Another Geordie-centric episode following straight on the heels of the previous one, but this is much more dynamic. Geordie is also far more interesting when the focus isn't his love life, plus we get to see him without the visor on. LeVar Burton has a very expressive face, so letting us see his eyes is always a good thing.

The very tense situation on the ship is the better side of the episode, though. Romulan intrigue is always entertaining, while Worf gets to make a bold character statement. The scenes he has with both Riker and Picard are wonderful, with the Captain showing him the respect he deserves by not ordering him to help the Romulan, despite the situation.

The fantastic Andreas Katsulas makes his first appearance as Commander Tomalok, and he always leaves an impression. We get to see the better production values of season 3 down on the planet's surface, it looks far more realistic than the cheap cardboard sets we've been stuck with from previous seasons.

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@lefthandedguitarist a lot of times I found the thoughts I had when I watched the episodes in your comments.

@finfan Great minds think alike ;)
