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Parasite 2019


Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-08-21T02:48:04Z— updated 2019-11-16T21:10:01Z

It starts off fine. It's well made and interesting. Then it progressively gets better and better until I was yelling near the end. It's not often that a movie surprised me so much but this was fantastic. One of the best of the year.

Edit: Even better after a rewatch. Incredibly well made. The production design on that house is amazing. It's shot beautifully. The story is bonkers and set up so well. The acting is fantastic.

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It was fascinating and totaly engrossing from beginning to end. It is too hard to get bored even a second !

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I've been postponing "Parasite" since I first started to read some comments about it, about how incredible it was, the genius kind of piece it represented, etc. My expectations usually get too high and I start avoiding the film (because I'm too scared to break those expectations, yes).
Now that I finally watched it, I feel bad for missing out for so very long. It IS a genius kind of piece. Damn! I'm mesmerized.

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Shout by schmenky
BlockedParent2020-02-07T22:38:15Z— updated 2020-09-20T19:45:10Z


2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
.5 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

.5 / 1 misc (FUCK YEAH!!)

10 / 10

(2nd viewing)
2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

1 / 1 misc (awesome)

11 / 10

This isn't my favorite movie, but after watching it twice I cannot find anything wrong with it, or anything to improve on. Amazing movie

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Shout by Raphaël Donier
BlockedParent2019-11-05T21:09:01Z— updated 2019-11-22T21:46:24Z

One of my best Movie, The script is so good & original new & so well played . You will have great fun watching this movies...

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it'# very Nice to see jokerS fans crying hahahhaha

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2019-12-20T19:03:20Z— updated 2020-02-26T17:52:20Z

PARASITE explores the survival instinct and the centuries-long clash of the classes in one of the most unconventional ways in cinema history; the plot follows a street-smart family taking hold of a wealthy family using lies and pretentions with brutal consequences leading to an unimaginable twist. From the very beginning, PARASITE is a tale of greed embued in the worst aspects of the social classes with a selection of brilliantly written characters, raw acting and excellent locations; this is a story that goes into extremely dark places when the plot reveals a shocking twist, but in the end, that very same darkness that surrounds this story creates a macabre masterpiece and one of the best films of 2019 and hell, even the decade.

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Me watching Parasite twice and then thinking about it is to continually give side-eye to Joker. Every issue I had with Phillips's bungle (and I have plenty) is presented brilliantly and effortlessly with this masterwork of class commentary. Darkly funny, shockingly thrilling, and the ending is a doozy. If you haven't seen Parasite yet, you have done yourself a tremendous disservice. This is the film of the year. Period.

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Not only a freaking GREAT movie, PARASITE (2019) it's also MIRACULOUS.
I still can't believe my mother actually stayed awake watching avidly the screen. Usually she's asleep 20 minutes into any kind of movie lol

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A wonderfully horrific movie about the differences in class between two similar yet completely different families. At some points, you don't know who you should be rooting for, and that's what makes this movie so interesting.

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There is no movie on Earth better than this one. I mean it. Nobody ever made a film like this before, this is more than a masterpiece, this is more than a simple movie.

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30 minutes passed since the end of the credits and I'm still out of myself, I can't find words to describe what I'm feeling
This is truly a piece of art.

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I hate that there's a word limit here because my only review is shouting the word "WHAT"

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Got into it with no expectations whatsoever, and was pleased to find out just how great a film it turned out to be! Funny, clever AND thrilling, this one ticks all the right boxes for me.

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completely deserved the oscars it got, amazing film in every way. never would've expected two of my favorite films to be from korea but here we are.

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Just wanted to update my comment that this is now one of my fave films of all time and gets better and better with every watch.

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This the most realistic picture I ever saw.
The ending was unexpected and the title summarizes the story pretty well.

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It's as if Hitchcock adapted Shakespeare. Except this is an original screenplay. A masterpiece.

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Incredible. A must watch movie!

