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Parasite 2019

Suprisingly good with a fresh script and well made in every level..8.5/10

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great super genial comedy ect. I don't say much just look at this movie like a Big ART the director is fantastic. and the actors are genial interpretation, THE BEST Korean Movie Gold Palm In Cannes Festival 2019. I really recommend this movie with English subtitle s. . On Morpheus you can find them

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absolutely amazing movie it caught me off guard in the first half

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Some scenes are not much realistic, but curiosity got me glued to the movie. Overall, it’s pretty good, but I wish the ending was a happier one.

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Felt like I didn’t get enough of this movie. I can see this as a TV show. 2 hours wasn’t enough to develop all the interesting plot twists. I kind of wish their original plan would go on for longer (at lease see the son get married or his friend come back from abroad).

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Ever been so stunned by a movie that you ended up clapping when the credits started to roll? I have.

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A true example of masterpiece. Amazingly written and brilliantly acted. The twists and turns are so expected yet you still feel that feeling of unexpectedness.

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This was a good movie

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I came to this film way too late, I knew I should have watched it at the peak of it's hype.
More than 4 years later, I have an unrealistic expectation and this film did not meet it.
The acting was wonderful and yes, so too was the cinematography, everything about that was just ab out perfect, however, the ending was a massive let down and ruined the entire build up.
Based purely upon how it ends I would not recommend this movie to anyone, it is a severe disappointment. The only people I would suggest this movie to is anyone that has not heard anything about it, anyone that has never even heard of it, the few people left that can go into it with no preconceived ideas of what they're about to see.

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I am always fascinated by how little many Korean films can be categorized into one specific genre. "Parasite" is a prime example of this; from comedy and drama to social criticism and horror, Bong Joon-ho's Oscar-winning work has it all. And while I have a few issues with the overall tone at times, the film fully deserves its success. The performances are strong, and on a technical level, Bong deserves all the praise he gets. Throughout the film, his direction is excellent. Some lengths in the first half are forgivable because, at the end, it really goes wild. I'm definitely looking forward to the director's next project.

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Watched 10/6/19. Found my old review at 8.6. Phenomenal flick. Really entertaining and gripping art. Was my fave movie of 2019.

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All the characters, with the exception of the rich family, were so hateable.
Ki-woo betrays his friend on the first day of tutoring by getting romantically involved with Da-hye.
Ki-jung lands a great well-paying job too but they still have to go out of their way to ruin the life of other people to get even more.
Surely the income of the two kids combined would've been plenty to support their family.
Meanwhile Park's only "crime" was not liking the smell of bums and being more concerned with the wellbeing of his son in a life or death situation than the life of someone else and he dies for it.
The poor family is just a family of criminals with clearly enough talent to land a normal job ruining the life of everyone else in the movie.

It's hard to find any comedy in a movie where you have so much contempt for the actions of the main characters.
How this is viewed as a great commentary on classism or class issues in general beats me. Overrated movie.

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First viewing - an 8. Second viewing (3 years later) - a 6.

Dropped this down a whole star several years after the first viewing. Don't think it holds up as well in the 2nd or 3rd act. I've never been able to buy into Mr. Kim's big moment in the 3rd act. The flooding scene however is great.

Also more Park So-dam please. She's fantastic.

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If someone can recommend another movie like this. WOW I thought this was a anime at first. Seen the movie and i seen it about 6 times with different people. Everyone so shocked, this movie was so good and i can watch again and again. The story had me waiting to see more and the ending was wild. MUST SEE 10/10

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Shout by Deleted

i have no words... everything feels like a fever dream.

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Deception|Manipulation which lead to horrific crimes.

Characters 9
Story 8
Pacing 8
Visuals 9
Rewatchability Factor 7
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 8
Average Score 8.2

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Such a layered movie packed with engaging twists and turns. I loved how it kept building. That ending was crazy good. The cinematography was of high quality. The performances were all impressive. Overall, this movie was amazing. 9/10 from me.

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Fantastic film. The story doesn’t drag for a second. Sure, it’s a bit hard to believe at some points, but that doesn’t really bother me. Also: some amazing shots and scenes in this, absolutely beautiful. I didn’t really know what to expect going in, but it sure as hell wasn’t this. I say that in the best way possible, of course.

