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Bullet Train 2022

really enjoyed this film from start to finish

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After a long long time, i've found a movie which is worth watching multiple times.
Whole movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish.
Every character is awesome; even their names.
Story keeps you guessing at guessing and ending is awesome.
Action, Comedy and acting. Everything is brilliant.

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Awesome..!! Awesome..!! Awesome..!!
The BEST Dark Humor ever.
Story, Placing, Dialogues, every thing.
You're gonna love every character.
Even surprise characters are awesome.

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I have to write it and absolutely sincerely it's the most ridiculously stupid movie I've ever seen and it can't be saved because it has renowned actors it's a real one :poop: I've been wide of the icon

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Shockingly amazing movie!

:star_struck: The Casting
:boom: The Action
:rofl: The Comedy
:exploding_head: The Plot Twist
:astonished: The Cameos

From beginning to end this movie had EVERYTHING! I highly recommend this movie for anyone looking for a refreshing storyline filled with action and comedy!

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Shout by movieswatcher
BlockedParent2022-09-26T21:14:57Z— updated 2023-04-28T19:57:50Z

Overall, quite a fun movie, I did quite enjoy it. But the whole time I could not shake a feeling. A feeling that I'm watching a US remake of a better Japanese movie. There have been many in the past. This one feels the same, as an American movie with a Japanese backdrop. And that just makes it feel fake overall. They did not even bother to hire Japanese actors for the Japanese yakuza. Just why?

I think I will just read the book next time. Should be better.

For me, this is the last movie I'm watching with Sandra Bullock. Her scary plastic face will haunt me forever in my nightmares

Edit: After watching it two more times, I still have the same issues with the movie, but I have to up the rating to 9, as it's just too much fun and you notice so many things when you watch it again.

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Just watching the trailer made me realize this is an easy pass. Not a good movie at all. I guess anyone rating it high, it isn't old enough to have properly watched Tarantino's movies in real theaters, otherwise I don't understand the rating they give to this "canned garbage".

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Like confetti cake, it looks like fun but doesn't have enough substance.

Bullet Train feels like it tries too hard to be quirky and comes across as more convoluted than streamlined.

Whatever quirkiness left that doesn't feel forced is stained by the WTF dripping off it like blood from an open sore.

That said, the frantic pace combined with some nice lead actors (Aaron Taylor-Johnson nailed his part) and fun cameos keep this train afloat.

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I am aware that I am more positive about "Bullet Train" than most critics. But I had so much fun watching it again that I can overlook a few inconsistencies and a slightly weaker final act. The script is clever, and the characters are delightfully quirky, as well as perfectly cast. Furthermore, the humor is consistent throughout. The biggest draw, however, is the action. It's perfectly staged, easy to follow, and the emphasis on stunt work is refreshing in comparison to many other genre representatives. What more could you ask for in an action film?

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Good fun movie. The brothers were great. :thumbsup_tone1:

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It was a good once watch movie. Definitely 7 stars. +1 for Brad Pitt's performance. He just nailed it for me.

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Intentionally ridiculously stupid but has some great moments

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Best movie 2022. Best actor: Ryan Reynolds
If you love Coen movies, this one is a must!

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When I saw this trailer originally, I was not impressed. It did not really seem like my cup of tea, but I was certainly wrong. It’s a chaotic good time that is packed with cameos. It reminds me of a similar vibe as Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I don’t think this will too many movie of the year lists, but it will be enjoyed by many

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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I loved this movie, it was so fun!

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One of the most entertaining movies I have seen in quite some time. Funny all the way through, amazing action scenes, great actors (and cameos!). 9

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Don't understand the bad reviews. For me it was insanely good entertainment that reminded me of Tarantino again and again. The cast was really good and made up for the rather poor storyline for me. The movie doesn't take itself seriously at any point. Sure, if an often blunt humor is not for you, this whole movie is not for you.
I just love Brian Tyree Henry in combination with Thomas the Tank too much.

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this surely was a surprise. i expected nothing and got almost everything. i was afraid i will see another 0815 big budget action movie like almost everyone we got the last years. but this movie was clever, fun, suspenseful, really enjoyable and hat a fantastic soundtrack. i will definitely rewatch this. several times.

