
The funniest movie of all the funny movies. My stomach hurt from laughing. Ready to partey.

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In the Mood for Love

Back in 2002 I watched it "by accident" on some random german artsy TV channel. I wasn't into foreign cinema or even profound cinema of any kind at that time. I was only 18 years old. But this movie changed my way of looking at movies. My taste completely changed from that moment on. Everything about this story is so sad, so special. I was obsessed with Maggie after it. I watched all the movies of the director I could find. It literally changed my view of movies, and if you will, my view of love. This kind of romance, you don't find in many movies. It is just so special. It touches me every time I watch it. The music, the colours, the acting. It's just perfect. The best movie about love you'll ever witness. I'm 37 years old now and I still think that's true.

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The X-Files: 5x04 Detour

When it aired back in 1997, I was 13 years old and on the PEAK of my fandomness for this show. This episode absolutely scared the shat out of me. It's still one of my favs! Also all the lovely Scully-Mulder interactions.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Literally the best movie of the whole series. And I'm qualified to say that because I was obsessed with the original 3 in the 90s. #yolo, my dudes. I know, you'll never recover, but it IS freaking amazing. #maythe4th

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Scream 3

Best part of it is Carrie Fisher :(

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30 Rock

That show is amazing. I loved every bit of it. But my most beloved memory is the Carrie Fisher-episode and I think about that very often.

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The music in this movie is absolutely superb. Brings me to tears really. I really like the story, very melancholic, just as life itself.

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Watched it today for the second time after I've seen it back then in the cinema. Couldn't remember a thing. It's actually so funny?

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Patient Zero

Were all the actors just doing a favour for a director friend or what? Can't understand why they all participated in this rubbish

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The Descent: Part 2

What a disappointment. Don't watch if you don't want the first one ruined for yourself.

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Um, spoiler, but....has anybody seen the movie Stay from 2005? Same same, but different. Love those kinda stories.

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The Farthest

I still remember the exact moment I began to develop an interest in space. It was in 2012 when I first read about the Voyager 1 space craft leaving the heliosphere. It was so mindblowing to me that it sparked my fascination with it. And since then I've felt very connected to the topic. So, seeing this documentary was very emotional for me. I admit I cried. Just because I realised how important the Voyager space crafts are still for me. It's a wholesome documentary. I recommend it to anyone who's slightly interested in space and the vastness of it.

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Best Mindfucks

Thanks for adding. I thought about it for a while now. And I remembered watching in 2002 and thinking afterward what a surreal twist of emotions I witnessed.

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Best Mindfucks

oooh what a great list. Will definitely watch those I haven't watched so far.
One of the greatest mindfucks for me will always be (and which isn't on the list):

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Grave Encounters 2

I had to correct my rating on the first one because this is even worse.

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