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When I saw it on the movie theater I didn't write my opinion. Now that I just watched it again I simply can say that it is brilliant. The script, the acting, the plot, the direction. Everything is great. How comedy and drama are put together in a very easy way is marvelous. One of the best films of the century.

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nonsense from the plot to the ratings...

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With no plan, nothing can go wrong.

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An uncategorisable masterpiece

Described on its official website as a "pitch-black modern fairy-tale", even a comprehensive plot summary wouldn't adequately delineate Parasite's real nature – part comedy of manners, part social satire, part heist film, part thriller, part horror, part family drama, part farce, part economic treatise, part social realism, part tragedy, part allegory. And that's just the opening scene! It's the Ulysses of cinema, adopting and shedding genres so often and so seamlessly that it effectively becomes its own genre. And, like Ulysses, it's exceptional in just about every way – screenplay, directing, cinematography, mise en scène, editing, production design, sound design, score, acting. There's not a weak link here, in a film that achieves that rarest of things – it lives up to the hype.

For my complete review, please visit:

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I'm actually giving this only 6/10 because I expected more. I expected to feel with the characters. Or learn something from their actions. Or impressive camera work. Or a soundtrack to remember.

With 2 months passed since I saw it I can say: it didn't leave any impression.

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You can peel layers and layers of this movie and still wouldn't reach the center.

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This movie is awesome. Great mix of perfectly executed acting, amazing cinematography, deep and distinguishable characters and an intriguing and unique story that ties all of these together. The music was well done and felt it was appropriate to every scene it was implemented into. Pacing was great and every scene or sequence felt like it had great purpose in either telling the story or diving deeper into the minds of the characters. Bong Joon-ho provides a very funny story with very serious and emotional tones and even including a bit of a heist movie as well. The cast choices are perfect, like most of Song Kang-ho's performances he is able to accurately portray a character in a very believable way. Even upon just watching this film for the first time, I already want to rewatch it. This director has once again created another brilliant film and I cannot wait to see what awaits in his future of Korean cinema.

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in my head this movie is genius

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Acting: 3/3
Cinematography: 3/3
Story: 3/3

Enjoyment: +1

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The original title of the film is Gisaengchung.

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The build up was interesting, though it started to get a little slow during the middle, and then escalated really quickly in a weirdly random way. I was starting to get invested, but the last third of the movie didn't really resonate with me... It felt too rushed & all over the place. I definitely agree with some others that this movie did not meet my expectations from all the hype.

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one of the best movies i've ever seen.

wow, just WOW

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It's an eye-opener movie. Must watch for everyone!!

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the score, the cinematography, the direction, the acting, the editing, the production design - everything is great. and yes im sweating and laughing all movie!

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Bong Joon Ho's Parasite is a captivating and masterfully crafted commentary that is subtle and subversive. Cinematically its gasp-inducing because of its ingenious amalgamation of multiple genres, comedy, thrills, and chills with plot twists. The screenplay is spectacular which starts and ends with the same frame and sensational for the rest of the movie. A true masterpiece depicting the intricate details of class conflict. MUST WATCH.

Telegram : @streamgenx
Full Reviews :

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I had no real idea what this movie was about (which is how I prefer to watch most movies), other than that it won some big awards. I was however, under the impression this was more of a horror movie.

Boy was I surprised. Turns out it was very much a black comedy. And quite enjoyable.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This movie brilliantly captures the (more and more impossible) fight of the lower class to raise up the ladder. I especially loved the huge contrast between the two worlds which becomes stronger and stronger as events unfold. This eventually leads to a dramatic finale. However, Kim's final decision was too exaggerated, in my opinion, even though it makes for some good action.

The first part, when their master "plan" is playing out well, is quite funny. There was an underlying tension throughout the movie as it is unclear if and how things would go haywire. Despite its length, I was never bored. And there is also an unexpected twist halfway into the film. The cinematography is very good and the actors play well. I can understand that this movie won its prices.