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.It's magnificent and has a really deserved Oscar. I would have given the american Oscar to the Joker and only the international one to this movie, but I don't know why Hollywood has decided to move away one Oscar. Maybe 'cause its political content I guess, because the Joker calls to violent revolution and this one is like more "intellectual" and submissive by the rich ones' eyes. However, this movie is really awesome and deserves its medals.

The story is really original, very well developped and the exposition is brilliant, like old Spanish written comedies. It amazes me the most how rawly, clearly and ironicly but subtly it exposes the social class diferences between families to the point that one family is able to support three families and even don't care about it. Moreover, it has a lot of poetry, like when they're drowned in that, the walk back to hell... And I really liked the end, it's really original and gets someone confused.

To me, a totally ten. Direct to my collection.

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You'll never see it coming. Seriously. It deserved the Oscar for Best Picture. It's just one of those movies, acting, storyline, setting, costumes, everything. Perfect.

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It's Really A masterpiece,The movie contain Great story And massage about life,I Really liked it

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Masterful filmmaking. Using the medium very effectively in every aspect. H

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A magnificent masterpiece of a motion picture.

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This movie definitly deserves all the praise it's getting, especially for it's remarkable story but all the other aspects of the movie were on point, would recommend 10/10

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Parasite is an extraordinary film.

A metamorphose tale that is comedic, dark, witty, melancholy, symbolic, gory, thought-provoking, beautiful, exquisite, passionate, honest, and personal, all at once.

Reminded me a lot about the film, US. Bong Joon-ho has built an art.

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Loved it. Definitely worth watching!

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The best movie that i saw this year

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"An urgent, brilliantly layered look at timely social themes."

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great super genial comedy ect. I don't say much just look at this movie like a Big ART the director is fantastic. and the actors are genial interpretation, THE BEST Korean Movie Gold Palm In Cannes Festival 2019. I really recommend this movie with English subtitle s. . On Morpheus you can find them

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*Stunning Director and writer Bong Joon-ho did an excellent work driving the times of the movie. Every transisson is more dramatic than the other without especting. Perfect work. Also, the main idea the film wants to transmist kept really deep inside of me in a rude way. This movie totally did it! Palme d'or at Cannes totally deserve!

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absolutely amazing movie it caught me off guard in the first half

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If someone can recommend another movie like this. WOW I thought this was a anime at first. Seen the movie and i seen it about 6 times with different people. Everyone so shocked, this movie was so good and i can watch again and again. The story had me waiting to see more and the ending was wild. MUST SEE 10/10

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Shout by Deleted

i have no words... everything feels like a fever dream.

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Such a layered movie packed with engaging twists and turns. I loved how it kept building. That ending was crazy good. The cinematography was of high quality. The performances were all impressive. Overall, this movie was amazing. 9/10 from me.

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When I saw it on the movie theater I didn't write my opinion. Now that I just watched it again I simply can say that it is brilliant. The script, the acting, the plot, the direction. Everything is great. How comedy and drama are put together in a very easy way is marvelous. One of the best films of the century.

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You can peel layers and layers of this movie and still wouldn't reach the center.

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in my head this movie is genius

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Acting: 3/3
Cinematography: 3/3
Story: 3/3

Enjoyment: +1

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one of the best movies i've ever seen.

wow, just WOW

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the score, the cinematography, the direction, the acting, the editing, the production design - everything is great. and yes im sweating and laughing all movie!

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What's left to say? Thematically flawless, it's a modern day fairy tale, each scene building upon its message. Each of the cast is remarkable, but special mention to So-dam with a charming and endearing performance both despite and because of her character's harsh and wry outer shell, Song for a role that builds to a horrifying and cathartic crescendo all at once, and Myung-heun who is better seen than described. The message of how capitalism warps and distances us all, and how trying to win by its rules only brings suffering, is universal, and there are scenes that I will remember for a long time. They struck my soul. Funny, tear jerking, thrilling, Parasite has it all.