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Fun, insane, great story telling, great cast and great acting.....felt a little bit too long. But definitely had fun watching this one in IMAX. 8/10

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This movie reminds me of "The Interview," as it was an action packed film all the way through with constant violence/fight scenes with what seems no plot whatsoever, but funny as hell. Lots of big name actors and great pop culture references and unrealistic fight scenes make for a fun watch, but this is not a cinematic masterpiece at all, however, the plot does come into shape a bit at the end that helps you tie together all the characters, just so that you can feel better about what the movie was about. The futuristic tech and filming make a cool add on bonus.

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It's all very crazy, things just get thrown at you and you wonder what's going on, but it's a good thing because it keeps you entertained and when it gets closer to the end and you discover how the characters are interconnected, it's really good, it made me laugh a lot.

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If you don't like this movie, you're probably no fun to be around.

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Fun, crazy, fun, fun, crazy, Brad Pitt, fun, wild, Sandra Bullock, funny, outstanding performances by every member of the cast, outrageous, fun, crazy. Oh, I really liked this movie. It's entertainment!

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This is an excellent movie that has completely surpassed my expectations. It has lots of amazing action and great comedy and wonderful performances from all the actors involved. The movie reminds me of Kill Bill.

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Found it boring and had a hard time getting invested in the story. It is sometimes funny especially when Brad Pitt is on screen but it gets so cheesy and goofy that it's hard to take it seriously. The characters were great Lemon and Tangerine were my favorites the girl in pink was so unbearably annoying but I guess that was the point of her character. The action sequences weren't the best especially the sword fighting. The surprise cameos were fun but pointless really and they could of cut out some of them. Also I swear this movie felt like 4h I tought it would end at least 3 times. The final villain was so underwhelming he should of kept his mask on or something.

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I found it boring. A cheap copy of a Guy Ritchie or Tarantino movie. Didn’t have the same finesse to it.

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A fun watch at the cinemas. Audience was laughing throughout. I think a good crowd can certainly impact one's own enjoyment. A fun actioner w some good comedic chops. Some over the top silliness of course , but that's part of the charm I suppose. 7.9. Highly recommended for folks that know what they're getting into. Surprised critics are under 60% on rt. Too silly I suppose for some.

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It is the action fun package with fast scenes. This is what you expect to see. Watch, smile and move on. 7.5/10

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Yeah, it is pretty bad.

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To be honest I found myself bored in this movie multiple times. There are so many characters that come and go and you don't realise until later when you're trying to work out where they went and why did they create such a story around them. The movie is of course filled with profanity and gore as the rating suggests, but I must say that at the end of it all, the way they tie in all the little stories was amazingly done and there were still plenty of surprises to be had. I also feel that they wrapped the story up quite well (make sure to stay through the animated credits for some finishing remarks). Overall, better than average but not much better than a 6.

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This is a strange movie... one minute it's fantastic, then stupid, then fantastic. Funny, not funny, then hilarious, then not funny. It's all over the place. It's like a whole bunch of skits are melded into a movie, but there is a storyline running right through it.

While watching it I was thinking this is such a Guy Ritchie or Tarantino movie... but it isn't.

Tons of blood splatter and dead people... and F-bombs

I want to give it 8.5/10, but I can't because there's just too much/many bad bits.

6.5/10 it is

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Kill Bill 20 years after, but this one is pretty forgettable and won’t lead to Kill Bill 2 (I hope at least).

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Idiot plot and almost non-existent, disgusting cinematography with abused CGI almost everywhere (it was very clear it was filmed in studio throughout), flat acting. Very little can be savaged here.

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Gave the movie 8 of 10. It‘s a good action and comedy, 2h non-stop get a punch in a face movie with too much green screen scenes. Overall ok, but not really worth to see it a second time.

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aaron taylor johnson and brian tyree henry were the absolute best part of this movie. that and all the cameos i had no idea about because i went into the movie blind.