Finally, The viewer is left wondering whether Ki-woo will manage to get rich and free his (still living) father. I doubt it, though.

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What's left to say? Thematically flawless, it's a modern day fairy tale, each scene building upon its message. Each of the cast is remarkable, but special mention to So-dam with a charming and endearing performance both despite and because of her character's harsh and wry outer shell, Song for a role that builds to a horrifying and cathartic crescendo all at once, and Myung-heun who is better seen than described. The message of how capitalism warps and distances us all, and how trying to win by its rules only brings suffering, is universal, and there are scenes that I will remember for a long time. They struck my soul. Funny, tear jerking, thrilling, Parasite has it all.

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Is this like the anime?

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i'm no fan of the Korean or similar cinema, so i watch it just because of the buzz and so many times the buzz comes from artistic cinema lovers or pretentious wannabes. But boy this was just superb, fantastic cinematography, music, tense, story which gives so much to the viewer and 2 hours are not enough. Brilliant in so many levels. A movie that should be on a bucket list.

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Everything is great about this movie, save for some elements in the ending that weren’t believable at all. Nevertheless, the acting was flawless and I had years to watch a movie with such an original and “different” plot.

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Shout by Deleted

I am mixed by this film, altough i really enjoyed it, and found a lot of things that made this film, you know, good. But my problem with the film is kinda strange and i cant really explain it easily, is like when i watched portrait on a lady on fire the first time, i knew this was good, but i just couldnt love it, or give it the 10/10 that it is.

It is stil a dope ass movie, but just, i dont know. I guess i just didnt found the characters as good as others or maybe i just dont know shit about films, who knows.

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What a great movie plot!

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I have absolutely no doubts in my mind why this movie won the Best Picture Oscar. Everything about it was impeccable.

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It sure does provoke some thought. I have a lot of respect for the film but personally I think the rating is a little over hyped and I'm not sure where it's really coming from. It gives you a little of each character but for me it was not enough to be involved with any in particular. The acting was fine, the message was good from my perception, a little fuzzy what actually happened to the sister since there is no footage involving her at the end of the film. Would I watch it again? No, I would not. 7/10.

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Parasite: It gets under your skin, sucks away the toxic memory of all the bad films you have seen, and burrows itself into your consciousness, where it threatens to stay forever. A brilliant film, and one that is deserving of the awards it has received.

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I would not say that the cinematography/acting or directing was extraordinary but the story definitely compensated for any shortcomings of this film.

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money is the root of all evil. when you have it you want more when you don't have it you'll do anything to get it. Greed nomatter which way you look at it. The most powerful enough thing to come between families next to drugs and the one thing in todays world you can't live without.

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Parasite was in no way anything like what I expected. I don’t know why I thought it would be horror, but it’s not. It’s a genuinely entertaining black comedy thriller.

A few of its sequences are stunningly presented, and it manages to be truly funny while also having quite a lot to say.

Like many of its genre, it’s at its best in the early setup and its (excellent) payoff, but it never felt truly slow, nor was I ever disinterested. Parasite is a movie I can’t recommend enough, and one best enjoyed with as little prior detail as possible.

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Well ending was f'ed up

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Most amazing movie of this decade till now. It thought it was because of Hollywood was forced for Asian relevance and due to which they give Oscar to them. I'm wrong completely this movie needs twice the oscars for twisting my stomach a lot.
Amazing acting , story and directing.

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Shout by Deleted

Im not fan pf korrean movie but that movie was to good

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How can you live in a place like this?

Well, lots of people live underground.

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Parasite (Black & White) is like walking around a city you love at night for the first time. The black & white makes the film feel more intimate and brings out the relief in a few scenes that slipped under my radar in my 2 previous cinema viewings. Basically, it's as good an excuse as any to see Parasite again.

Now let's see a colorized version of The Lighthouse!

Parasite (1st viewing) > Parasite (B&W, 3rd viewing) > Parasite (2nd viewing)

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Shout by Deleted

A well done movie for sure. But nothing special. 7 from me. My guess the US audience finds it so fresh because they are not watching many foreign movies or shows in general.