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I have absolutely no doubts in my mind why this movie won the Best Picture Oscar. Everything about it was impeccable.

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Most amazing movie of this decade till now. It thought it was because of Hollywood was forced for Asian relevance and due to which they give Oscar to them. I'm wrong completely this movie needs twice the oscars for twisting my stomach a lot.
Amazing acting , story and directing.

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Shout by Deleted

Im not fan pf korrean movie but that movie was to good

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I aam going to watch it a second time so very good movie
Extra-ordnarie very well done from actors , decoration set; scenario super original
you will not loose your time watching it enjoy :)

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Listen this movie is easily one of the best I have ever seen. Everyone needs to see this movie! Judge for yourself

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Masterful filmmaking. Using the medium very effectively in every aspect. Hope it wins the best picture Oscar, but given how lame and insular and corrupt the Academy is I am not holding my breath.

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10 - Totally Ninja!

Okay so a friend recommended this to me saying it was an amazing movie and damn were they right. Such great characters!

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The story of upstairs and downstairs..

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2019-05-28T21:39:13Z— updated 2021-08-29T08:56:36Z

Seeing a film that's won the Palme d'or at Cannes or Best Picture Oscar is like drinking a bottle of ridiculously expensive wine: with every sip you ask yourself over and over again if it deserves the price. Fortunately, Parasite is so good you won't be drinking very long because you'll be drunk on its power soon enough.

A film that crosses genres so many times it leaves a permanent mark, Parasite is a clever story performed wonderfully and directed to perfection.

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got in with no expectations, got out with Parasite as one of the best movies I saw this year !

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Shout by BaSsOo7
BlockedParent2019-11-10T00:48:00Z— updated 2019-11-23T19:46:17Z

Felt happy, felt sad, felt sorry, felt mad! And most importantly, for having watched this movie, felt glad.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-08-09T14:04:19Z— updated 2022-03-13T09:13:14Z

I loved the majority of this film, but also found the climax to be a little off.
After the first act, you’ll be completely aware of the kind of movie that you’re watching.
In my mind, I found the story and character arcs to be very comparable to something like The Wolf of Wallstreet , for example, but with the themes of something like Us.
The only problem with this film for me is the big climax.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with Ki-Taek’s family being condemned for the fact that they’re shitheads , but the Tarantino-esque bloodbath scene didn’t fit this movie, at all.
It does so in concept, but not in terms of tone.
A real shame, because the first 110 minutes of it are flawless, and show all of Bong Joon-Ho’s talents on full display.


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A relatively simple, low-key racket spirals way out of control as an impoverished lower class Korean family smoothly weasels their way into the lives of a wealthy, naive, white collar household.

Unpredictably composed, Parasite effortlessly shifts between several genres, evenly mixing comedy with tragedy and several stops in between. Of the versatile tools in that particular box, the film's at its best on the frequent occasions that it ratchets up the tension. I constantly caught myself holding in a deep breath, completely immersed in the moment and conflicted about the best possible outcome. Not all of those nail-biters lead to fireworks, and the film is careful not to overplay its hand, so that, when the time is right, those inevitable explosions land like a flurry of unexpected body blows.

Its first hour is captivating, as the leeches' shady plot comes together and their long con gains momentum, but the home stretch, with its string of sharp curves and grim consequences, is unrestrained chaos in the best of ways. One helluva ride.

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In my opinion, this movie is best enjoyed without reading a synopsis and with no expectations going in.

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Wow. This is a masterpiece. This is probably the best thriller of the decade. Some scenes had me thinking “What just happened”. The acting is fantastic. It is brilliantly directed by Boon Joon Ho. The writing is great and so is the cinematography. The is one of the best movies of the year and of the decade. Overall it’s a great movie that you will never forget.

(9 out of 10)

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The best comedy thriller I've ever seen. Comedy thriller, haha xd

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Interesting concept on social commentary. Coming from a ‘Western’ perspective, it appears that life in South Korea follows a common thread where striving points towards common goals desired by most people.

