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F9 2021

I'd say this is definitely in the top 9 of all Fast movies

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Shout by oo0
BlockedParent2021-06-25T06:31:22Z— updated 2021-06-30T12:05:17Z

FML I know I went to see Fast and Furious and I expected to see some ridiculous scenes but they sent a car into space to knock out a satellite dish . Were the writers high?

Did Dom and his brother have different mums or Dads as that wasn't explained at all

The original Fast and Furious was the best and the more they make the more they need to outdo the last one.
F10 will have time travel and dinosaurs in it.

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this movie is so hilariously bad that i actually recommend people watch it.

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This is THE dumbest movie I've ever seen.

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When you go to McDonald's to order a Quarter Pounder and you take the first bite in a long time. The taste is exactly like what you expected. That is what its like watching this movie. No complaints.

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It’s FF so don’t expect logic. They keep the trend of ridiculousness from past 8 movies alive but they kick it up by 9 squared. Turn off your brain. Don’t look for logic. And get ready for stupid entertainment.

Seriously this shit is better than majority of the crap that’s been released in past 1.5 years. I wish I saw it in the theater.

Can’t wait to see what nonsense they come up with for F10…going to be all kinds of stupid good.

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These motherfuckers went to space in a car. 10 stars.

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If you don't like the Fast & Furious movies, watch this one. You'll end up appreciating the others.

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I think they have finally gone to far with these movies, it’s time to stop making them!

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Did a bunch of stoned teenagers write this movie?'s so so ridiculous :joy::rofl::sweat_smile:
I bet Dom & crew could take on the avengers and win. :thinking:

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They're honestly not trying any more.
This is like they had a fourteen year old write the script for a cartoon.
Or as Dom would have put it: It's family the family of the family and I family hope they family making any family.

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The worst of the franchise. I hope the next one is the last.

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Nothing less. Same o ' same o '

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Oh my god...there actually did it.

'F9' is wild, bonkers, fun, stupid, and really stupid. However, nine movies in, I fully accept its ridiculousness, and for the shake of your insanity, you should too.

It's funny how nobody really dies in these movies, and how the movie explains why a certain characters is somehow alive makes no sense at all. There's always betrayal in the "family" but at the end it's alright. The soundtrack is different in every movie but it sounds the same.

Honestly, I'm interested how ridiculous it can go.

Helen Mirren is right when she said "You don't really need to act in these movies. It's good fun".

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Magnets!??! How do they work?

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The audacity of Tej suggesting the laws of physics are relevant within the world of Fast & Furious.

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Hahahahahahahaha. Well I got what I was expecting. As the franchise goes forward the film's get more ridiculous every time.
I had fun and enjoyed the movie but found myself rolling my eyes through several scenes like "really?".
Predictable story, missing Brian, Shaw and Hobbs results in one of those Sunday movies that we just watch.
Story short, when you have family you don't need physics!

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Shout by Moritz
BlockedParent2022-02-04T21:49:08Z— updated 2022-04-15T20:46:30Z

10/10: Explosions
02/10: Believability

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I usually like these movies even if the story and logic sucks, but this time they decided to dump logic out the window and make it as unrealistic as possible at the same time it wasn't as fun and the jokes fell flat. It was missing the fun of the last few movies, and maybe the lack of Jason Statham also killed it.

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We can now build a vehicle to launch into space give me a break

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2021-08-06T05:32:31Z— updated 2024-03-06T05:31:38Z

Fast & Furious has become so over-the-top that I wouldn’t be surprised if the next installment featured car chases on the moon.

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Shout by Deleted

One can't criticize this franchise.

If you are watching it, you know why you're watching it. Not for it to make sense.

For the explosions, the cars, the women.

In that department it delivers.

That doesn't mean it's a good movie. That's not the point.

The point is getting asses in the theatre which it does.

Mission accomplished.

