Shouts about...

Annihilation 2018


Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-02-23T03:45:32Z— updated 2018-08-18T22:46:02Z

What a visually stunning, thought provoking, and uncomfortable (I mean that in the best way possible) movie. Alex Garland knows how to make a hard sci-fi movie and he needs to do more. The visuals and the score are just so trippy and creepy that you just can't look away. Natalie Portman showing off her amazing acting skills. Tessa Thompson and Oscar Issac are both good too.

The whole lighthouse scene I was mesmerized. What an awesome scene. The way the alien started to take form of Lena's face really freaked me out. The lighthouse burning with Lena watching it might be my favorite shot in the movie. And then to end it with Lena and Kane back together but not themselves was a perfect ending. Kinda the same way Ex Machina had a great ending.

EDIT: Even better on rewatch. This is a drop dead gorgeous movie. Watching it in 4k HDR is mesmerizing. The color palate jumps out at you. The score is haunting, especially near the end. The lighthouse is still very uncomfortable.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9.5

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A mind trip into chaos.

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Goddamn, Al Gore was right...ManBearPig is alive and scary as shit

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Wow! This movie is a whole lot of non sense and randomness... And if it was supposed to have a plot I don't know where that went.
Other than good visuals and Natalie Portman, I don't know what else this movie has...

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This has been one of my favorite sci-fi/suspense movies since it opened 5 years ago and I love that it’s seeing a resurgence since being added to Netflix at the end of June. This one is complicated; it features deep layers of meaning, some tricky biological science regarding mutations, and it’s all wrapped in a horribly beautiful psychedelic iridescence. The production design is stellar. There’s also one of my favorite creature/monster moments of the 2010s here (the bear). Highly recommend (and the book trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer is VERY weird but interesting).

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I worry this movie may have really been cursed by its publicity. Studios can't market something as a blockbuster action movie and then deliver a bizarre, borderline stream-of-consciousness big-budget art flick, but that's sorta what they did here. It leaves people (including me on the first night) going in expecting a lot of answers to be fed right to us, when instead, we get nothing but questions.

If you look at the other reviews here or elsewhere online, a lot of people are pretty dissatisfied with the scientific explanations the film gives for what is happening. Frankly, if you believe that those explanations are all there is to the story, you have a right to be dissatisfied with them.

But part of this story is about coming to accept or at least make peace with what is unknown and confusing, and the scientists offering these fragments of poor explanations for what is happening around them are at least as ill-informed about what's going on as we are. I'd argue that this is a story about people who don't understand the situation they're in told subjectively enough that we'll never fully understand that situation either.

And I'm OK with that.

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Huh... Cool one, don't answer all the questions, but it's a good movie :)

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Not quite what I expected, but it was still a very well done movie. As weird as it it, it made me uncomfortable at times in a good way if that's even a thing lol

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Ninth Viewing. Still just as sensational. Sci fi has never and will never top this.

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Alex Garland makes some pretty unique content, and it is not talked about enough. This movie is a trip that kept me engaged and entertained from start to finish. While this may not reach the heights of Ex Machina, it is darn close!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Shout by Chris

“You said nothing comes back. But something has...

One twisted ride down the insane metaphorical rabbit hole. Twists, turns, lots of hidden meanings, will allow lots of fun theories on what the heck it was all about. Really fun trip.

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Björk's most ambitious video to date!

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Films that pretend to be really smart but in fact aren't are bound to be more disappointing than films that don't pretend to be anything at all. I can't get my mind around how Alex Garland thought showing a character barfing light while yelling "annihilation" would seems like a satisfying ending (well, it's close to the ending) to a film that is set up in such a "look at how smart I am" way. Same goes for the old trick "kill one = kill all" (with a phosphorus grenade, in this case).
I get the fact that there are lots of ending theories and "hidden meanings", but even these seem really easy to set up if for a movie that doesn't really settle on anything at all. Guess I am just tired of films whose initial "mystery" pulls you in and whose endings aren't anywhere NEAR as interesting as the initial mystery. Okay, I'll stop rambling now.

