Reiko LJ


Midlands, UK

Fallout: 1x01 The End

Started great, not so much by the end... too many disconnected and unexplained things, while not being interesting enough at the same time

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It's episode one bud. They're not gonna hand you everything on a platter.

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Fallout: 1x06 The Trap

Cooper/The Ghoul is my favourite part of the story. I liked Lucy-Goosey early on but she didn't do much for me in this episode although I do enjoy her forward way of asking for sex and typical Maximus being the idiot he is, turned her down. It was a shame to end the episode on such a daft scene. It really doesn't take much creativity to be a mainstream scriptwriter, oops she made a sound and got caught then somehow the petite little woman who is from a peaceful vault managed to throw a bunch of people around before being captured The show is decent but I'm still waiting for a wow episode and not having played the main Fallout games very much, I am not easily impressed by nods to the game so they are going to have to actual write something good. Hopefully they got better writers for future episodes or the current ones saved their inspiration for later.

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Did you miss the whole intro where it showed how she'd trained in combat skills?

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Battlestar Galactica: 2x02 Valley of Darkness

Chilling to hear Metamorphosis One after the Person of Interest finale.

When I first watched BSG it would have been just a nice piano piece but music in TV has come to mean so much more to me over the years. Great companion to the story in both cases.

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@andiminga thanks for the info! Wow they really are similar

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I Kissed a Girl: 1x08 Episode 8

Reply by Reiko LJ

“Not me getting irate with my tits out” LMAO

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Top quote of the ep!

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I Kissed a Girl: 1x07 Episode 7

Reply by Reiko LJ

The kiss-off in this episode? Perfect reality tv. Perfect. No notes.

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They got me good. Really thought for a second they weren't gonna cut to the next ep :joy:

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3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

Reply by Reiko LJ

The rehydrated came out naked, but the kid came out clothed. Why wasn't everyone else allowed clothes? I get that most of us don't want naked kids on shows, but if you know you can't do that, maybe don't have all the adults come out naked, so then it at least makes more sense.

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There was me thinking there wouldn't be a need for nudity on this show. D&D strike again!

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3 Body Problem: 1x02 Red Coast

Reply by Reiko LJ

Strange. I don't remember in the book the author deprecating the scientifically based distrust of unproven DNA modification technologies ("vaccines") or the lack of research on the health effects of cellular network radiation.

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The book was published in 2006. It makes sense to reference more recent factors that could help disrupt society

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3 Body Problem: 1x01 Countdown

Reply by Reiko LJ


I thought this would be more sci-fi and less magic mumbo jumbo crap. Oh no, science is broken. Writen by somebody who clearly doesn't know anything about science. If any particle accelerator started giving out "wrong results", whatever that means, most scientist would lose their marbles, but out of excitement for new discoveries, not in a "oh no what's happening" way.

The rest of it didn't make much sense either...

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From someone who has read the book this season is based on - Stick with it and you'll see. Maybe it's just pilot episode reasons it doesn't make sense yet :wink:

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Abbott Elementary: 2x21 Mom

Reply by Reiko LJ

I loved Taraji in Person of Interest but otherwise haven't seen her in many other things, so her rolling up in this ep as Janine's mum was a complete shock!

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Same! Haha, a far cry from Carter but nice to have her on screen again

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Reply by Reiko LJ

What If a superhero was pushed to the edge by a villain, who thought he was a savior, by torturing his/her family.

This episode gets high rating. But when Snyder did the same in a more polite and humane way in Man of Steel, fans praised while Marvel's fans jeered. This episode got praised.

That's what happened with Disney's generation brainwashing for decades. What a pity!

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Fr. The masses just don't appreciate MoS or BvS for what Snyder was trying to say. It's just an echo chamber of hate

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Devs: 1x08 Episode 8

Reply by Reiko LJ

Tbh this didn't tread any ground that hasn't been covered before. It just sprinkled some religion in there too and was about 4 episodes too long. Still think the acting and dialogue was poor too.

When you get into simulation theory I think Root said it best:
"Schrödinger said, at its base level, the universe isn't made up of physical matter, just shapes. A shape, you know, nothing firm. What it means is that the real world is essentially a simulation anyway. I like that idea-that even if we're not real that we represent a dynamic. A tiny finger tracing a line in the infinite-a shape. And, then we're gone. Listen, all l'm saying, is that if we're just information, just noise in the system, then we might as well be a symphony."

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@roguescholar ah yeah sorry bud. I should have said Root from Person of Interest. A show very much worth people's time to check out!

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Fallout: 1x08 The Beginning

Reply by Reiko LJ

Next season with New Vegas is going to be awesome! My expectations for this adaptation were reasonably low, has the majority of people, but now for the next season I hope it can keep the standards if not exede.

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I think your comment got duplicated a few times bud :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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X-Men '97: 1x03 Fire Made Flesh

Reply by Reiko LJ

Kind of a letdown that they teased the Inferno Saga and it ended up before it even began, with Morph for no in-story reason assuming Lylandra's appearence as a teenager only to be mind controlled by Madelyine to assume her inferno appearence for a quick reference.
I mean, I loved that there are such references (like Rogue and Magneto in the Savage Land outfits) but it would be so much better if they weren't so shallow like the ones in this episode and actually made sense in the story.
And to top that disapointingment we have a teaser for Storm return. I really hoped we would get more episodes without her.
Nathan's technorganic virus was a nice surprise though. Never imagined we would actually see that, albeit briefly, in the X-Men animated universe.
Here is hope that the next ones briing back the quality of the first two and this one won't set up a trend.

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Lylandra? Wasn't he Magik and her alt form?

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 3x07 The Phoenix Saga: Child of Light (5)

Reply by Reiko LJ

Heads up gang. Onwards from this point you should ignore the episode order on trakt and Disney plus (if watching on there) as the air order and listings are incorrect to the actual scripts. If you Google for the correct watch order there's a good 4 eps between this and the savage land double. The pacing and events make far more sense if watching those first. Esp with 'No Mutant is an Island' being next.

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@mellowgeek incredible! So glad they fixed it. Makes sense with the new series coming out.

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Reply by Reiko LJ

Who else saw that coming a mile away?

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I have a guess though, that it's not actually Omni man. just like Noulzot appeared as dogman superhero, I bet the monarch is appearing as his father to put him at ease.

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Nah, he's been away for the whole season. It's time for his return. Would be a cop out

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Reply by Reiko LJ

Okay, an we stop with the sulking constantly grieving mother? I get it but it’s getting old real fast.

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Yeah she's been through a lot and her whole world was turned upside down. But it would be nice to see something more done with her character rather than just the add on for Omni-man and Mark's plot

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