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Godzilla vs. Kong 2021

The relationship between kong and Jia is so cute and unexpected

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Somehow I found myself shouting at the tv "NOW KISS!!"
also, that Godzilla is THICK, am I right?

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I can swallow a lot of this movie.
Turning my brain off allowed me to have some enjoyment.
But even my sleeping brain had to wake up for the Ghidora/MechaGodzilla thing.
And I was still okay with that.
Ghidora is still a thing - fine.
MechaGodzilla exists - fine.
You’re... ‘downloading’ an energy source? Wha.. fine
Ghidora pulled a Megatron and controlled MG? Still fine, you know.
But then you’re telling Ghidora was smart/self aware enough to understand the nature of its newer mechanical body to the point of been able to utilice the weaponry and even the drill tail? Common movie. Go away lol

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It was more like Transformers and Avengers. Kong was too smart and they made Godzilla overly strong. Plus the story sucked especially the Millie brown part.

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I think I've written this before in other reviews of Godzilla movies but I'll mention again that Godzilla films are not exactly deep and certainly not grounded in any sort of reality. Godzilla vs. Kong continues that tradition. It's silly and colorful, full of city-smashing action. If that's not what you are looking for, you should skip this movie.

It's big and it's dumb, just like almost all the entries in the 30+ Godzilla movie series. I can say this as a qualified fan of both of these monsters as I own every Godzilla and every Kong movie ever made. I've watched them all multiple times and can say with confidence that GvK falls within the template set by all previous entries.

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Really good CGI and great action. If you are the type to have a good time with just that, join right in and watch the movie. The rest is pretty in the lower bar of film. There no character development and the plot is a little weak. This weakness becomes more obvious by how short the movie is, and because of how many characters they needed to create a cohesive story. They needed a team pro Godzilla and a team pro Kong for there to be any relatability towards both monsters. But of course, all humans feel just as uneeded and boring as it does in Transformers. The main message, if intended, was fine enough but there were no originality in it here and no depth too. Just another company's greed ruining something nice because of said greed.

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1) I guess the APEX's guards are blind. Nobody saw Madison and her company. They don't saw them, even when the skullcrawler attacked them. Very indifferent scenes.
2) Seriously? You're bringing your daughter to these very dangerous places?
3) The monster fights were very awesome tho.

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"There can't be two Alpha Titans."

First things first: Yes, the humans for the most part are the worst part of the movie. The story is pretty simplistic and whenever the camera would pan to Millie Bobby Brown and her crew I would think "who cares!". That being said, monster scenes and fight sequences were really a true sight to see, and the action was crisp. Kaiju were done right.

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And the award for the « mother of the year » goes to... Dr. Ilene Andrews for bringing her daughter everywhere where it was extremely dangerous. Clap clap clap ! Congratulation for this stupid plot and globally for this movie written by kids wanting to play with monsters and big surreal tech toys. I loved the Gozilla movie but this one is beyond crap.

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I've never been more thankful for torrents than after watching this dreck. So glad that I didn't pay money for this.

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Awfully entertaining. Nothing else to say.

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I'm finding that I'm really enjoying these new Godzilla/Kong universe movies. If you enjoyed the previous more recent Godzilla or Kong movies you'll enjoy this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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incredible movie, solid action scenes, doesn't outstay it's welcome, insane cgi, the human side stuff is nothing to write home about but it pads out the film in between fight scenes.
if you're watching this for a masterpiece in story telling, you're not watching for the right reasons.

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What a bad movie! On,y the fights were cool

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I was so hyped up after seeing all the positive reviews and ended up disappointed. Didn't this supposed to have less and better human story than the previous one? That Alex Jones-like conspiracy nutjob subplot was so painfully unfunny.

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I disagree with those saying this had the weakest anyone can evaluate how terrible ALL the Godzilla (recent trilogy) films is beyond me. Only Kong: Skull Island even felt like a MOVIE to me, but this one I liked. First of all, the end battle lives up to the hype....I didn't feel that with ANY of the previous films. Also, our main characters were interacting with the monsters which wasn't happening in the earlier G. flicks (and is why Kong: Skull Island was the highlight of the MonsterVerse or whatever they are calling this). Was the story far fetched, yes. Want to know why? It's about a gigantic monkey and a fire breathing lizard for the love of Mike! Get over yourselves and have fun watching an iguana with bad breath and Sampson's big brother have a show down.

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Detailed Trailer analysis kept the plot pretty predictable!