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A ridiculous and unoriginal doomsday plot, poor acting, unrealistic English accents (US stereotypes), action scenes that are so over the top they are ludicrously implausible and characters with names like “Mr. Nobody”. Really? I think this franchise has run its course. Please stop.

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I recommend this move because of FAMILY

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I think it's time to put the F&F franchise to bed now. The storylines have been getting worse as the series has progressed and this is probably rated as one of the worst. What started out as a bunch of street racing outlaws has turned into something you would expect from Marvel with super heroes saving the world.
If you're into cars and speed then this is one to avoid. If you like super heroes and the most insane of storylines that even give James Bond movies a run for their money then you'll love this.
The one saving grace of the movie is the CGI but the plot scores a big fat zero. Over hyped for too long and should really have been left on the cutting room floor.

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Jesus christ this movie is bad. The fight scenes are especially awful. These dudes are literally tackling one another off of really high rooftops and just landing and getting up like it's nothing over and over again. WHY DOES VIN DIESEL SUDDENLY HAVE SUPER STRENGTH? He is literally throwing grown men six feet in the air by their shirts and then he PULLED DOWN THE INSIDE OF A BUILDING ON TOP OF HIMSELF. WTF IS THIS MOVIE?

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I've watched the Fast series of movies with declining interest since Fast 3 as the crew gradually transforms from being a crew of car thieves into an outfit that is now more MI than the IMF team!! I mean seriously! You've always had to suspend belief and logic for the Fast movies (especially anything around the laws of physics) but this movie is just plain terrible. Limp script, phone-in acting performances and clearly works on the pretext that a succession of fast paced ridiculous action sequences make for a good movie. Quite why they had to make it at all baffles me, let alone make it 143 minutes long. Dom, for someone who never bloody shuts up about family, SUDDENLY reveals, in the 9th movie, that he has a brother, I mean FFS! They should really call it a day and kill this franchise off now, even if they don't, I have!

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If you fast forward your way through this dumb flick you won't be so furious at the end. Its the end of the road for this franchise, surely!

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Didn’t the filmmakers remember what happened to the Friday the 13th franchise after Jason went to space ! I read that F10 will pick up seconds after the “snap” and the F &F grew will be recruited to take out Thanos and restore the universe!!

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okay it's the fact and furious and we all know it's not going to be realistic... but this one might've gone way to far into the ozone layer, literally. no spoiler but just very ridiculous in most of the storyline. the turetto back story and brother part was good, actually. and it's star studded and then some. it's a fast movie, maybe could've used some more real driving to stay more on point with the franchise. but eh. if you like the fast and furious franchise ridiculous or not. you're going like it.

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Shout by Durack
BlockedParent2022-01-30T10:30:06Z— updated 2022-10-23T02:29:46Z

Two decades ago when Paul Walker showed up in one of the first scenes of the first movie with that green Mitsubishi Eclipse and launched this cult movie franchise, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day Charlize Theron and Helen Mirren would star in it. I watched every movie and spin-off of this franchise and will continue to do so as long as they keep making more. So much nostalgia and so much fun.:heart:

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Worst fast and furious installment ever

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They’ve reached a point where they are actually hard to watch, and that makes me sad

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Good grief, please undo this movie and save Charlize Theron's career. Please!

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I never expected there to be such a bad Fast and Furious movie.

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I kept saying "what the..." the entire later part of the movie.
It really has become ridiculous..
I'm not saying the movie was bad, but I dunno, maybe not really cup of my tea.
I used to like the fast and furious series, but now it became just another action film in my opinion.

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Watching the previous movies I expected a "meh" movie but this is even worse that that. They have gone too far with the no logic, wtf scenes. At this point please end the franchise... After the sixth movie it's been a downhill.

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I liked how they moved away from action movie to a comedy

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that was just shitty
Fast & Furious has out-CG'd the Marvel franchise.
and WTF is with all those magnets?
just horrible

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John Cena can't act so he fits right in with the franchise!!

FAMILY!!! That's what it's all about eh??