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I now take "From the writer and director of Ex Machina" as a warning.

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The shining points of this film is the cinematography, art, sound and score.
The acting was believable.
My biggest hang up is the plot, the first 2 acts are great and build the tension well. The climax felt ambiguous for the sake of ambiguity.


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wow nice special effects inspired by windows media player

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The movie touches on a lot of topics, and shows a lot, but never ultimately explains what happened, it just happens with no explanation.

The ending with Lena fighting her doppelgänger and detonating the phosphorus grenade was awful. What did the alien ultimately want? It is unclear.

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This movie was awful! It started off great, thought they had a good plot, then they go into the "shimmer." It became very hard to follow, the story was going back and forth and sideways. I found myself wishing the end would just come lol. There are way better "end of the world" movies out there. How does this director go from 28 days and 28 weeks later, and Dredd to this crap. Will never watch anything with this director again, I should have known, wasn't that impressed with ex machina either. And Natalie Portman?????? Hasn't she been downgraded to a "B" movie actress yet? I can see that her acting as not improved at all since her days in "Star Wars."

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Shout by Hugo José
BlockedParent2018-03-13T00:27:56Z— updated 2019-01-05T15:55:03Z

The visuals were great, but the screenplay...

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Unforgivable. Horribly dull presentation of what could have been a fine Sci Fi idea. Fought off sleep and now wondering if I should have just taken a nap. 2/10

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I have seen some bad movies. This? It was bad on a whole different level. An inexplicable circumstance never defined. Plot points that made NO sense. *!!!
I watched trying to determine in Natalie Portman was a good actress. This movie was just awful. Gina Rodriguez... Tessa Thompson... Oscad Isaac... Jennifer Jason Leigh... WHAT THE *
Alex Garland wrote & directed this. Dude you explain anything. As visually captivating as some of it was everything else was just nonsense. That ending made no sense.

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Shout by Whaniee
BlockedParent2018-04-11T06:29:19Z— updated 2018-07-12T16:58:38Z

Theoretically, this movie is a metaphor on what will happen (even it is not possible) if our DNA is being mutated or 'refracted'.

IMO, even though Annihilation brings along the "Arrival", "Alien", "Stalker" vibes with it, this movie is unique in its own way.
100% recommended !!

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The movie does not work for me because the setup has serious logical problems.
For years, they have studied that shimmer and sent teams they've never heard of again. Of course, their next step is to send in a handful of female scientists, to give them an automatic rifle (but not much else that might come in handy, such as a decent flashlight), and to expect them to succeed. The simple explanation for this is that the male soldiers have failed. Has anyone ever come up with the idea of ​​sending in heavy equipment or have I missed something?
I should probably put Alex Garland films on my Dont Watch List, because that's three out of three now that I found rather mediocre.

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The CGI is undoubtedly amazing, but the story fell flat for me and I can't seem to understand what about this is supposed to be so "deep." Everything was predictable and the ending was just like any other ending in any other sci fi/horror movie: purposely ambiguous . But even then, you can very easily understand all the implications and possible ramifications, so there's really nothing of substance to chew on afterwards.

All in all, it's an entertaining movie, but nothing else. You will more than likely forget about it the next day,

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I'm sorry, but this was boring to watch.
Visuals are nice, but CGI was a bit over the top.
Story moves slow and I can't say that either horror or thriller labels would fit this film.
Maybe it's meant for an artistic intellectual audience.
For me it disappointed and won't recommend to watch this..

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Why didn't they just take a boat?

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Of course people will immediately think of other sci-fi titles for comparison and reference, but what I enjoyed about Annilation is that it is basically Alice in Wonderland, except where Alice is a biologist, and Wonderland is an area of genetic corruption. I was intrigued, and entertained, and I enjoyed the visuals, which were curious and beautiful, but not over-done. One flaw is that out of four characters we only really get to know one.

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Wonderful visuals packed into a tense story, that leaves you asking questions long after it's finished. Some genuinely creepy moments really help keep you on edge, as to try to figure out what it all means. It's great sci-fi.

