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Bullet Train 2022

The word nope times five!

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These kind of things (Gore) shouldn't be normalized on mainstream media in Action/Comedy tag. What's wrong with the world these days...

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Fun, insane, great story telling, great cast and great acting.....felt a little bit too long. But definitely had fun watching this one in IMAX. 8/10

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Glossy and empty actioner that continuously challenges the audience’s suspension of disbelief by violating all laws of physics and logic while at the same time throwing old Japanese stereotypes and pulpy exuberance into the mix. Sounds like the perfect movie, but there are some flaws indeed, like the intrigue being too convoluted for no particular reason, or the brawls getting a little repetitive towards the end. I doubt I will ever watch it again, but I would still recommend it as a solid, brainless fun actioner to enjoy with beer and popcorn. Leitch reconfirms himself as a competent action director despite having mostly dealt with highly derivative works up to this point.

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Funny, serious with a well written plot and just enough crazy to keep it going.

Everyone involved did a fantastic job.

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Captivating, well put together, hilarious, top noch performance from the cast. A movie I never new I needed.

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Fun movie.

It's a kind of movie where You will have a lots of fun for 2h and then forget about it the next day.

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This movie reminds me of "The Interview," as it was an action packed film all the way through with constant violence/fight scenes with what seems no plot whatsoever, but funny as hell. Lots of big name actors and great pop culture references and unrealistic fight scenes make for a fun watch, but this is not a cinematic masterpiece at all, however, the plot does come into shape a bit at the end that helps you tie together all the characters, just so that you can feel better about what the movie was about. The futuristic tech and filming make a cool add on bonus.

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Such a treat to watch in the cinema. One of my favourites of the year already, funny and great acting by the cast. Great soundtrack as well!

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A fun thriller with interesting twists and a solid cast. It's a solid entertaining way to spend a couple of hours but probably not worth a re-watch in the future.

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Best action movie of 2022 so far.

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Lots of fun, lots of twists and turns, lots of story. It's a pity that the CGI takes over. I could have done with more of the David Leitch of the first 'John Wick' and of 'Atomic Blonde'.

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I liked it and it was entertaining, good for the action and for the fights. I liked the characters. A post-credits scene shortly after the credits begin

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Why oh why did they cast Andrew Koji as a dad that can't fight. He is epic in warrior and when I saw him on screen I was waiting for some fight scenes with him and I was robbed......

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Messy, Incoherent, Wild,

Bullet Train is a wild, full blown actioner which has an entertaining cast, a fast paced yet incoherent screenplay , and some slick action sequences. Brad Pitt's charm and David Leitch's dash of Deadpool inspired elements may be pleasing for many. The filmmaking in general is unique which includes well shot character callbacks, artfully utilised metaphors and some surprising special appearances which adds to the entertainment. Humor is a hit and miss at many places. This film offers the genre's chills and thrills it intends to by engaging you for its entire duration, but while at the same time you forget about the film once you finished it. Overall, it again is a wild ride with quirky characters and some deniable plausibility which fits well in this unprincipled entertainer.

Check my page

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Good fun movie. The brothers were great. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Excessively good movie.
A bit of Kill Bill with a bit of Pulp Fiction and a lot of Tarantino!!!
Very promising director, I want more!

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It was a good once watch movie. Definitely 7 stars. +1 for Brad Pitt's performance. He just nailed it for me.

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That was ridiculous.... But brilliant!

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One of the most entertaining movies I have seen in quite some time. Funny all the way through, amazing action scenes, great actors (and cameos!). 9

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Don't understand the bad reviews. For me it was insanely good entertainment that reminded me of Tarantino again and again. The cast was really good and made up for the rather poor storyline for me. The movie doesn't take itself seriously at any point. Sure, if an often blunt humor is not for you, this whole movie is not for you.
I just love Brian Tyree Henry in combination with Thomas the Tank too much.

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Wildest movie I’ve seen in the last 3 years.

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Well. Somebody's watched a lot of Tarantino.

Don't get me wrong. It's an entertaining enough film. But, I suggest you put it on while you're doing something else, because if you actually pay attention, you're going to spend all your time checking off a mental list of scenes, dialogue and characters you already saw in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill.

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Shout by movieswatcher
BlockedParent2022-09-26T21:14:57Z— updated 2023-04-28T19:57:50Z

Overall, quite a fun movie, I did quite enjoy it. But the whole time I could not shake a feeling. A feeling that I'm watching a US remake of a better Japanese movie. There have been many in the past. This one feels the same, as an American movie with a Japanese backdrop. And that just makes it feel fake overall. They did not even bother to hire Japanese actors for the Japanese yakuza. Just why?

I think I will just read the book next time. Should be better.

For me, this is the last movie I'm watching with Sandra Bullock. Her scary plastic face will haunt me forever in my nightmares

Edit: After watching it two more times, I still have the same issues with the movie, but I have to up the rating to 9, as it's just too much fun and you notice so many things when you watch it again.

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Great, fast, dynamic, colorfull. Great

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It's all very crazy, things just get thrown at you and you wonder what's going on, but it's a good thing because it keeps you entertained and when it gets closer to the end and you discover how the characters are interconnected, it's really good, it made me laugh a lot.