I thought previous instalments had some far fetched sequences but JESUS did this one not disappoint for that. In some movies you can say "Really? That's stupid" but in this one you just want to laugh as how stupid it really is. Without spoilers, the space car scene was just absolutely idiotic....They were street racers!! I mean it's just so bad it's entertaining.

That being said it took me 3 attempts to watch it due to being plain bored with the plot. But then again who watches this rubbish for a plot hahaha.

In F10 the gang travel through a black hole to stop an evil alternate version of The Rock from concurring the world with his giant Gorilla, Jason Apeman!!!

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This is just an absolutely ridiculous movie. I'll let you interpret that however you like. It was fun to see Mirren in this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Another horrible part in the slow and senior citizen franchise. The only reason i watch them is because i have nothing to watch at that time.

Glad i didn't pay for this crap

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The real battle in this series is the battle Vin Diesel is fighting between Father Time vs steroids.

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One part music video, two part brain fart. I hope this is a nail in the coffin of this "franchise" because short of racing aliens for pink slips to Earth, there's no ridiculousness left for them to go for.

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Damn, he took a dodge to the jungle. Next time I’m in the jungles, I’m taking my Dodge.

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Shout by Erick
BlockedParent2021-07-30T23:38:07Z— updated 2021-08-10T17:01:09Z

Turn off your brain and enjoy the absurdity!

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The story is just too far fetched. The stunts are too far fetched. I think that's the end of the franchise for me. Just too ridiculous :unamused:

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Wow! This might be the stupidest movie. How did this script ever get made. Speechless.

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#1 dumbest movie in 2021 right after Wonder Women

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F9 is a baby sitter who thinks you're 5 years younger than you are and treats you like a baby when it spoon feeds you a story that is so unrealistic you'll gag on it when it comes back up.

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the worst film of the dinasty.

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shit was trash. Just like the last few smh. Glad I didn't pay to watch. Will continue to watch the first 4 which I love.

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Very very disappointing. While FF6 7 and 8 introduced coherence, action and a good touch of humour, this last opus is completely insipid, horribly complex and very badly shot, without humour and where the action has nothing to do with Fast and Furious. After 30 minutes, we are bored. I'm going back to Shawn and Hobbs or FF5678 for some freshness. To be avoided.

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The one where they jump into space.

If you gotta NOS something. NOS through space. I like how they had to tell us they looked like minions in those outfits because no one would get the joke otherwise but it's another universal property so they had to get it in somewhere.

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Finally an actual good FF with a decent story. Sure it's still FF, but with the backstories from the first few. Solid movie.
rating: 7.5/10
posted 29 september 2023

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Started watching it on a plane so I decided to finish it. Having not seen any of the Fast and Furious movies since basically the first one, I didn't get much of the actual story but I was in it for the fast cars and ridiculous action scenes.

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What can I say as this was just another pile of garbage.

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"As long as we obey the laws of physics, we'll be fine."

I keep thinking they won't get more ridiculous than the previous one but they keep going there. There are some moments where I actually chuckled at how stupid this was but I guess that is what they are going for.

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I had enough fun to give it 3 stars but bringing Han back was pointless and it felt so anticlimatic, like nobody gave a flying poop that he is still alive. The after-credits scene where Han meets Shaw was fun/promising tho.

Even more ridiculous than before, and I LOVE the crazy stuff like going to space but I got so annoyed by everyone flying out of cars and crashing without a scratch. At least Roman recognizes that and he also makes this movie a lot more fun.

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Shout by Deleted

WTF?!, watched at 2021-05-28, imported from douban

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Seriously wtf. Already the opening scenes near the plane are so extremely stupidly over the top........ not even Rambo in his best days would be doing that sh**. And then the minefield.... and that was not even 20 minutes into the movie. Things got worse from there.
Maybe if they'd made this more into an actual comedy, things would have been better.

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It keep getting worse, this franchise is such a suite of random action movies now.

