
11 Followers4 Following

... in a galaxy far, far away...


Best adaptation of Sherlock Holmes ever. Even better than BBC's Sherlock (it lacks the drug abuse and 'unethical' practices from the detective. It's too "politically correct", it's somewhat annoying). Now if you think I'm on the wrong show posting this, either you didn't watch House MD, or you don't know Sherlock Holmes...

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The Walking Dead

This is bad. A bad, slow, poor adaptation from the comics. And, hell, I watched it through 4 1/2 seasons... I mean, c'mon, 1st season is great! 2nd is ok. 3rd is meh. But 4th? 4th is "what the hell are the producers doing to this show?" horrible. And now they announce that the 6th (FU*&%ING 6TH!!!) season will have... ZOMBIES?? Isn't this SUPPOSED to be a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SHOW? And they announce zombies as if it was a great turn of events in the show... Really? o.O

No, don't bother telling me what happened to the show after the first half of 4th season. I'm pretty sure I can sum that up in only three syllables: "bla bla bla"...

I give it 2 hearts. And that is because 1st and 2nd seasons really entertained me, despite what they did to some characters (like... what? 19 episodes to kill Shane? Seriously? Why? And why is Lori so annoying? Someone please kill her!! \o/ YESSS! Thank you Carl! That's my boy!! Now I can stop watching this crap! Oh no, wait! The Governor appears! YESS!! ............. Aaaaand, he's boring. -_-' ).

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Monkey Man
No One Will Save You

Brilliant! This is a masterpiece. Every single aspect of the movie, from the script to the acting and the direction, from photography to make up, from VFX to OST, absolutely EVERYTHING is so well thought, so well made, the passion of everyone involved is palpable. This movie is a heartwarming piece for every fan of the seventh art. While Hollywood nowadays is all about the technique, the technology, techie this techy that, this movie takes it from the heart. A fable so well told it will stick with you for quite some time. A magical, mystical yet so scary world that you can almost smell from your seat, depicted in many delicate yet gruesome details...
THIS, ladies and gentleman, is pure ART. This is what cinema is about.
Now, if you didn't watch it yet, stop reading this and treat yourself the pleasure. You won't regret.

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Late Night with the Devil
I'm Thinking of Ending Things
Kyle XY

It's a good show. Had everything needed in a show... too bad it was cancelled... =(

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