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This move plays more on the love/wonder/drama aspect of things--not so much thriller/horror/sci-fi. There are only 3 (maybe 4) short scenes with any sci-fi and/or horror.

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While a good film in itself; call me old fashioned but the book and the series is better.

It may be that if you come to this without having read each book when it came out you won't feel like anything is missing. But for me it just didn't quite mesh, for anyone loving that it's an all female expedition - that's just how it is in the book it's not written in to appease or enrage anyone.
From this version with the characters having names, to the myriad other forms it diverges from the books. It just feels too much has been lost.
I won't ruin anything if you do read the books. Which I would totally recommend and have been doing so for years.

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Shout by schmenky
BlockedParent2018-03-23T21:19:51Z— updated 2018-03-27T22:05:51Z

1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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Ex Machina also by alex garland was a great movie but this movie is such a waste of time. Its concept it´s attractive and it could have been a great movie but it got lost along the way.

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Annihilation is a movie that is hard to categorize. In some parts, it's a straight-up sci-fi. Other parts give off a distinct psychological drama kind of vibe. Some parts are even horror like. But that doesn't really matter as everything is very well made. The cinematography and locations are excellent, the story is engaging and thought-provoking, and the actors do a very good job in delivering a script that is essentially about human nature and our flaws.

I enjoyed Annihilation, and I think I will rewatch it soon, as it's certain that there is more to discover with this one...

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The movie provide tons of new and interesting ideas, but sadly you are not going to see them resolve into anything at all, as they all just kind of fade through the story.
The movie was fine actually, if it wasn't trying SO hard on hiding its weakness in those boring Inception "BOOM!" sound, CGI recolored forest, slow and hollow girls talking, and most of all, the so very pretentious ending.

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At first the movie is pretty interesting but it quickly falls apart and the ending seems like it was rushed together by a first year film student on a shoestring budget. Don't bother.

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From simple explenations movie goes to not understandable mode..

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Las tres cuartas partes de la peli me han gustado, el final me ha dejado un poco frío, creo que no he llegado a comprenderlo.

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It saddens me to see that bunch of people didn't understand this movie, hence the bad rating. That's a shame, because this movie is a pure masterpiece!

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Really dissapointed. Is just like a bad trip.

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This movie is very different. Sometimes I felt like a was watching Stranger Things with this parallel universe. The characters were well interpreted. I still need a few answers with that last scene.
Fun fact: The black character did not died first. Finally!

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Annihilation is a very interesting movie. Even though the viewer is left with a lot of questions at the end and throughout the film, the story is fascinating. Very creepy, exciting and thrilling. The cast is amazing and the music is brilliant.
The visuals are amazing and even though I saw the movie only on the small screen (Netflix), I was very impressed.

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Wow, what a waste of my 2 hours. First off, it is not the movie promised in the trailer. This was just stupid and I don't want to hear anything about it making you think. I can think on my own thank you.

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Fantastic movie. Saw it knowing nothing about the book or the movie, and was absorbed and blown away. One of the better SF movies out there.

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they simply ruined one of the best weird fictions ever. what the hell garland?

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I only watched this because I read an article saying Annihilation shows what the world is like if pokemon were real. I was disappointed.

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Drug is bad, don't do drugs. Never.

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The main issue that I have with the movie is we found something, I’m not going to try an comunicate I’ll just hit and blow things up… but make more interesting the person who started the journey is not the same who ended it. Maybe don’t say that and let the watchers think. I don’t know I liked the plot but not that much how they resolved the mystery

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felt like i was on crack or dr*gs while i was watching this, good lord

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I don't understand why this film gets so much hate. It is conceptually brilliant and challenging, and the effects were well done.