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Music is a total crap, never racers listens to this auto tuned shite. Also most of action scenes are like old Chinese movies, physics just doesn’t exists in here. Ordinary people turned to super heroes who can withstand anything, jumping from burning trucks, look at the explosion with zero impact.. it’s very lame. Story is not bad though, ideas for some tech are not bad too, but that car in the space is a really bad joke.

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Shout by 020202

my brother in christ there is not a single story long enough that would require this many movies, let it be DONE and over with, it should've all ended with the seventh part, god damn

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Actually one of the worst films I’ve ever seen

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Like a poker game where they throw wild cards at your face: this movie will drop deuces on your eyes.

And anyone who thinks I was reaching for that analogy clearly hasn't seen this film where they have giant magnets that only attract the metal they want them to, a young woman who's never driven before in her life drives a stick shift truck that passes a Porsche and where they drive. in. space. In space!

This is the Donald Trump of the Fast and Furious franchise because the fact it wasn't universally condemned but actually thrived is a sign that human beings as a species are irrevocably doomed.

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Why do they always split superweapon maguffins into two pieces and then keep the pieces instead of utterly destroying them?

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Guys. I haven't watched any other FF except maybe the first one back in the days. WTH happened in between in production? :joy:

Btw, if you can accept all the crazy, CRAZY nonsense sh¡t that happens, beyond any possible imagination and real-world physics and chances of things to happen, you'll have a good time. FX are just great. It's hard tho. You really have to unplug your brain, way more than Marvel's. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

The plot armors here are insane, and it was so funny that even the character at some point realize that they escaped certain death without a scratch, and think they're somehow invincible. This is meta writing. The writers know what they do is nonsense and they enjoy it. Enjoy it too! Appreciate it for what it is, not everything has to be serious :heart:‍:fire:

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A jet catching a flying car in mid-air, people jumping from car to car in trafic, car magnets, a whole lot of cringe family drama and we officially enter the sci-fi genre. Loved that, they embrace the ridiculousness and that's when these movies are at their best. The cast is so big, the acting is worse than ever, Helen Mirren is a badass, John Cena can't act for shit and Roman & Tej are the MVPs. First act worked great for me, the middle is incredibly long and sometimes hard to get through. Last third is pure action bonanza silly crazyness entertainment. The movie suffers when our main characters aren't in a scene. It was way too long, feels like a LOTR movie at this point a lot of the stuff in the middle could have been cut out.

"You put your foot to that floor, and you pray!"

"My ass is in fuego!"

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This movie is a joke, and they know that.

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I mean these were decent when Vin Diesel was in his early 30s.... but c'mon now, he is pushing 55 and how many times am I supposed to believe that this kind of shit can happen to the same group of people??? It's over, The Rock knows it, most everyone else does, but this is Vin Diesel's career these days i guess...

It's over! Stop making these!

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shitty movie that is worse than every other one which makes no sense in every way possible, still fun to watch just not very good

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The first The Fast and the Furious parts were really great, unfortunately they get worse every time and this part can't be surpassed in absurdity.

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The only good thing about this movie is Theron’s haircut.

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I'm pretty sure if you watch this entire movie without fast forwarding through the boring bits, you will be stupider. I just watched the action scenes only, and I know my I.Q. dropped.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2022-07-01T14:09:59Z— updated 2023-05-23T13:51:44Z

Japanese title: Wild Speed Jet Break.
This is the one with John Cena as the bad guy, where they have a sports car fly in space, where they use giant magnets to throw other cars around, and where they manage to flip a huge centipede armored truck just by driving into each side with two different cars. The action scenes and dramatic moments are hilarious, but the middle part with the “plot” is too slow and anticlimactic. Although the action scenes and impossible situations are dangerously close to the so-bad-it's-good apex, you can feel that everyone is getting a little tired of the same routine. I miss you, The Rock.