I wonder what the balance is for people being critical > being gentle. Currently, I imagine both is fine but the ultimate conclusion should have love and gentleness

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Deserved Oscar Winner. Definitely not the best movie of all time, not even the best korean movie, but it has a powerful story with a nice ending. Just one thing that is not logical: how in the hell nobody knows about the room under the house, I mean the rich daughter was there at the end with Kevin laying in front of it, now way she didn't see this

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The story looks very simple but it takes you from top level to bottom level in just a minute,so you can have very different feelings at the same time like a real life. WATCH AND SEE !!!

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Loveable and especially relatable characters woven into a story that never lose focus. It's sharp, intelligent, full of twists and backed by perfect acting. Its take on South Korean slums invites us on a journey that might look distant at first, but which feels closer and more authentic than most Hollywood pieces.

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Very well deserved Oscar. The cultural differences were obvious from the start, yet a great movie with amazing actors and cinematography on point nonetheless, I believe everyone can enjoy it. Congrats!

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i remember watching the trailer for this movie a while back, and than being like "...what". Cut to a few months later, i have now watched the movie and im still like "...what". Go into this movie without knowing anything. You'll have a fun time. Finished this one at 5:54PM. im probably going go watch the trailer again. This movie was great.

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Easily top 5 of the year, haven't seen The Lighthouse yet though. Not quite as good as Memories of Murder, but it's close.

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A genre-mixing analysis on social class and wealth. What begins as a simple dark comedy morphs quickly into a dread-filled horror/thriller/drama that analyses the current 1/99% split of wealth in modern society. Imagery and themes abound, much to ponder and thumb through on subsequent viewings. Great film making.

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A real-life nalibiter. This movie kept me on the edge of seat for the entire runtime.

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86 | The poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer. Here I am still halfway climbing with a fear to fall.

25%: 2.5
50%: 3
75%: 3
100%: 2
Total × 7.3 = 76.65

1st favorite character:
Ki-Woo (2)

2nd favorite character:
Kim Ki-taek (2)

3rd favorite character:
Yeon-kyo (2)

Cinematography: 2.5

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the story is good and visually it is much better, the ending is sad but realistic at a certain point.

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This movie is on a whole other level. The writing is really well done and it gets you to think hard.

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Throughout this movie I could barely stand it, in the good way. I don't even know how to describe it. At the 'high point' when the rich family comes home early from camping I was shaking so hard my cat got off my lap in disgust and my sibling flinched and knocked our folding table down, haha. In terms of building tension and engagement this movie is perfect, in terms of surprises that still make logical and emotional sense, this movie is perfect. The themes about classism come through strong too. With all its elements it almost feels packed overly full honestly. It makes me want to watch it scene by scene rather than all at once!

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Ki-Taek: They are rich but still nice.
Chung-sook: They are nice because they are rich.

The trailer to this movie does not give anything away, and that makes me super happy because wow, this movie caught me off guard. Beautiful cinematography, intense moments and a great cast. Also I need a bowl of ram-don... NOW!

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WHACK WHACK WHACK! I loved every minute of this bad boy. The way everyone was talking about it, I thought it was going to be a horror, but I was so pleasantly surprised at the comedic thriller it actually is. I was laughing and yelling and gasping the entire time. I'm so glad it swept everyone at the Oscars; this movie deserved all of it.

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It took me almost 2h to get why it won the Oscar. In the end I think I got it. Still, the movie is realistic, funny, mad and a little bit sad.

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Despite the immense praise given, my expectations were low going into the viewing of this film. It had garnered so much praise that I assumed, like many films this happens to, that it was going to be heavily overrated. I have never been more wrong about a film in my life.

This movie was utterly fantastic. Beautifully shot, well directed and the casting and acting was spot on. It is very rare for me to be that surprised about a movie, and yet Joon-ho destroyed every expectation I had and had me walking away knowing I had just watched a masterpiece.