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Streamed via Hulu (FXM)

I don't know what to say about this. This film explores human self destructive behavior with unsettling visualization and chilling score. It's thematically interesting, the concept is very unique and I really liked the monster design but it chose to commited to just the atmosphere. The first half was boring. Poorly written dialogue, I almost didn't care about any characters, they're just forgettable, and the lead's relationship felt very forced. It did pick up but move way too slow and I don't get the weird chronological structure, feels unnecessary. The last 20 minutes was a great experience. The score was supremely haunting and it worked really well with the ending scene. If you're into cosmic horror, it's worth checking out.

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this movie rocks.
new monsters to be scared of.
perfect balance between sci fi and horror.
action packed.
Underworld meets Bird Box.

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I've read the book, saw the movie and they both has the same problem: the authors do a great job at the start and the middle, but couldn't end properly. The book goes better, way better, but has this too. I read the all trilogy waiting for something great. But ends unsatisfactory.

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What do I have to say about this movie? That I lost 115 minutes from my life.

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"Making movies steeped in vagueness these days is proving to be an excellent way to earn critical praise, but being artfully ambiguous strikes me as a way to cover for not being able to finish the job."

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Confusing.... this movie made no sense....not realistic..... great atmospheric scenes but wasn’t my cup of tea.

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I don’t know what too say. I feel stupid for watching it , but I’m not as stupid as the person who wrote it.

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This movie is a complete mess

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This has the potential to be the highest jump in review score because after seeing it once I struggled to give it a score as high as '6' because there's just nothing about this movie that makes sense. It's a beautiful movie it's well acted but I got nothing from it.

Contrast to Arrival which was a movie that I fully appreciated. That was a movie I fully understood and just didn't like. This movies is just as trippy and psychodelic as I thought it would be and yet in the end I got nothing. Maybe because I wathced it in five spurts. Maybe because I watched it under various lighting on my laptop. Who knows either way it's barely above a 5 until I watch it again or read some other reviews.

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Natalie Portman is an automatic watch for me, and being science fiction I was interested. But this was a little weirder then I was expecting, and the reason why I didn't give it high marks it left me more confused then satisfied, it ended with too many questions and I'm happy I only saw this on a plane and nothing else. To just kill time, I watch it but happy I didn't go to the movies to see this.

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Boring. Fall asleep a lot of times. Had to rewind a lot until I was able to finish it. Interesting idea but that's it. Just an idea.

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This is NOT what I was expecting. Starts of interesting but it stops exploring the world they live in and it's simply a very strange ending. When they reach the lighthouse everything sterts to spin out of control. It looses its suspense and just feels - strange.

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Had kind of an expectation before watching it...totally disappointed. It makes no sense from start to the end. If then make a no sense means something being "intelligent"..well... Nothing new..if not the idea of the refracted DNA. And I was kind of ok until Lena get to the point where the meteor crashed into a lighthouse. The rest was too much no sense. I like when a movie leaves an open ending..but this didn't trig my mind on thinking what it could be.. By the way..if the story of the movie is based on what Lena's reports, and Lena isn't herself anymore..then everything is based on nothing.. Oh..and the ouroboros a tattoo is part of a person's dna? really?? Yet it apperes on many people once they get there... And Josie? Turned into a bush? that's it? Cause she had no will to fight or look for answers? Really? I get mutation and refracting DNA..but to turn into a bush in the matter of few seconds...give me a break!

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Wasn’t feeling this movie.....kind of boring

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2018-05-24T21:44:39Z— updated 2018-12-20T12:26:23Z

I didn't like Ex Machina and I didn't like this. I fell asleep twice. Sorry Alex, just not my cup of tea. 3/10

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I don't like the story, I don't like when there are so many "what?" and "why?" moments...and if I knew that this movie is about 80% pure CGI, I wouldn't have watched it in the first place! Still, they tried something new, but they fail! I think that Natalie Portman did a good job... I love her :) so 3/10 from me.

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Holy crap! This movie was way more scary than I realized it was going to be. Awesome though!

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Interesting take on the 'subject' (dont want to spoil anything). You'll be guided through slowly increasing 'insanity' of all around till controversial ending.

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I was all set to love this. Didn't happen. I didn't hate it....but, eh. Bit boring.

