the Cooper's wife mentioned the 'better' vaults that will control others.
Holy moly what is Moldaver all about though! She's no Ghoul but she's been around as long as him and still looks just as fine as she did back then!

My best friend is a huge fallout fan and deep in the lore. He's given me no spoilers but says so far he is extremely happy with the whole production and they're absolutely nailing this adaptation.

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His Dark Materials: 3x08 The Botanic Garden

I first read these books just under 20 years ago and wouldn't have dreamed of seeing them adapted like this. There were some less liked changes for me and a few casting duds but the rest made up for it!
I'm glad they dedicated a whole episode to this section, it really deserved it.
Mary's love backstory tweak to falling in love with a woman fit surprisingly well and was beautifully depicted.
I was in tears through Will and Lyra's pain. The actor for Will could have been a bit stronger but crikey, Dafne Keen sure made up for it! Absolutely nailed this character for me.
A beautiful and bittersweet ending. And just as when I finished the book, I didn't want to leave this world.

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Extraordinary: 2x05 Meet the Parent

That future flash of Kash's was brill. Can't fight the future bro!

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x04 Into the Dark

Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-03-03T22:23:00Z— updated 2024-03-06T12:05:58Z

Doesn't count as causing an emotional response if you trick the viewer by playing leaves from the vine. That hasn't been earned by this show and what you feel is caused by your knowledge of the original. Not this. Very cheap.

Don't like the Bumi stuff at all. Acting is all still shit. Iroh isn't Irohing enough for me.

Had to do a double take when I realised they'd made Oma and Shu two queer women. Appreciate the subtlety of it and lack of fanfare. That's how it's done.

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What If...?: 2x05 What If... Captain Carter Fought the Hydra Stomper?

Loved this episode. Great to see Captain Carter again and this twist on the Winter Soldier. The animation and action sequences were awesome!
As much as I love Cap and Peggy as a couple in the main universe though... I kinda like Nat for her in this one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Star Trek: Prodigy: 1x01 Lost & Found (1) / Lost & Found (2)

This some pixar star wars bullshit. It was 20 mins in before you see anything that reads as Star Trek (the ship).
I checked this out because the Janeway hologram but even Janeway isn't enough to make me suffer through another minute of this show. And that's saying a lot as I love that character!
What an utter disgrace

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I Kissed a Girl: 1x08 Episode 8

Shout by Reiko LJ

I'm so glad Ava brought Priya's actions out in the open. Can't stand that scheming shit stirrer. She's been the same from the start. Can't believe she had the gall to be pissed off about it :joy: glad no one let her!

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3 Body Problem: 1x04 Our Lord
3 Body Problem: 1x03 Destroyer of Worlds

Shout by Reiko LJ

Finally a Radiohead song. There's the Ramin Djawadi I know and love. He's still in there somewhere. Even if score still isn't bringing anything special.

So it's ep 3 and the movement of the Trisolarians (or whatever they're calling them here) has already been revealed. There's only really one big reveal left and we're not even halfway through the season. My only assumption is that they're doing more than book 1. Makes sense if you need more stakes for the TV medium. Damn maybe I should have read the next one too!

The computer attempt and progression was such a good part of the book. They could have at least gone into a bit more detail on the logic gates, buses and how long it took. Even across chaotic eras with 'memory storage'! Such a shame to glaze over that whole thing.

But hey ho at least Jack is dead.

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3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

Shout by Reiko LJ

Bit disappointed they've brought the Ye Wenjie message stuff so early on. And Mike Evans too. They really do have to write it plain for general Netflix watchers huh. Rather than keeping mysteries and letting things develop.
Then again even with things being very clear there are still people in the comments confused about the grave of the 4 year old. :joy:
Rich man Samwell Tarly is immersion breaking in his awfulness. Usually when directors are well known for recasting people they at least make it the good actors! Maybe he was the cheapest?

The Wenjie stuff felt rushed and missed a lot of her progression. I don't think you truly felt her journey though to warrant her reply. The book definitely did.

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3 Body Problem: 1x01 Countdown
Loot: 2x09 Mood Vibrations

Shout by Reiko LJ

What has this show become when we're now watching two women vye for the affections of some mid bloke? Was this show made by the same people casting hot women to fall in love with ugly dudes in every rom com ever? I thought we were over that now.
Always enjoy a dig at Ellen though and her fake ass generosity.

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Loot: 2x07 Camp Wells

Shout by Reiko LJ

Molly is better than this

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I Kissed a Girl: 1x05 Episode 5

Shout by Reiko LJ

You know what? Amy has really grown on me :joy: she's actually really entertaining.
This was a solid twist this ep and then more girls on top! I'm hooked

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Abbott Elementary: 3x01 Career Day (1) / Career Day (2)

Shout by Reiko LJ

Something about Manny made me feel weird? The way he talked and carried himself was just odd. Like a serial killer emulating normal humans or something :joy:

Not sure about the vibe of this episode. They're chopping and changing a lot which is fair to mix it up but only if it works. The Melissa breakup felt very disjointed. A way to force a storyline change for her maybe? Seemed harsh though

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