Reiko LJ


Midlands, UK

The Terminator

One of my favourite childhood/teen years films and it still holds up. I probably know it word for word at this point. Today I had the pleasure of introducing it to my partner who has somehow lived 29 years on this earth with this film unseen and unspoiled. I can't wait to show her T2!

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Dante's Peak

Shout by Reiko LJ

Classic disaster movie for me. Remember renting it from the video shop as a kid and enjoying it back then too. Watching now as an adult I appreciated the connection between the leads more too. And the chemistry in the moments of them nearly kissing. Most films would have had them sleep together before the action kicked off but this was just right and you felt the frustration!
Disbelief has to be suspended to enjoy most of this genre of films and it works well. The action and effects still stand up!

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Am I OK?

Loved this and didn't want to leave these characters. It's not often a film feels this authentic to how friendships are and how people really talk. Even down to having a friend with a strong disdain for someone else in your life. Not often you get that dynamic on screen without it building to come hokey resolution.
Dakota Johnson was so much herself in this and I was utterly charmed. That first hangout with Brittany was so charged and I was swooning over Lucy.
I was audibly reacting to the morning after their night together too! Arghh. Poor girl.

I saw Tig was going to be in it from the opening credits but totally forgot by the time she rolled around. The cameo was so her.
This film was very much about friendship and how complex it can be when navigating life's challenges. Solid journey well made.

Edit - just realised where I know Jane from - Devs! I did not like her performance in that at all (but likely the writing and character on the spectrum angle there?) really enjoyed her here though. Super fucking cute.

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Felt like a poor man's Carol until it just went off track and never quite recovered. Whatever it was trying to achieve it didn't get there for me at all.

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Gunpowder Milkshake

I wanted to love this for the cast alone but it never quite got where it was trying to go in my eyes. It never earned the style and flair it was going for. Clunky and stylistically awkward. This was quite a struggle at times.
There were some gem moments that brought you back but overall, a disappointment for me. Karen Gillian was giving it Nebula voice but somehow with less screen presence. Her early scenes made me cringe so much.
It's your average action flick though but not rewatchable.
But also... Gay vibes from the aunts? Kinda nice to keep things subtle as it wouldn't be in keeping with them theme.

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Civil War

My heart was pounding through the last portion. Someone else called it terribly human and I think that's spot on. Draw whatever conclusions you want from it, that's what art is. But don't fool yourself into thinking people aren't fully capable of every moment of this film.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Clunky at times but overall an enjoyable new Sci fi universe to sink your teeth into. The complainers always seem to use the same 'jokes' which tells you everything you need to know about them.
Give it a watch and see what you think.
Enjoyed the action, music and world building. Made me think of 40k amongst other things. Pretty cool stuff!

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

Shout by Reiko LJ

Didn't know what to expect from this film and was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was! It would have been easy to take this IP and churn out a generic action film with easy laughs. Instead we got solid funny moments, fantastic action, a chilling villain and some ridiculously smart scene designs. The portal wand especially!
The cast and writing were great and it had good heart. There were DnD references overt and subtle. Perfect for fans old and new. This is definitely one for the collection.

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Mean Girls

People seem to be stuck in the fact its a remake and a musical but it's just a reskin of the Broadway production. Gives them a chance to tweak a few things from the original and gives us Renee Rapp as Regina once again :grin:
It had some weak spots but stands happily along side the original for me. Fun ride with some solid laughs.

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Madame Web

Shout by Reiko LJ

Not as bad as people are making out but certainly not great. Suffered from some awkwardness mixed with some heavy handed hints. Worst of all was the villain though. Did they re dub him in ADR or something? Coz his dialogue never seemed to fit.
I liked the idea of the early Madame Web and the bond with the three girls. Just a shame it was a bit too cringey. But then again it was set in 2003! So maybe it was on point for films of the time :yum:

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