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This is....this movie blows my mind. It is definitely worth watching, it is incredible, and I don't say that about a lot of movies, especially not Si-Fis but everything about this movie is amazing right down to every last detail. I'm still thinking about it.

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Curious movie that makes you think you're watching. A reflection.....

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Don't know if I liked or not. Its very different from the book and not sure if it's mistery is well handled. Good performances but still didn't like it much.

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Not quite scientific accurate but this one definitely lets you think. Also some mistakes are noticeable. Doesn't matter tho, this is a kind of movie I would really enjoy watching over and over again.

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ah! I didn't know the books. I hope they make movies of the other two books, I'm definitely gonna read them now.

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the movie feels incomplete. you are left with so many questions.

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Annihilation was one of the movies that I am absolutely glad I saw in a theater. Alex Garland has a way with his CGI that is fascinating.

Garland did a great job making the characters feel real. I really enjoyed the internal debates I had as I watched all of the things inside "the shimmer" resolve/be revealed.

The whole story felt up for you to decide the morality of each action, which I thought really lent itself to the realness of the movie.

Overall, I'd say Garland is 2 for 2 in his directorial career

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In the end, I thought this movie pretty much followed what has become a typical alien-type movie mystery story. It had great visuals and some other original aspects, but I thought they were minimal. The book had its own shortcomings, but at least it had an original story, and the movie pretty much removed this originality and seemed to force the movie down a more mainstream-style story path. There were other very cool aspects in the book that the movie removed, of which I'm also not sure why. Knowing the book and seeing the movie was definitely a negative, but just looking at the movie as objectively as I can, apart from the book, I think the movie movie was just so-so.

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Just watched. What can i say? Boring as hell. Totally waste of precious time. Poor acting and story. Everything sucks in this movie.

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Visual is good but the story is meh. There was no twist and everything was predictable.

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Shout by Deleted

Science fiction that makes you think. This is a slow-paced film that pulls you step-by-step into the world of the shimmer. Natalie Portman is the main focus and it is very much her character's story. While not on the same level as Arrival, Annihilation shares that film's desire to keep the aliens alien, with their motivations and technology left unexplained.

The characters, during the course of the film, have their own take on what is going on (the physicist and the refraction explanation), but I think this should be seen as a human in the situation explaining thing in terms they understand rather than as 'the explanation' of what is actually happening.

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Do Not Bother!! Worthless Film. Really Bad!!

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Words to describe this film: creepy, transcendent, bizarre, beautiful, original... and shimmery! Honestly, there were times when this film could have played as an effective screen saver on my tv, so elegant were the visuals.

The film, as a whole, is very good. Alex Garland has created something unique, and while I am sure there will be those head scratchers who didn't 'get it,' we should celebrate this film in whatever camp we fall into. It's not often we get a piece of hard sci-fi like this - as others have mentioned, the last film in memory to compare this to is Tarkovsky's Stalker. I would also splice the same director's Solaris into the mix, as well as 2001 and Prometheus, especially around the themes of creation and evolution - the film seems to play with a Garden of Eden theology, despite the Darwinism notions of genetics. There is so much more I want to say but can't quite find the words - my head is metaphorically self-destructing as I type this - but it's a film better experienced before reading any comment or review anyway.

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Funny, I did not know that the same director was behind Ex Machina, only found out after I saw the movie. And I had the same problem with that movie as I have with this one. When characters who are presented as being very smart do stupid things, it just ruins the movie. It did for me with Ex Machina, it did it for me here. The great visuals and all the interesting idea are just destroyed by it. Not a bad movie at all, but far from great.

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Shout by Deleted

Greatest movie ive ever seen by far. DMT instantly puts you into a conversation with your subconscious so why would EVERY living thing have dmt in it? I think this movie dances with the idea that dmt is the universal language between all living things and as we learn more about it we will see its the closest thing to “god” there is. People who use the word “weird” tend to be the ones who never think about what that description actually means.

