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F9 2021

This is avenger in disguise

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Magnets, how do they work?

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Bad acting, horrible script, and corny action/cgi. Haven’t watched about the last 6-7, didn’t know it got this bad. Remember the first 2 being entertaining ???

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not a single scratch on the family, they are really invincible.
bombs explode, cars crash, buildings collapse. nothing can hurt them. 6.5/10

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it's more a less what I expected. The action was fun and in similar vain as 7 and 8. Great set pieces and some genuinely amusing moments. I don't get why people are complaining about the lack of realism. The Fast franchise threw that idea out the window many movies ago. It was nice to see Han back but felt kind of like he was just shoehorned in conveniately though. Plot was incredibly lazy and generic.
Cast did an acceptable job. flashbacks and relation to Nascar was odd especially considering Dom is a streetracer.

5/10 Underwhelming with some fun action scenes but that's about it. Another soulless Hollywood production.

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That final scene, respect for Brian :pray_tone3:
A lot of crazy scenes, but what did you expect? It's fast and furious :joy:

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Sad. I was a fan.

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yeah waaay too much xD but ain't mad, uk the thrill and the fun is always present in the fast n furious movies BUT THEY DEFINITELY NEED TO CHILL YO XDDD

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Space cars? I swear to God, don't watch this movie high. You'll have a bad trip.
Watch it medium or sober instead, you'll still laugh your ass off.

I swear to God this Francise died before Paul Walker did. No disrespect.
Yet, I still watch them. Just to see what crazy shit they'll think of next.

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"it's all in the numbers .. it's physics" the character said, as he defies physics ...

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I mean what a piece of trash !! it is unbeliavable.

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You have to be HIGH to see this movie, only then you can enjoy this fantasy movie about secret agents and cars on the space.

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There’s bad fast and furious films then there’s F9

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honestly underwhelmed, wish there were more over-the-top action scenes than whatever was shown on the trailer(s).

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I hope they just stop.. enough fast and furious

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Ranking these Fast and Furious movies.

"Be precise in life. It makes all the difference."

To think that this franchise started out with street races and 20 years later they are shooting cars into outer space and are driving around rampaging through cities using magnets? DAAAAMN.

F9 has Justin Lin returning to the franchise and he directed my favorite entries in them, it has Sung Kang back as Han which is always awesome, Michael freaking Rooker!!! They missed the opportunity to have Jakob (John Cena) stand in front of Dom (Vin Diesel) and do the "You can't see me" gesture followed by a FU and finished off with the legendary "Five Knuckle Shuffle". I even enjoyed the return of Jordana Brewster. Best scene? Dom giving the keys to Jakob to a 10-second car. Love call backs! And in the end I still enjoy the humor and Corona.

The Fast franchise might have turned up to 11 with everything I do love they keep the "Family" the same. Now I'm hoping for a return of Dwayne Johnson in the final two parts.

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I knew what I was getting into, but the attempts at deep one liners and poor acting by the peripheral characters took me out of it. Obviously the action is next level over the top, but the idea isn't to be realistic it's to be entertaining. They really try to high wire the balance between high octane thrills and brain-numbing absurdity and the latter took over for me. 5.4

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so far the worst fast & furious movie

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this movie obviously was ridiculous and over the top but hey it as enjoyable and fun to watch. that ending got me sooooo excited and then it was cut :( that was the only scene that i was so excited for and i can't wait to see how F10 is gonna be like and i hope they try to ground it for old times sake as a tribute or something but i'll watch it regardless so!

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They just wasted a John Cena, what else is there to say? Oh yeah, such a shitfuck to a reputed franchise, who the fuck did this?

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it's horrible like really really horrible.

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Ughhhh...I really wanted to like this movie. I really tried. But it's the same garbage over and over. Go back to what made this franchise!!! THE SPORTS CARS AND STREET RACING. Not explosions, guns, etc. So dumb. Sigh....They killed this franchise.

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I know people watch these movies for the action but is it too much to ask for a simple story that makes sense?!

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This has to be the weakest one so far. I'm actually all in with the crazyness and nonsense action and physics; but the story one here felt pretty thin. The flashbacks, at least for me, ruined them a little bit; and all the feud between brothers was meh. The "main mission" felt pretty much the same in as in F7 and F8 so, nothing new. It remained unclear what happened to Kurt Russell and it was never addressed. This time, the "cars" factor was even lesser than in previous films. The only good points for me were when Leo and Santos met Dom in the flashback (giving at least a hint from where they came from); the reunion between Han and the crew (and between Han and Sean, which was awesome on it's own note); and the final scene where supposedly Brian was arriving (it acually made me smile even tho i knew i wouldn't see him). Beyond that, even for FF standards felt weak and forgettable. Definetly goes to the bottom of the list

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great cars.. great stars...great magnets. what else do you need?