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so Godzilla vs kong is probably the best titan movie ever made it is mind boggling it has everything which the previous Godzilla movies lacked.
Titans are given more screentime in this movie which is a major plus and humans nobody really cares about them.

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Pretty much "no plot, just vibes" and I loved every second of it (human scenes excluded)

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For my liking, it focuses too much on the human stories and the writting could be a lot better. BUT, it was still pretty good kaiju movie. Fights were awesome, but I would have hoped for a more substantial ending. Overall a nice experience though.

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The Long Awaited Battle Of The Kaiju's - Kong & Godzilla Go Toe-To-Toe With A Talented Cast As A Side Note To The Insane Action Taking Place - Continuing From The Last Kong Movie From Skull Island & The Previous Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah In The 2019 Movie Godzilla King Of The Monsters

Not To Ruin The Movie For Any One - The People Are There To Point Out Science, DNA, And Geophysics Behind The Kaijus While Adding To It The Myth & Legends Of Their Stories - Don't Expect It To Be A Great Story But The Movie Does Honor The Nobility Of The Creatures On The Screen As It Caters To The Appetites Of The Fans & The Audience - This Movie Is What I Wanted It To Be A Battle Of The Monsters & It Completely Delivered On That

I'm Looking Forward To More From The MonsterVerse Movies

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Continuation of the transformation of "kaiju" films into children's films. There is a display that is colorful, but that is more interested in making noise than in elaborating with some logic a story that, of course, concludes that the man is actually the real monster. In the absence of story, the references to Jules Verne serve as disguise. Being the best of the worst does not mean not being bad.

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One hell of an awesome monster ride!! 8/10

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The intricacies of human stories gave me a headache, this was supposed to be a monsterverse showdown,

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Had not enough alcohol in my body for that movie...

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What an absolute pile of trash

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Well It’s good to see Godzilla vs Kong with today’s graphics that were decent and not looking cheap and was the monster battle any good? Yeah it was fun and entertaining and plenty of it with some cool effects and was the plot any good? I didn’t think much of it and definitely needed improvements and some characters were cheesy but it did have a decent cast tho and yeah i get it because it’s a monster film it focuses more on the monsters but i do prefer a decent story in any film genre even if it’s gonna focus more on the monster battle because it’s got to balance and it wasn’t just monster vs monster because then i’d let it off because humans were involved too but that’s my opinion and love a good story or lest try make it half decent but i guess it’s hard to balance.

I definitely liked this film more than the two poor films before it and rate it mostly on it’s action and the 90s version will always be my favourite.

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Better than expected - has exactly what it says on the box: big monster vs big monster.

Honestly found this more enjoyable than either Pacific Rim

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Great monster fighting, great Bernie i guess, could've used a better story than mechagodzilla.

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Downloading a power source...................... WTF

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I'm embarrassed to say I watched it. I'd rather watch a episode of Corner Gas.

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People gave me a hard time for watching every movie in the Sharknado franchise.

That has NOTHING on this movie and just how bad it is.

At least Sharknado knew it was bad and worked off that. This movie feels as though it thinks its actually serious and a good movie.

JFC. I can’t even.

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The colossal spectacle we've all been waiting for, it's action packed and has some of the most beatiful cinematography shots. Too bad they had to cut out too much scene on this film removing some of the key roles on the monsterverse. The conclusion established who's the clear King of the Monsters (don't think too hard it's Godzilla).

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I get why some people are frustrated about the weak story and characters in this movie and I agree with that. But I'm here to see monsters fight and I got that. I'm glad the movie isn't too long, visuals are great and I didn't feel bored. Good action movie but nothing special.

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The fight scenes are spot on but like always with the movies in this franchise the "science" is more bad than even in some comic books and the human characters are just a joke.

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Shout by Michal

Was there a plot or I’ve missed it?

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And I thought Nolan’s movies have bad sound mixing.

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Let me first say that, Godzilla vs. Kong did NOT disappoint! The special effects here were jaw dropping! The CGI here was truly done on a master level! The punches that Kong gave were legendary. They both got at each other like a classic old school 80s Bronx hood fight! :laughing: Neither one held anything back. However, I'm sorry, Millie Bobby, Brian Tyree, Julian Dennison, and Kyle Chandler, in my opinion was pretty much useless. They really didn't do much. At some point in the movie, it felt like those characters were force written in the movie. Then again, this could be because my focus was totally on the Titans, expecting one gigantic battle of life!! Like I said, the special effects are amazing! If you got a 4K TV, be prepared to have your socks knocked off!!!

