

Bloomington, Illinois

The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley

Good documentary about an unusual and fascinating person, and the strange rise and fall of Theranos. But it felt incomplete. I want to know more about how everything played out at the end. And to dig more into the technology and see if any of it was real.

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Gunpowder Milkshake
5 Films About Technology

Funny and light-hearted. All five films take a total of 5 minutes.

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Ultimately it's just another action movie about a super assassin. It's good enough that if you're looking for simple entertainment, it'll do.

Chastain does a fine job and really pulls off the femme fatale role, whether she's delivering spin kicks or trying to make sense of her family history. She's the main reason to watch this movie, but there's only so much for her to work with.

Weixler also turns in a nice performance. Farrell is pretty good, Malkovich does adequately Malkovich things, and Common also appears in the film.

I can imagine the pitch meeting where Chastain agreed to do this one. "You've seen action movies about assassins before, but what happens to their families and the lives they left behind? What if we really explored how those people are affected? Also we'll pay you a whole bunch and give you several months of free hollywood-style personal training."

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National Theatre Live: Skylight

I'd love to see it. What a shame that the technology has not been invented to somehow "record" this broadcast and play it back at a later time.

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Aquaman seemed to cut and paste its ideas from other movies. It's not too original and often cheesy. But... it was kinda fun anyway, and the underwater locations looked fantastic. Pretty good for DC.

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The Good Place
The Paper Tigers

This was a pleasant surprise. It's quite funny and enjoyable, with intentionally corny humor and some fun martial arts scenes. As a middle aged guy, the humor around getting old and feeling your body falling apart really landed with me.

Matthew Page as Carter is terrific. He plays the Tiger's less talented childhood rival who is often the butt of the joke. But he's not just a one-dimensional comic relief character, thankfully. The writing is better than that.

The one part of this movie I will critique is the final enemy they have to face. Although the climactic battle scene is pretty cool, the bad guy is cartoonishly evil and is so overpowered that it strains belief to imagine he would lose that fight. I wish they would have developed his character more and made him more well-rounded. But instead they went with the old trope of Good defeating Evil and overcoming impossible odds.

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Pretty corny but enjoyable. It has elements of sci-fi and horror, but it's really more of a thriller.

The characters and the whole story are over-the-top and the teen drama gets to be silly, but the lead actress does a great job and keeps things grounded.

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Midnight Special

The movie is beautifully presented and the acting is excellent. Despite there being several action scenes, it has a pretty slow pace overall. The focus of the story is mostly about the family and interpersonal dynamics as they come to terms with what makes the boy special.

I was disappointed in the sci-fi side of the story, because there's just not a lot of depth to it. Very little is explained and it might as well be magic instead of science. The only part I really appreciated in terms of sci-fi was the visuals at the climax of the story.

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The Narrow World

Incredible short film. Beautiful, very well-written, introspective and thought-provoking.

I enjoy many varieties of sci-fi, including space battles and adventures, but this is something very different.

(Available free on YouTube. Search for: Narrow World Omeleto)

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In the Time It Takes to Get There

A charming short film which riffs on modern influencer culture in a light-hearted, clever way by imagining if the Victorian era had its own version of social media influencers hawking products.

This film is the result of the "Movie Poster Movie Contest", in which young creators submitted fake movie posters, and Zach Braff turned the winning poster into a real short film. It's available for free on YouTube and AdAge.

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Sock 'Em Dead

A silly horror-comedy short. There are a couple good moments, but overall it's forgettable. You can watch it on Youtube if you're curious. This feels like a film student's project, so I wonder what prompted Robert Rodriguez to make it in 2015.

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Funny and unique. It's definitely worth watching. NSFW.

I found out how to view it on reddit:

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