Guilty pleasure score: 7
Actual score: 3.5
Final score: 6

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I miss the old days with Mia and Brian, when it all started, the real good jokes, the action, when it was all about the real street racing... This isn't it anymore... They're ruining Paul's legacy. :(
They should've stopped when Paul died, to honor him.

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F9 is the craziest, most outrageous entry in the franchise yet (and that’s saying something). When Mr. Nobody goes missing while transporting Cypher, after capturing her, he sends a secret message to Dom’s crew, leading them to chase after an incredibly powerful weapon. Jordana Brewster and Sung Kang return to the series, and are joined by John Cena; but no one stands out, as the cast is just too bloated. And the writing is just terrible, particularly in how it retcons the series to try to make this story work. Also, the CGI is pretty poor, making a lot of the action sequences look fake. Yet the fight scenes and car chases are extraordinarily fun and audaciously entertaining. A popcorn film that you have to turn your brain off to enjoy, F9 is a ridiculously stupid, but also thrilling, ride.

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When I watch a movie, I usually take the time for it. It was different with this movie.
After some time, I realized that I was doing completely different things. I played on my cell phone, went to my PC... Every now and then I heard a few statements in the background, turned around and only saw a car grate through space. Oh God... I can hardly remember when a movie that I was really looking forward to, slipped so gracefully into the background of my attention.
Found it completely uninteresting, exaggerated and pointless. The first movie in the series was still really a really good movie.
However, the effects and animations were already insane... I don't want to know how much money went on for it.

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A movie about shitting on the laws of physics just to tell a shitty story about some boring and meaningless family drama.

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WTF was that? Action, Crime, Thriller?? Why they didn't mar it as sci-fi, or sometimes even fantasy. Maybe if it was comedy, it would be accurate. Car made by bunch of home handymen went to space, guy on the top of the truck hit by street sign without he even notice. very bad car accident Dom without seatbelt and he doesn't have even scratch. Sure he held steering wheel, so it's ok. They talk about Brian like nothing Save your time and don't watch this

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When we saw F7, me and my friends joked that they will go to space one day and they did... just Elon Musk did it before them. Now i just want to see where all their cars get assembled Power Rangers type, or even transformers will work fine , after nine space is not the limit

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I Definitely DO NOT recommend watching this movie. It is forgettable, even if you are a fan of the franchise.

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So much CGI .. it was a cartoon.. might as well watch a Popeye cartoon.. JOKE

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absolut low point. excessive and bad made CGI. But the CGI was still better than the plot.

But more unlikely than the car in space was, that the police in London drives BMW ;-)

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Did Dom get superpowers without me knowing it? I mean, pushing back that many people in a fight and getting thrown theough brick walls is indicative of both superstrength and invulnerability right? I’m starting to think Roman’s theory is right.

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Well at least they let the women fight men this time.

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Despite my growing discontent with the trajectory of this franchise, I stooped to curiosity and watched this latest movie. My response? They need to stop making these movies! They have so devolved from all that was good about them to become unrecognizable. It’s a waste of money and star power. They are just phoning it in. Please stop! It’s an embarrassment. I give this film a 4 (silly) out of 10. [Action]

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Like I always say, there should've just kept with the first two because now it just seems make up the story as they go, shove a big cast in and make it too obvs that it's not possible to do some of the action and only made for the money and become cheesy and a joke. Vin Diesel, I think you should slow down and end it there. I can't say I didn't enjoy the action and it was nice to see old familiar cast from other films in the franchise but defo wasn't anything brilliant.

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Over the Top Action Movie without showing blood feels like a Disney movie. Kinda boring. Felt no danger for any actor in all this action scenes.

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This is so bad... Firstly Dom just leave a 4 year old alone in his house, that was a 1:1 copy from Haweyes home in Avengers . Then CGI forgot bullet holes in his car. And, I don't even want to bother mentioning all the major issues this unrealitic movie has. It's so bad.

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swol bois into these cosplaying cartoons (get it....get it?) got no place taking the piss outa furries or "bronies" - makes about as much sense

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