


2001: A Space Odyssey

Maybe someday I'll find something about this that makes me appreciate it but right now after watching it once I wanna burn every single copy of this and erase every mention of it anywhere, including people's memories. Y'all who think this is a masterpiece can get fucked. I want my time back.

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Shadowhunters: 3x10 Erchomai

Fantastic mid-season finale! I don't know how the actual finale is gonna be able to top this but I guess that remains to be seen. Although I had to laugh when Simon said Clary died. I get why he'd think that but as a viewer it's too ridiculous to believe they'd actually kill her off. I'm guessing she's in Edom with Lilith and Jonathan.

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Jennifer's Body

Fun teen horror for girls (especially gay girls)

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Shadowhunters: 3x20 City of Glass

Absolutely goddamn legendary that's all I have to say

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Black Lightning: 1x01 The Resurrection

Great start to the series! Introduced the characters and setting so well I'm already invested after just one episode. Can't wait to see more.

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I never expected this to happen but this is my absolute favorite show, and I couldn't be happier about the changes from the books, which I read when I was a teenager but aren't too fond of. Unlike the books or the movie, the characters are all well-rounded and very likable, and everyone gets interesting storylines instead of it being just about Clary and Jace. The downworlder racism allegory is also handled better. If you're into this kind of thing but didn't care for the first few episodes, it gets a lot better in episode 4 and continues to improve. The acting gets significantly better as the first season goes on, and in season 2, the CGI, makeup, sets, etc. get a fantastic upgrade and the cheesy aspect disappears. All around a super fun show to watch.

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Shadowhunters: 3x09 Familia Ante Omnia

Such an exciting episode! Did not expect the Valentine thing. Clary is getting more badass by the minute.

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Shadowhunters: 3x01 On Infernal Ground

Loved it! The Clary and Luke stuff was good and Izzy was just adorable with her candy. Malec working on the communication like the pure healthy couple they are. The CGI was a bit off at times though...

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Shadowhunters: 2x05 Dust and Shadows

I enjoyed the episode, Clary's sunlight rune was my favorite part. Can't wait to see what happened to Luke.

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Shadowhunters: 2x13 Those of Demon Blood

FANTASTIC! Best episode of the show so far. Dealt with so many issues and dealt with them well. Also, I always thought Jace and Maia would make a good enemies to lovers trope and they did it! Kinda hoping it won't go beyond the physical though.

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Shadowhunters: 3x11 Lost Souls

I didn't expect to enjoy Clary and Jonathan's scenes but their dynamic was really interesting in this episode.
I'm excited to see Izzy fight for downworlders' rights again! A much better storyline than dating a random guy with no conclusion and no importance to the overall plot.

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Black Panther

Third viewing. Still just as incredible. Started crying when the credits were rolling. I didn't even know I was capable of feeling that many different emotions at once.

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Black Panther

Absolutely fantastic. I thought I was going in with unrealistic expectations but Black Panther turned out to be that good. Best Marvel film ever and definitely gonna make it to my list of personal favorite films. Excellent writing. Beautifully complex and sympathetic villain while still clearly remaining a villain, lots of strong supporting characters, and a good-hearted, heroic, yet flawed main character. This is a story that stays with you.

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Broad City: 4x02 Twaining Day

Shania was hilarious! I love Abbi and Trey together.

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