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"Godzilla Vs Kong"

If you expect anything more substantial than that, please re-read the title.

This is more like Kong skull island 2, and needed to be.
We've had 2 Goji movies give us human stories, they can always have another sequel start off with characters dealing with the leftover destruction.

Gojira fans are gonna predict pretty much everything.

the news wouldn't just blame Godzilla for destroying apex, they would be asking what's being built, are they causing it.
way too easy for the gang to get into apex ,and into the the delivery pod.
lack of original Gojira theme. though maybe it would come at the end. but alas :pensive:
no cameras in the mecha test room.
easily found dad at end.

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It is what it is. Classic popcorn flick. I don't see myself rewatching this but its an alright way to kill 2 hours.

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Wow!!!! This is just trash... I was actually looking forward to this... such a let down...

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Movie was ok. Not up to the hype. Typical 'hero fights fights hero then they fight together against a common enemy' type plot.

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When the shit goes down, the movie is awesome. Great effects, great set pieces and great match up. The human element always suffers in these films and for all the complaining about the people in the last one, it’s truly worse in this one.

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They finally let the monsters be the stars of their own movies. I mean, don’t we all go to see Kaiju films to see struggling families going through divorces, their kids misbehaving, and filled with all kinds of lovely human drama?

Nope, and they’ve finally learnt. Let the humies support the Kaiju and GTFO.

Nice to see they are starting to stop filming in dark blue rainy nights for entire films too. Monster fights in the daylight? YES!

This is a 10 out of ten. Deserves to sit along with my millennium era TOHO Godzilla films.

Thank you.

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Fight scenes were awesome, the plot..... absolutely was not.

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So I waited for this one every since they announced it. Then covid delays. Bought the fist tickets for the first show days ago. Got to the theater, got snacks, sitting there with my son and nothing on the screen. The camera broke. No more tickets for the rest of the day available. Grrrrrr. Went home, watched on HBO max. Well at least the movie was awesome.

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They swung for the fences with the concept, but absolutely went foul trying to make a screenplay out of it. The sound design is quite good. That's the best I can say about the film. If you're going to pay to see it in theaters at least go to a Dolby Cinema. Get your money's worth. You're not there for a good plot, characters, or visuals.

Also, I can count the number of good jokes on one hand... it was 1.

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It was good enought to be entertained and not feel bored.

Movie would be a lot better without Madison story. Wish they stopped casting Millie.

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A lot better than Godzilla 2 and featuring amazing monster battles (truly making real
what was on our imagination in the past). But it felt like we were washing 2 different movies in one. A very decent sequel to skull island where the Jia character stands out and intercepts with Godzilla in some powerful battles and a strange and inconsistent teen adventure of Millie Brown. Rather than Godzilla vs Kong this is Great movie vs Stupid movie where,
Unfortunately, a bottle of whiskey wins.

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delivers exactly what you would expect from a movie called Godzilla vs Kong, 2 giant monsters kicking the crap out of each other. even when monsters were not on the screen, there was plenty to keep you engaged

the runtime, which was just under 2 hours, flew by and i was never bored. yes, the parts that featured human characters were less interesting, but who watches a giant monster movie for human characters anyway?

having said that, the human characters following Kong's arc were infinitely more compelling than those following Godzilla's, and Kong's story overall had an emotional arc that made you care about him

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Streamed via HBO Max

Story-wise, it's the weakest compared to other MonsterVerse films. This film is more focused about Kong if you're wondering. I couldn't stand that Millie girl, to be fair I wish the human parts would be removed because I only want to see Godzilla & Kong fighting. But it's entertaining to watch.

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very spectacular, the fights are incredible. The story arc of Millie Bobby Millie Bobby Brown no one believes it. Team Kong

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Boring, remake, waste of money

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A good watch for the Godzilla/Kong fans, but not better than Godzilla: King of Monsters.

Had high expectations before going, and that let me down. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie for a one-time watch (for fans), with great fight scenes and stunning visuals/CGI. But, the story part is very very weak. There was no point in having Millie Brown or Kyle Chandler in this movie. Or the 2 people she surrounds herself with. Eiza Gonzalez is just simply "there". The trope is similar to Batman vs Superman. Then again, that was expected, since you can't make a winner out of these 2, without alienating the fanbase.

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When is the worldwide release expected?

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I can't wait!! I know this will be an epic fight!!

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