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Man, some of these comments. People need to lighten up and not take this so seriously. It's a fun movie.

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It's got nice performances and a few funny moments peppered here and there, but most of it is a messy pile of noise that's not half as clever as it thinks it is. The over-reliance on coincidences kills any semblance of a story.

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I've never thought an action packed movie could be this boring. It wasn't a pleasant experience at all. Also, too long for what the story is about. People walking up and down the train, rinse and repeat for 2 hours.

Can someone please tell me if something happened to our timeline that wiped out all the creativity and the talent from people, since nothing good comes out anymore from the west? Also everything must be packed with this stupid cheap not funny at all humor stuffed down our throats.

I mean, I look out the window and I get it why movies are so cringe nowadays. 2 seconds attention span audience target must be filled with "cracking" jokes in every single line of dialogue. More can't be processed.

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I have no idea what movie the people below saw but this was movie really bad. 5/10

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This was a solid film. It's dumb and over the top, but not void of humour or wit. The CGI was actually pretty good in this one. I wasn't cringing in figured when a lot of CGI was in use. That being all said, there's something about this film that doesn't make it top tier entertainment. I'm not sure what it is but I don't understand the hate it receives.

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One of the worst movies in a long while. Too much brutality, no common sense used. And everything of Japan only AI generated.
No real train, no real Kyoto Station, not even the bridge at Mount Fuji is real.

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thrift store Guy Ritchie movie

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fun to watch despite this movie shouldn't even exist tbh

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sometimes emotions hit so hard , it's action packed and overall this movie is quite cool

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Feels like a Guy Ritchie film on Japan's bullet train. Fun characters and witty dialogue but ultimately I didn't care all that much about anyone and found the plot a bit convoluted (though I didn't watch it in one sitting TBF). I also would have liked more Asian characters. Would not especially recommend though it was fine.

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If you don't like this movie, you're probably no fun to be around.

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白死神太拉垮,选角味就不对, watched at 2023-05-12, imported from douban

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manifestation of 'it sounded better in my head'

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Haven't laughed this much during a movie in a long time.

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Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 7.5/10
Total - 39/5 = 7.8

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Joey King has such a punchable face here.

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Is it just me or is this really a satire on fate?

The way they kept bringing up that topic makes it feel absurd and even comedic at times. But it is even most evident during the ending when the elder said that everything was fated to happen but then got beat the shit out of him and would have just dropped dead if not for some plastic bottle. And the White Death? He planned everything only for it to be ruined by a stomach problem. So yeah I think it was a diss on destiny until I thought that you can also use that argument for the other side, like those silly coincidences happened because fate needed it to happen. Yeah, I don't really know. I'm just spouting nonsense here. The only thing I know is that it's a good casual fun action adventure movie and I'll leave it at that.

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This is a surprisingly great fun film. Love that it doesn’t take itself too seriously and is a bit OTT.
Was concerned it was a bit more generic action coming into it but this was so much fun!

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Quite ok. :) And for the fan of Sony electronics, probably +1 for these Walkman and telephone cameos. ;)

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How people gave an oscar to everything everywhere all at once and not to this one is mistery for me.

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The concept alone is worth considering. Everything is progressively intertwined and it becomes enjoyable, especially since we have to deal with a nice cast of characters and tasty dialogues. Mention to the visual of the film, very typical and which goes to the end of its delirium.

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Shout by kinky

The most Guy Ritchie movie I've seen in a long time. Tons of fun!

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Nice cinematography,good and funny characters,great directing a lot of humor and more good stuff.This movie was refresing and you couldn't be bored i enjoyed it from the first minute. 7.5/10

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Pretty darn close to a 10 … and I pretty much never give out 10’s. Action was excellent… plenty of comic relief. Characters are interesting … conversations in between the action … excellent. When done well … this type of film is as much fun as you can get watching a movie. And this was done well.

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Great movie. Really funny, with a great story that involves a lot of funny characters.

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With continuous twists in the script, I would like the bad luck of Brad Pitt.

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generally great imagery, awesome use of neon light. complicate and interconnect plots are explained masterfully and the narrative was easy to follow

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I really like this movie but I completely understand those who don't. The actual plot is lacklustre but it has a repeating chaos that never let's a single moment go boring. The directors were not going for Oscars with this one.

If fun is your objective, constant chaotic fun, watch it.

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Fun, crazy, fun, fun, crazy, Brad Pitt, fun, wild, Sandra Bullock, funny, outstanding performances by every member of the cast, outrageous, fun, crazy. Oh, I really liked this movie. It's entertainment!

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Good old fashion crime action film on a bullet train.

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Highly recommend this movie. So much more entertaining than I expected it to be. And even had me laughing my ass off several times, too. Well done!!

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Magically self repairing train doors are real.

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Don't waste your time this is pure garbage

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What a fun movie! The fight scenes were some of the funniest parts of the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed this one - even with the crazy web of a plot that brought all the characters together on the train. Definitely worth a rewatch.

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Channing Tatum and Ryan Reynolds not in the credits

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