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Godzilla vs. Kong 2021

I give it a 7 just because the fights were cool, all human story was wasted and almost pointless

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Godzilla vs Kong should be an epic showdown. Instead what we get is a CGI snooze fest with bland characters. I made it through, but barely.

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the scenes where the mother is talking to her mute daughter are not done well. We have no idea what they are saying, unless one understands sign language. Watched it on Go where there are no subtitles, by the way.

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4k UHD Blu-ray was recommended as disc with reference Dolby Atmos track. I confirm. It is. But. I’m was very nervous after a hour of watching because sound was so huge and loud that I’d like to renamed this title as Much louder disc on market. Ordinary human can’t recognize each aspect of surround array and fled it into one big bunch hardly recognizable sounds. Picture is mainly in dark so any mind blowing from screen doesn’t expect.

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Shout by Deleted

Reminded me of the early monster flicks with men in rubber suits; and not in a good way.
Hollow Earth is just fucking stupid too.

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it was better to have watched Pele's movie

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I like big monsters, and in Godzilla vs. Kong there are great monsters. The movie looks good, sound incredible, and the effects up to par. I just wish there were a story to be had in there somewhere, and if you want to get greedy, maybe even a character, apart from a kid and the monsters, that you give a rats ass about.

If you are a monster fan, there's fun to be had here, but to most people this is just a lower card monster wrestling match.

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pandering to the lowest common denominators of consumers. filled to the brim with CIA propaganda.

unbelievable plot. how do you not notice a giant ape learning sign language from your daughter? parenting please.

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It visually looks great in 4K. Since nearly all the characters were either sweaty or wet, you could make out the details very well. Story was not perfect and had ups and downs. Overall, it's alright.

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This was spectacular in 3D, amazing visuals. Exactly what I was after.

Also damn similar to the Megatron storyline from Transformers!

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It's giant monsters fighting.

Nice that they released it for streaming the same time though

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Not as good as the first of Legendary's Godzilla movies, or even the second one in my opinion, but still great fun and an exciting watch. Special effects were AMAZING, and it managed to have two different stories running side by side without things getting muddled or confusing, which is hard to do. Millie Bobby Brown continues to be the spitting image of Carrie Fisher, both in looks and attitude, and the rest of the cast was great as well. The suspension of disbelief was a little hard to maintain once Mechagodzilla started thinking for itself, but it was still a cool fight to watch. My only question is: Ren Serizawa? Like Dr. Serizawa from the first two films? Any relation? If not, they should've gone with a different name to avoid confusing. If so: why? That character's life choices seem to run completely opposite to Dr. Serizawa's.

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center of the earth is like 20 meters under hong kong

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I the cinema it was really awesome, there was a little bit of confusing scenes that where not relevant but it is a great action movie

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Shout by Deleted

Not big into monster movies like this, but it wasn't bad.

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- yellow/blue color pallete
- all characters act like they are retarded
- inclusion of emo songs
+ otherwise there is great soundtrack
+ mechagodzilla
+ part in the hollow earth
+ final fight

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Was what a expected.
- Horrible story.
- Horrible acting.
- Nonsense downloading power, hollow earth and almost everything.
The 69 points is just a scam, don't waste you time.

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Shout by Luca

A great film, even if you haven't seen the other movies! I had only seen Kong: Skull Island, so I really hope they make more of these. I'm sad I didn't go see King of Monsters!

As far as the people go - Team Kong is the better half of this movie. Team Godzilla is annoying, incompetent, and stupid. The best character is Nathan while the worst character is Madison. Whereas Alexander Skarsgard's character manages to become relatively likeable, Millie Bobbie Brown's character comes off as an arrogant, annoying, disobedient brat. I really liked everyone on Team Kong and really wanted to see more of them at the end of the movie. Team Godzilla? Not so much.

I did laugh out loud at the fact that they literally dug a hole to China though. The "Mecha Godzilla" line is also really funny.

Overall, a great film! Not smart, but beyond my writing capabilities as far as its genre goes.

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i walked out of the last Godzilla movie,not going to repeat the same mistake by watching this one no matter how much its trending..i better off spend the time on letterly any other thing in the word

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This is the. Worst movie ever made that did not include Barbra Streisand in the cast.

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Why did we see Kong looking at another Kong in hollow earth? No explanation & only saw the other Kong for 2 seconds.

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i like this better than the last one because there is less of a plot here and it is just cgi instead of cringey people talking

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Oh, look. Another script written by a bunch of Ritalin-deprived teenagers who know that all that really matters in the end in a movie like this -- one where the title makes about as much sense as the "science" -- is the visuals for the kids seeing this sort of movie for the first time. And the visuals are nice, but there's nothing new there. There's also nothing new in the two-dimensional cardboard characters or their motivations. Heck, the only thing that makes this movie slightly above average for me is Team Bernie, and mostly Bernie himself. And even THAT stuff is entirely derivative. In the end, I always ask myself of sequels: why did this movie get made? What new elements are introduced to the series to make it matter? And the answer to the latter question here is absolutely nothing, which makes it that much easier to see that the answer to the former is nothing but the Benjamins. Again.