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This is genuinely one of the best looking, most stylistic movies I have seen. I love how every character is introduced with a unique backstory and name. The color pallette is also expecional as is the chemistry between the actors, especially Lemon and Tangerine. I also really enjoyed all the cameos. The reason this movie didn't score higher for me was that the plot was not very intriguing. To some people this won't matter as the movie does so many other things well to overcome this, but for me it was hard to keep my attention for the full 2 hours without an interesting plot to invest in.

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One of the funniest and entertaining movies I watched in my life. And I watch loads of movies!

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With so many visual references, from Ritchie to Tarantino, you have to take as much risk as Kwan/Scheinert in their crazy "Everything everywhere..." to offer something that doesn't sound like you've already seen it or simply copied it. There is good comic timing between some of the actors, but the film ends up being a festival of empty action scenes where there is little (or almost nothing) to find any brilliant ideas, even if it is given the benefit of the doubt for being the adaptation of a novel with manga aesthetics.

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Asien bullet bullsh*t mixture of Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction and other elements of Tarantino manner! unfortunately far too exaggerated scenes that are more fun for pubescent teenagers ^_^ Tangerine climbs onto the moving high-speed train and even smashes the windshield with his fist! WOW!! what a hero of Lego-Land... and stupid to prepare a money case with dynamite without catch the money °!°
a killer seems to have the 007 License for quickly start-up the high-speed train, which speed accidently under another high-speed train and at least the snake survived
... jipphie welcome to the Kindergarden of Playmobil.
Brad Pitt is the best like every time because he has always real charisma and the right face impressions of humor... Sandra Bullock appears quite few minutes at the end and is completely over-styled with unattractive makeup!!
I would have regretted very much to spend money on it in the cinema!

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good show
在现在的电影中特效少故事的情况下,能看到一个不错的故事还是不错的,虽然说很多地方经不起推敲,没有意义,但是还是值得一看。We have not seen many stories in the past two years. The soundtrack of this film is quite good. This soundtrack can help the story to advance. Let's take a look at the excellent performance of the veteran actors, which adds a lot of points to this film which is not outstanding.

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The fact that this movie, multiple times, so obviously uses the exact opposite term to describe the effects of the Boomslang's venom, despite it being a major line of the story, says all you need to know.

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2022-10-09T07:50:25Z— updated 2022-10-13T20:59:36Z

Very enjoyable action pic that surpassed my expectations. Reminded me of some of the train journeys I have taken in the past, such as the moment when I hung off the back of a speeding train, like Pitt does here. Good times.

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Action was fast as bullet, on the right tracks with the cast and the plot was the right destination, loved it from getting on the train to getting off the train, a fun film with also some great effects along with a cool sense of humour.

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It was enjoyable but I wish they trimmed out some of the bad banter and focused more on better action and not bullshit, nonsense cg. For some reason really reminds of Bad Times At El Royale, while I get what they were going for they didn’t quite make it

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Bullet Train is a fast paced action packed adventure filled with great laughs and brutal fight sequences. This film is incredibly self aware, and I say that as compliment. It has fun with itself, and manages some serious story points with humor in a pleasant way. The cast is stacked and delivers excellent performances with some fun surprise cameos along the way. With the story being so full, I felt that it was trying to do too much and be a bit too cleaver. There were times where I had to backpedal in my head to keep track of all the characters and how they connect. I did find that the movie dragged on a bit towards the end, I'm not sure if this story warranted the two hour runtime. There were some lines that were mixed poorly where is difficult for me to hear what the actors were saying. Although, that could have been due to the bass of the theatre speakers. Overall, Bullet Train is a fun time and worth a watch in theaters.

Score: 75%
Verdict: Good

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Surprised to see actual fun plot and action in this movie

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John wick but with more jokes

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I just realized this is the type of action movie I want more of. Though it's still as testosterone-heavy as ever, it doesn't take itself too seriously and constantly points out the humor in its more ridiculous aspects. And it's fun, really fun.

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a lotta fun.

minor gripe: snakes are venomous (affecting the blood), not poisonous (digested).

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I really liked it. If you like that British comedy that’s comparable to Shaun Of The Dead, than you’ll love this. It’s just a action movie instead, but the humor is so on point.