Well done to all involved in gifting us this gem.

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It's metaphorical!
Watch it twice because you'll miss the subtle nuances.
Plans never go as planned. That's all I will say.

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Shout by DimblesTheDan
BlockedParent2020-01-15T01:53:37Z— updated 2020-02-03T23:55:27Z


Edit: Ok I've watch Parasite a 2nd time, this time in a Cinema, after further revision I have come to realisation that I STILL HAVE NO FUCKING WORDS

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Another masterpiece by Bong Joon-ho. At different times it reminded me of both Tarantino and Hitchcock. I also love the way that the story played out. As the first third of the movie ends you start to get a feel for where you think the movie is going. And then something occurred to me - the title of the film is important but maybe not in the way that it seems.

And the final scene.... magnificent. While the rest of the film did't require you to chew on too much the final scene left you something to think about.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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My 2nd top fave this year....

Just after one cut of the dead...

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Not my favorite from Bong (at least for now), but this certainly solidifies, if you weren’t yet convinced, that Bong Joon-ho truly is a generational talent, both when it comes to writing and directing. In my opinion, the twenty first century so far belongs to him.

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Wow lots to unpack about this one. Best to go in blind so I won't wax poetic on the film. But great cinematography, attention to detail and amazing acting. I need to reconfigure my Top 5 of 2019 and perhaps even change up the number one spot.

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A phenomenal film. Flows perfectly, is shot perfectly, a great cast with great performances, a story that is not twisting for the sake of it but still feels surprising.

I've liked Bong Joon-ho's previous films, but this one floored me in particular. Definitely worth a watch at minimum.

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Suprisingly good with a fresh script and well made in every level..8.5/10

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Ever been so stunned by a movie that you ended up clapping when the credits started to roll? I have.

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A true example of masterpiece. Amazingly written and brilliantly acted. The twists and turns are so expected yet you still feel that feeling of unexpectedness.

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Watched 10/6/19. Found my old review at 8.6. Phenomenal flick. Really entertaining and gripping art. Was my fave movie of 2019.

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With no plan, nothing can go wrong.

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An uncategorisable masterpiece

Described on its official website as a "pitch-black modern fairy-tale", even a comprehensive plot summary wouldn't adequately delineate Parasite's real nature – part comedy of manners, part social satire, part heist film, part thriller, part horror, part family drama, part farce, part economic treatise, part social realism, part tragedy, part allegory. And that's just the opening scene! It's the Ulysses of cinema, adopting and shedding genres so often and so seamlessly that it effectively becomes its own genre. And, like Ulysses, it's exceptional in just about every way – screenplay, directing, cinematography, mise en scène, editing, production design, sound design, score, acting. There's not a weak link here, in a film that achieves that rarest of things – it lives up to the hype.

For my complete review, please visit:

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This movie is awesome. Great mix of perfectly executed acting, amazing cinematography, deep and distinguishable characters and an intriguing and unique story that ties all of these together. The music was well done and felt it was appropriate to every scene it was implemented into. Pacing was great and every scene or sequence felt like it had great purpose in either telling the story or diving deeper into the minds of the characters. Bong Joon-ho provides a very funny story with very serious and emotional tones and even including a bit of a heist movie as well. The cast choices are perfect, like most of Song Kang-ho's performances he is able to accurately portray a character in a very believable way. Even upon just watching this film for the first time, I already want to rewatch it. This director has once again created another brilliant film and I cannot wait to see what awaits in his future of Korean cinema.

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Bong Joon Ho's Parasite is a captivating and masterfully crafted commentary that is subtle and subversive. Cinematically its gasp-inducing because of its ingenious amalgamation of multiple genres, comedy, thrills, and chills with plot twists. The screenplay is spectacular which starts and ends with the same frame and sensational for the rest of the movie. A true masterpiece depicting the intricate details of class conflict. MUST WATCH.

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