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If your a teen give it a go, didn't work for me, it could have been a god story but to disjointed and its been done before.

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20 minutes to the movie and I'm already bored. These new franchise movies are getting worst everyday.

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It's like Megashark vs Mechashark with a better CGI...

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Monster fights are cool, but I physically hated the sassy/dorky kid B-plot. The movie really wants you to think that the dorky kid is super dorky, but he's really just a poorly fleshed out character and it sucks.

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Shout by Deleted

The graphics were pretty solid and made Kong and Godzilla look even more amazing than the previous two films.

The fights between them were epic and even when they were apart it was fun seeing them cause they looked so good.

The plot was okay, there were two storylines that felt hard to keep up with but I got the hang of it eventually but it’s nothing to write home about. The actors did what they could with the script they had. I wasn’t a big fan of the story arc, could’ve been better but I guess more time and effort was put into the creating and making Godzilla and Kong look stunting.

I’d recommend watching this for the visuals but if you’re looking for story and not visuals or action then this movie might not be for you.

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The monster fights were fun and uninterrupted and extremely well executed. As usual most of the human stuff was horribly written but it felt like a lot of that was self-aware and disposable enough to easily ignore and some of the human plot was actually somewhat relevant to the story. A really fun movie with a ton of great monster-on-monster action and fights that look and sound spectacular

But please FFS can we stop with the Millie Bobby Brown character? Her cohort and her were incredibly annoying and their entire subplot could have been removed completely and it would take away nothing. Or maybe give her a better personality and something more sensible to do than what he got

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Being raised on the old Godzilla flicks back in the 60s, I see that Godzilla has gotten fat. His screech is not the same anymore and they put an emphasis on his water abilities. This flick was everything I thought it would be including predictable and full of action. Not bad but glad I did not pay to see it i a theater.

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human part of the movie 3/10
gojira fighting kong 8/10

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The relationship between kong and Jia is so cute and unexpected

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Somehow I found myself shouting at the tv "NOW KISS!!"
also, that Godzilla is THICK, am I right?

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I can swallow a lot of this movie.
Turning my brain off allowed me to have some enjoyment.
But even my sleeping brain had to wake up for the Ghidora/MechaGodzilla thing.
And I was still okay with that.
Ghidora is still a thing - fine.
MechaGodzilla exists - fine.
You’re... ‘downloading’ an energy source? Wha.. fine
Ghidora pulled a Megatron and controlled MG? Still fine, you know.
But then you’re telling Ghidora was smart/self aware enough to understand the nature of its newer mechanical body to the point of been able to utilice the weaponry and even the drill tail? Common movie. Go away lol

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1) I guess the APEX's guards are blind. Nobody saw Madison and her company. They don't saw them, even when the skullcrawler attacked them. Very indifferent scenes.
2) Seriously? You're bringing your daughter to these very dangerous places?
3) The monster fights were very awesome tho.

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I've never been more thankful for torrents than after watching this dreck. So glad that I didn't pay money for this.

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Awfully entertaining. Nothing else to say.

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I'm finding that I'm really enjoying these new Godzilla/Kong universe movies. If you enjoyed the previous more recent Godzilla or Kong movies you'll enjoy this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I was so hyped up after seeing all the positive reviews and ended up disappointed. Didn't this supposed to have less and better human story than the previous one? That Alex Jones-like conspiracy nutjob subplot was so painfully unfunny.

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I disagree with those saying this had the weakest anyone can evaluate how terrible ALL the Godzilla (recent trilogy) films is beyond me. Only Kong: Skull Island even felt like a MOVIE to me, but this one I liked. First of all, the end battle lives up to the hype....I didn't feel that with ANY of the previous films. Also, our main characters were interacting with the monsters which wasn't happening in the earlier G. flicks (and is why Kong: Skull Island was the highlight of the MonsterVerse or whatever they are calling this). Was the story far fetched, yes. Want to know why? It's about a gigantic monkey and a fire breathing lizard for the love of Mike! Get over yourselves and have fun watching an iguana with bad breath and Sampson's big brother have a show down.

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Detailed Trailer analysis kept the plot pretty predictable!

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For my liking, it focuses too much on the human stories and the writting could be a lot better. BUT, it was still pretty good kaiju movie. Fights were awesome, but I would have hoped for a more substantial ending. Overall a nice experience though.