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Shout by Salomé T.
BlockedParent2022-12-07T20:08:59Z— updated 2022-12-21T06:34:29Z

Really good! It doesn't get boring for even one second, couldn't look away. Loved all the goofy characters and jokes. Strong Tarantino vibes. It's more 7.5/10 but I'd rather rate it up than down.

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bruh what? WHAT?
Also, what was the point of having Karen Fukuhara in the movie? Waste of talent.
They made Sandra Bullock look like a CGI character with all that makeup.
The white death does not sound Russian in any way, Joey King spoke Russian better.
Ryan Reynolds is being used as a meme across different movies now.

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Excessively good movie.
A bit of Kill Bill with a bit of Pulp Fiction and a lot of Tarantino!!!
Very promising director, I want more!

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-11-20T01:02:22Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:25:18Z

Not as good as I hoped it would be. Not as bad as I expected it to be.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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AMAZING movie! Brad and Joey are just brilliant. This is a MUST-WATCH!

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What a crazy movie. Did not expect much and obviously it was justover the top. Still enjoyable and some things were so ridiculous they got funny. Also, many things were a bit predictable. Still good.

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This was a very refreshing movie. It has been a while since I have enjoyed a movie this much. The characters kept coming one after another, each more interesting than the previous. The story was also carefully put. Cinematography was top-notch. The movie kept giving till the last scene.

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fantastic movie. Brad Pitt plays a great role

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What a great movie! Starts out slowish, and is super confusing, wife left halfway through to her detriment! That's when things start coming together. Watch the whole movie! All of it!
Great new gen version of a comedy action movie!

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very fun movie, loved the whole Brad Pitt "therapy" advice that he comes up with here and there, funny little touch, and an amazing cast

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That was ridiculous.... But brilliant!

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It amuses me that the three reviews prior to this were a 4, 6 and 10 because I think that sums it up perfectly. There are going to be some that dislike it, some that find it meh but those that like it, will probably love it.

I'm in the latter group, by the way.

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What if early career Guy Ritchie was asked to make a happy-go-lucky ensemble version of John Wick? Bullet Train. And that's no knock on the film. It was tremendously fun with a near-perfect cast, great banter, and plenty of action. Heck, even the big name cameos are riot instead of a distraction. I had low-ish expectations going in and was just blown away by how much I enjoyed this, even with some of the dodgy CGI at the end.

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Shout by Robb
BlockedParent2023-06-06T16:19:42Z— updated 2023-12-05T04:50:03Z

Had its moments, but it's just another one of those generic crime flicks that tries way too hard to be edgy and cool. Story isn't original and really obnoxious editing with constant flashbacks that tell you stuff you already knew.

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In the genre "Tarantino style copycats" this is the best I've seen in a while. Better than Tarantino's last 2.

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Not half as slick, stylish, or creative as it thinks it is, it’s fun enough to fill out the runtime. That could apply to Brad Pitt too, who is obnoxious here though his real life allegations don’t help. Aaron Tyler-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry are standouts. Hiroyuki Sanada one day I’ll see you in a great thing. The action does it’s job without ever kicking it into the high gear you’re hoping for, some of the writing is cloying, and there’s some jarring CGI. But it’s okay.

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The movie tries too hard to be funny.

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"Bullet Train" is a Japanese film directed by Ryuichi Hiroki and based on the novel of the same name written by Kōtarō Isaka. The film tells the story of two passengers who travel on a bullet train and begin to talk about their lives and their problems. As the conversation continues, they begin to connect emotionally and realize they have more in common than they thought.

The film is a reflection on life, love, and human relationships, showing how people can have an impact on each other's lives through small actions and words. The dialogues are deep and well-written, and the actors do an excellent job in conveying the emotions of the characters. Additionally, the direction and photography are excellent, creating a relaxed and reflective atmosphere that perfectly suits the tone of the film.

Overall, Bullet Train is a highly recommended film for those who are looking for a reflective and emotional story. It's a mature and thought-provoking film that invites the viewer to reflect on their own lives and relationships. The rating of 9 out of 10 is well-justified, this film is a gem of Japanese cinema.

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Mr. Ladybug is the most unlucky lucky man ever exist. I expect Ryan Reynold to show up at the end but turn out it's just a cameo.