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I loved the visuals and the soundtrack of this film but was disinterested with the other elements. Everything was predictable, even to the very last scene. Perhaps I have watched too many similar movies that I can now guess what's going on, not sure.

Some of the 'mind-blowing' plot elements my friends thought at the end, were clearly visible throughout the film, and semi-obvious.
The lighthouse scene was visually stunning and not too haunting, which I personally appreciate. Although the second I saw Dr. Ventress, I guessed the next 5 minutes-the end of the film (it would clone her, get out, etc.).
My favorite scene was that void that Natalie Portman looks into. The visuals and sounds were impeccable.

Overall, this averages out to be an above-average thriller, with something to think about afterward.

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Did anyone else find thay the scene where the alien catches fire and burns down the lighthouse very much resembles the Burning Man Festival?

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Crazy seeing that mainnactress lol but this was mid

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I think it takes a bit too much time to get to the good stuff, but the 2nd half is sooo good. The "help" scene is one of the most disturbing non-gore scenes ever.

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this movie is terrible and it has such a dry dull atmosphere to it. i wouldn't recommend it complete waste of time.

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Very interesting movie. Watching it I couldn't help but think of the book The Deep (published one year after Annihilation was published). Only one was on the earth, and the other in the ocean. Interesting enough to seek out the book that spawned this movie though. Definitely worth the watch.

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The concept has some interesting ideas but the plot is a bit of a mess. It's basically the same plot as Evolution but trying to make it serious. The concepts of loss and guilt don't really mesh with the sci fi setting and the characters aren't really fleshed out. The visuals were good and the movie was entertaining enough though.

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This moving was crazy the whole way through. I’m usually into Sci-fi movies but this one was weird. The screenplay was okay but the plot left a lot to be desired.

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For those of you who like their sci fi movies with great visuals, than this is definitely a movie for you.

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Annihilation is a thrilling Sci-Fi mind bender that will have you thinking throughout the entire film. There was not a second that I was not constantly reformulating my theories about what was causing the anomaly and what was going to happen next, which is a great experience for a film. I really enjoyed how the movie took a more realistic approach based on science. The team gathered of multiple field experts to investigate this event was reminiscent of The Arrival and was fascinating. I found that there were certain plot points that were a little far-fetched, i.e. Lena being added to the team and being given classified shortly after arriving to the military base. There were certain scenes that had so much tension and were done with some pretty interesting creatures that had me on the edge of my seat. The acting was all fine, no performance really stood out as excellent. Overall, this film was a captivating adventure with a third act that will have you questioning the entirety of the film.

Verdict: Great

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I don't know why this is tagged Horror!! I wanted to watch a horror movie, got a bulls surrealist sci-fi. :unamused:

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Mysterious, and often frightening film, with great cinematography and an engaging story, that leaves you wanting more of it.

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Annihilation is a cerebral science-fiction drama that is backed by gorgeous visuals and thought-provoking them which emphasize a meteor hitting the earth's surface and creating a shimmer thus mutating anything which comes under it is in fact an imaginative triumph in itself. In short, this is an adventure drama of finding the shimmer origin and destroying it. Though this film has a deep significance in comparing itself with the likeness of cancer cells this for me seemed like yet another highly fictitious episode.

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Full Reviews :

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The most confusing alien story! The climax alien who was supposed to be super strong and wicked turns out to be a 3D model or call it dead body plastic wrap up! It watched it for the suspense buildup and wanted to know how they end, well even the director would not figured out till date I guess.

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Shout by Lucas Heron
BlockedParent2021-04-18T04:30:41Z— updated 2021-05-21T17:48:07Z

The beginning shows us a interesting plot. But I think the story could be better, because the movie has a lot of cliches and the ending is horrible.
For sure, the best thing in the movie is the cinematography, because the movie is VERY beautiful, but the rest...

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I regret watching this piece of shit. Two hours of my life that I'm never getting back.

Have a functional brain? Don't watch this movie, you'll thank me.

Do you want to watch a movie with lots of sparkles and zero logic? You'll like this movie for sure.

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