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The intricacies of human stories gave me a headache, this was supposed to be a monsterverse showdown,

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Great monster fighting, great Bernie i guess, could've used a better story than mechagodzilla.

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I get why some people are frustrated about the weak story and characters in this movie and I agree with that. But I'm here to see monsters fight and I got that. I'm glad the movie isn't too long, visuals are great and I didn't feel bored. Good action movie but nothing special.

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The fight scenes are spot on but like always with the movies in this franchise the "science" is more bad than even in some comic books and the human characters are just a joke.

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Let me first say that, Godzilla vs. Kong did NOT disappoint! The special effects here were jaw dropping! The CGI here was truly done on a master level! The punches that Kong gave were legendary. They both got at each other like a classic old school 80s Bronx hood fight! :laughing: Neither one held anything back. However, I'm sorry, Millie Bobby, Brian Tyree, Julian Dennison, and Kyle Chandler, in my opinion was pretty much useless. They really didn't do much. At some point in the movie, it felt like those characters were force written in the movie. Then again, this could be because my focus was totally on the Titans, expecting one gigantic battle of life!! Like I said, the special effects are amazing! If you got a 4K TV, be prepared to have your socks knocked off!!!

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It is what it is. Classic popcorn flick. I don't see myself rewatching this but its an alright way to kill 2 hours.

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When the shit goes down, the movie is awesome. Great effects, great set pieces and great match up. The human element always suffers in these films and for all the complaining about the people in the last one, it’s truly worse in this one.

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A lot better than Godzilla 2 and featuring amazing monster battles (truly making real
what was on our imagination in the past). But it felt like we were washing 2 different movies in one. A very decent sequel to skull island where the Jia character stands out and intercepts with Godzilla in some powerful battles and a strange and inconsistent teen adventure of Millie Brown. Rather than Godzilla vs Kong this is Great movie vs Stupid movie where,
Unfortunately, a bottle of whiskey wins.

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very spectacular, the fights are incredible. The story arc of Millie Bobby Millie Bobby Brown no one believes it. Team Kong

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When is the worldwide release expected?

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I can't wait!! I know this will be an epic fight!!

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the only bad thing about covid is that didn't killed me before watching this ... even if you turn your brain off this movie make no sense... The others before I expected nothing and was pleased, this one... gosh.... is a rip off of Pacific Rim and hell yeah, I'm aware of the irony of the film that ripped of itself of a bad copy of a bad copy....of a copy....

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An exhausting and meaningless popcorn teen movie that hits right in the notch of the times.

Completely uninteresting plot that moves along schematized standard paths. Has been seen at least 1000 times, bobs along and you don't really want to see it anymore.

The characters are all standardized and completely irrelevant. I fever with absolutely no one, Godzilla is insignificant for the film, Kong irrelevant to unsympathetic in places.

Yes, Godzilla vs Kong is visually stunning. Super SFX and great compositions. But for me, that alone doesn't justify a two hour film. It needs more.

It's best to fall asleep after 10 minutes (then you've already seen some beautiful images) and wake up again shortly before the end. Then you have grasped the essence of the film and missed nothing at all.

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It’s giant monsters fighting with a very weak story thrown in. Personally King of the Monsters did it better.

Comedy relief by Julian Dennison made almost every scene unbearable and felt completely unnecessary.

Visually it’s a great big screen looking film, unfortunately with even the two iconic monsters who’s films I have enjoyed since a kid, I don’t think I will be revisiting this one.

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Just like Skull Island, this movie suffer greatly for the "human part" of the story. Boring, obnoxious, with plenty of bad written characters.
Worst of all, the characters portrayed by Millie Bobby Brown and Brian Tyree Henry.
The monster part is good, not as good as the ones from Skull Island but still good. A bit too dark in too many parts, but enjoyable.
Please, make a movie with just monsters!!

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What a bad movie! On,y the fights were cool

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the only thing I could think about while watching this movie was how badly I wanted to watch other movies

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Really good CGI and great action. If you are the type to have a good time with just that, join right in and watch the movie. The rest is pretty in the lower bar of film. There no character development and the plot is a little weak. This weakness becomes more obvious by how short the movie is, and because of how many characters they needed to create a cohesive story. They needed a team pro Godzilla and a team pro Kong for there to be any relatability towards both monsters. But of course, all humans feel just as uneeded and boring as it does in Transformers. The main message, if intended, was fine enough but there were no originality in it here and no depth too. Just another company's greed ruining something nice because of said greed.

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Simple blockbuster action movie. Superficial character depth and development, predictable story line, Great CGI, disappointing ending. Seems like Hollywood was trying its hardest to "diversify" cast but forgot about the plot. This movie receiving high grades is a testament to Hollywood's progressive transition from quality to quantity.

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