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I would have given this a 10, but it is not a perfect movie, but it is darn near perfect. Just enough humor to cut the seriousness of it all.

So well written and acted. A definite pleasure to see in this age of sequels and unoriginal screenplays.

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Amazing! The flow of this movie is something you have to see!

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Really well made and a cracking script.

Theres a small twist towards the end that isn't a surprise. But the overall feel of the film is excellent. A feast for the eyes and the mind as it all unfolds.

It's not a great fil. It's just a really well made one. Could I see myself rewatching, not in the medium term.


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Amazing movie .. love it all

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I aam going to watch it a second time so very good movie
Extra-ordnarie very well done from actors , decoration set; scenario super original
you will not loose your time watching it enjoy :)

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Shout by Deleted

A really pleasant surprise. Had so many surprises in the story and the performances were really good.

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easily one of the best movies of 2019, top 5 contender

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Sooner or later life verifies every plan.

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Shout by Deleted

Yikes! that sequence where the flat is submerged in rain water is just devastating.

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Light and easy to 'consume', yet deep and hard to 'comprehend'.

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This is quite a tour de force, scooping up all the prizes in this award season (so far). It begins as a comedy of circumstance but takes a decided turn into some unexpected genres. The story is surprising and multi-layered. Your allegiances will shift throughout. The acting is superb. It may take a minute to accustom yourself to subtitles, but you will soon forget you are reading. I give this film a 9 (superb) out of 10. [Comedy, Thriller, Drama, even Social Commentary].

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Listen this movie is easily one of the best I have ever seen. Everyone needs to see this movie! Judge for yourself

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Masterful filmmaking. Using the medium very effectively in every aspect. Hope it wins the best picture Oscar, but given how lame and insular and corrupt the Academy is I am not holding my breath.

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For me, it did not live up to expectations.

It's a movie full of sociopaths. The protagonists most of all. Also, they are oddly confident and competent as scam artists to the point it makes me wonder why they were never able to scam their way into another job before.

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Amazing! A kind of dark feeling, a mixing of emotions, caused by dramatic atmospheric changings, from a primeval human instincts of "family", to a haunted and also primeval instincts of individuality surviving... Such a "collective loneliness"... Whatever, great!

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Watch it multiple times so that you really understand what the message in the movie is. For me, this movie was magnificent. 9/10

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10 - Totally Ninja!

Okay so a friend recommended this to me saying it was an amazing movie and damn were they right. Such great characters!

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The story of upstairs and downstairs..

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Parasite’:

  1. Wow. Just wow. Super original and exceeded all my expectations.
  2. Whyyy couldn’t the people in the basement come to an understanding with the family?! It totally could’ve been a win-win. So tragic.
  3. Creepy to think whoever lives in that house will have a secret tenant. Hopefully Ki-woo’s plans work out one day.
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Definitely worth watching until the ending, then you'll change your mind.

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It's an interesting movie but don't expect to much, watch it with an open mind.

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The biggest surprise of the year. I went to watch the movie without knowing very well what I was going to find, and I left delighted. The artistic direction is 10/10, and the mix of drama, comedy and thriller make the two hours and peak that the movie lasts by flying. Totally recommended.

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I really enjoyed the movie. It's funny, serious and thoughtful all at once. It expects you to trust the story and the symbols. It's a pretty movie too with an awesome score. I have some confusions about some decisions but overall I really enjoyed it. Definitely gonna rewatch asap

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unique !! was't expected at all Loved it

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I loved the movie
it was so touching and sad
the only problem i got with it was the ending.
I just didn't like how everything seemed to work out at the end. there's no happy ending in that life

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Fantastically shot with clever camera positions and well thought out set design. Joon Ho's latest was awarded the Palm D'Or at Cannes and you can see why. His previous films have had something to say about societal structures, norms and practices. This is no different with issues if materialism / class boundaries at play. There's also nods to South Korea's relationship with the North and the USA.

There are a couple of moments that rely on the viewer suspending their belief (the final act is a bit much) but the film isn't supposed to be a literal tale - more a figurative piece. The direction of this film is absolutely magical, even if the sum of it's parts doesn't quite live up to the hype.

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