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Would have given it a ten, but using the steering wheel in space? So unrealistic, broke the whole movie experience for me. Otherwise just down to earth as usual :joy:

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Somebody needs to put a stop to this franchise or some day someone will kill himself for having watched this.

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They drove an suv on a falling wooden bridge & drove it in a vertical climb. Where can I buy this car?

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The bar was low from the previous films, but this was a step down. Can they at least try to make it a little bit plausible?

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Only good think about this movie is Charlize Theron. This movie is bullshit crap of movie. I still don't get it, how they got Charlize Theron to join this failure.

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Shout by hokese

Well that was a let down..:slight_frown:
Talk about too far fetched.
Cars in space and mid air crashes with people diving off:face_with_raised_eyebrow:
For one of my all time favourite series it’s sadly crashed and burned!
Hobbs & Shaw was HEAPS better..

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A fun action movie, but it's just so stupid. Especially when they start talking about anything technical. It sounds like they are reading from a dictionary. Just bad. But still enjoyable and not boring.

For a moment I thought I was watching Justice League. Every character is a superhero.

The plot armor is so thick that they even make fun of it directly in the movie

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Never seen a Fast and Furious movie, all I knew going in was cars, Vin Diesel as Dom and FAMILY. Left confused but entertained.

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Without too high expectations caused by the reviews I saw here I was actually pleasantly surprised with F9. The series has changed obviously, losing its core values a bit in the last couple of movies in my opinion. F9 actually did a good job for me in bringing these values back in focus. Sure, it still contains action scenes that are over the top. But going deeper into the history of the characters, of which we heard small details in previous installments, restored the balance between pure brainless action and an actual backstory for me. I miss the original style, but I'm glad overall of what they delivered with F9. A bit more 'old school' street racing would be nice however. I hope they will wrap it up as announced with the next 2 films though, as it really should come to a close sooner than later for the sake of the series. (might be a bit overdue already however..)

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YOUNG DOM WAS GREAT! This isn’t a good movie, but it’s a fun watch. If your in the cinema and you want to see a movie, watch wrath of man instead

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I can say only one thing


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the hell did i just watched

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Totally BS. Another One. They should stop making it. Didnt see it yet, and i dont going to see it in theathers after that trailer.
Going to wait for webcopy, because money for this guys its a crime.
Another great movie to watch on lazy sunday sleeping in the couch

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They make up a brother for Toretto and that Han is still alive. Even with scenes the incredible ones than the others. As Roman well says "How is it possible that we could have gotten out of everything without a scratch." Just as enjoyable as the others. With post-credits scene

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As a die hard fan of Tokyo Drift and someone hotly anticipating F9 since it was announced Justin Lin was back on board, this was really disappointing. The story and pacing were both just terrible. I feel like the opening had the potential for this to be a true return to form, only for them to ultimately retcon part of Dom's recollection to Brian about what happened to his father.

I'm keen to see whether the Director's Cut version, if that actually turns out to be real, can salvage a good film out of the fan fiction two unknown writers cobbled together. Even though Lin is also credited as a writer it's really hard to believe he could have been responsible for how much of a mess this turned out to be.

If you're going into this without caring about any of the lore, or a few attempts to break the fourth wall, it's probably pretty enjoyable though.

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It crossed the line between cool and bull$h!t . Probably one of the worst Fast n Furious.

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The worst thing you can do to a Toretto is take away his family

What an awful, bloated, mess. They bring back Han for seemingly no reason but at least he gets to eat chips or whatever in the background while Vin Diesel pretends to have range. Justin Lin forgot how to make good action while he was busy writing this fan fiction nonsense. There are no stakes which makes the over 2 hour runtime unbearable. Hobbs and Shaw was better, don’t @ me

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Dom (Vin Diesel) doesn’t only suddenly have a brother named Jacob (John Cena). He also has friends all over the world that half the film spends time introducing us to.
I lost track of what was going on half way through since the film is all over the place. It is as entertaining as any of the others despite the film being the silliest one.
We never needed a XXX sequel when the Fast & Furious films have turned into XXX, Bond, The Italian Job and now cars in space.
I also felt like the Don and Jacob storyline was predictable since the first trailer a year ago.

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Just saw it today in a 4dx theater,to enjoy this movie or this franchise in over all,you have to let go of logic,physics or any other law of nature...just see it as it is a group of friends having fun cool action scenes together.. can't wait for f10 to see who else will join the family (or brought back, Gal Gadet is the only dead cast now who haven't return yet,lol)...
PS. wait for the after credit scene there's another surprise cameo.

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