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Starts off really well but falls apart HARD in the 3rd act. Goes for style, over substance.

Joey King and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are the real standouts., and Pitt's character is a little too dumb.

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Bratt Chan in Psycho Train.

This film is a mixture of 7 Psychos and the Hong Kong action cinema of Jackie Chan.
On the one hand, the film is an ensemble piece where the Bullet Train sets the stage and all the characters are gradually introduced and meet each other.

The action is staged in the style of Hong Kong cinema a la Jackie Chen and everything that Bratt Pitt gets his hands on becomes a weapon. As with their role models, the scenes are fast and the blows have impact, but there is always a good portion of slapstick.

I don't want to reveal anything about the story, which is of secondary importance. The film should definitely be seen by anyone who is interested in one (ensemble cinema) or the other (Hong Kong action).

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'Bullet Train' was a chaotic speedy madness all over the place.....suggested this movie to watch to my cousins in a night out...they didn't like it and was mad at me...and I was hilariously amused seeing them like was fun...

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If it was less star crowded, would be a better movie. It's distracting.

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This is a Netflix-type action movie with a better cast. The plot is the kind you have to look up on its Wikipedia page to know wtf is going on.

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Goofy, funny and cool. This movie just worked for me. Likeable cast, cool action and most of the jokes landed.

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Lots of action and comedy...the plot is a little so-so, but it's one of those movies you don't watch for the plot, but rather to watch mostly to distract yourself for a couple of hours between adrenaline and laughter, and this one succeeds in doing that great.

Taken for what it is, a light movie, I really enjoyed it!

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It reminds me of Pulp Fiction

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it was a fun watch.

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Why didn’t he just push the golf club forward :joy: idiot.

I don’t like that lemon died

Damn it!!! He almost killed that lying bitch

Jesus Christ that girl played EVERYONE!!! shows you what women can do and how they can control men lol

lemon’s not dead!!!! yes

So the sword could cut through a train seat but it cant cut through his cane?

Yess the ending was “chief’s kiss” with the Tangerine thing. :clap_tone3:

Some good action and fighting scenes, nothing much after that.

Rating: 6/10

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Fummy and not really a thriller

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I really recommend This movie for anyone who want to have 2 hour's of action comedy, really this was so funny and like u don't have to think about plot or feel stressed or anything
the way of camera moves and soundtracks ( thoseee so good song's), besides the chosen lights make it really awesome
andddd may watch it again later

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It’s a decent movie. The water brand placement alone makes me want to rate this 1/10 because it felt like watching a 2 hour long advertisement.

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Genuinely loved this movie and blew past my expectations, loved every character in the film, totally colorful production with the right kind of thriller. Loved the way the story line went and connecting the dots, getting introduced to the bad guys, a story within a story and figuring out how it all came together with Brad Pitt in the middle of this entertaining rollercoaster.

I bought all of Kotaro Osaka's novels after watching this movie including Bullet Train

I liked the movie so much I watched it twice, and just as fun the second time around.

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If the writing and the script are as clever as the characters perceived to be, then it would have been a masterpiece.

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Such a great movie from begging to end.
Everything was amazing.

The action
The comedy
The cameos
The plot twist
The Casting

My only gripe is the physics. (yes I'm a nerd) The train goes 130mph so some of these scenes triggered my ocd. Other than that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE

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This was stop and go for a while there. I wasn't sure if I was gonna end up liking it. I'm particularly sensitive when characters I like die for seemingly no reason.

At the end of the film though I struggle to find anything I didn't like. I wasn't a fan of Joey King but whatever her character was fine, the writing for her was fine, and her acting was good enough. I just, didn't like her.

Brad Pitt fit the role like a glove. He just inhabited Ladybug. Everyone else was excellent the production design was colorful and well lit and cinematography did some interesting things. It kept me interested all the way to the end which not every movie can do. Love it had a good time. Kinda wanted more Zazie Beets because her character was hilarious.

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This was the wildest ride. It completely blew all my expectations. Watch if you want a fun, great action movie.

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It was great, enjoyed every second.

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A bad Guy Ritchie wannabe.

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Sandra Bullock's face looks like a train wreck

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